5:1–12 Jesus introduces His Sermon on the Mount with nine beatitudes that detail the future blessedness of His disciples. These promised blessings are God’s gracious gifts to those who repent of their sins and trust Christ for righteousness. Only after Jesus has assured His disciples of God’s goodness to them does He call on them, in the rest of His sermon, to be good and do good. When we recognize our own spiritual poverty, when the Lord leads us to hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness, when He makes us pure in heart so that we seek to worship only the true God, then we are blessed, now and forever. • Gracious Savior, keep my eyes ever focused on You and Your blessings, which are mine by grace alone. Amen.
5:1-12 耶稣用九句“有福”的开始他的登山宝训,详细说明了祂的门徒将要领受的祝福。这些应许的祝福是上帝对那些悔改并倚靠基督得着义的人的恩赐。耶稣只有在确保祂的门徒明白上帝对他们的良善旨意之后,祂才在宝训的其余部分呼吁他们做好人好事。当我们认识到自己灵性的贫乏,当主引导我们饥渴地寻求上帝的义,当祂使我们的心灵纯洁好让我们去唯独敬拜真神,那么我们就有福了,从现在到永远。- 仁慈的救主啊,请让我的眼睛永远专注于你和你的祝福上,这些祝福之所以属于我是唯独出于你的恩典。阿们。
5:13–16 Words without deeds are like salt that has become useless or like a light put under a basket. The words we speak in praise of our heavenly Father need the support of our deeds. Jesus wants us to witness by both words and deeds, even as God bears witness that He is our Father when He calls us His children. • Lord Jesus, help me to be good salt and a shining light wherever I am. Amen.
5:13-16 没有行动的言语就像失去作用的盐,或者像放在斗篷下面的灯。我们赞美天父的话语需要我们行为相伴。耶稣要我们用言语和行动来做见证,甚至就像上帝自己作见证一样,上帝称呼我们是祂的儿女,祂作我们的天父(并且如此行动)。- 主耶稣,请帮助我成为好的盐,无论我在哪里都能成为闪亮的光。阿们。
5:17–20 The scribes and Pharisees read and study the Law and the Prophets. They accept the fact that “Scripture cannot be broken” (Jn 10:35), but they do not believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Scriptures (cf Jn 5:39). They seek to achieve righteousness by keeping the Law, for which they have a high regard. But Jesus goes on to point out just how defective their righteousness really is (vv 21–48). “Christ takes the Law into His hands and explains it spiritually” (FC SD V 10). When judged by the true intent of God’s Law, our righteousness is likewise defective. Only in Christ do we have true righteousness. • Jesus, when I read and study the Scriptures, help me to see my sin and to see You, my Savior. Amen.
5:17-20 文士和法利赛人研读律法和先知书。他们接受 “经上的话是不能废的”(约10:35)这一事实,但他们不相信耶稣来是要成就圣经所见证的(参见约5:39)。他们试图通过遵守律法来获得义,因为他们确实对律法有很高的评价。但耶稣继续指出他们的义是多么的有缺陷(第21-48节)。”基督把律法拿在手里,从属灵方面解释它”(协同式全文第五条款第十节)。当以神的律法的真正意图来判断时,我们的义也同样是有缺陷的。只有在基督里,我们才有真正的义。- 耶稣,当我研读圣经的时候,请帮助我看到我的罪,看到你,我的救主。阿们。
5:21–26 Jesus teaches that not only murder but also anger makes one liable to the hell of fire. He urges His disciples to energetically seek reconciliation with fellow believers who might be vexed with them. This stern preaching of the Law causes us to take stock of our own behavior and to confess that we often, through sinful anger, fall. Our only hope for salvation is to trust the reconciliation that Christ accomplished by His sacrificial death (cf 2Co 5:19). Having been reconciled to God, we may be reconciled with one another. • Mighty Judge, cover my outbursts of sinful anger with the embrace of Your reconciling peace. Amen.
5:21-26 耶稣教导说,不仅是谋杀,而且愤怒也会使人跌进地狱火坑。祂敦促自己的门徒要积极寻求与他们发生争执的信徒和解。毫无保留地宣讲律法使我们审视自己的行为,并承认我们经常因为有罪的愤怒而跌倒。我们得救的唯一希望是信靠基督通过祂的献祭和死亡所完成的和解(参见林后5:19)。在与神和好之后,我们可以彼此和好。- 全能的审判者,请使我拥抱你那促成和解的平安,并用这平安遮盖我罪恶愤怒的爆发。阿们。
5:27–30 The question asked in Pr 6:27 depicts the dangers that arise from lustful intentions: “Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned?” Christ wants us to exhibit sexual purity in our inner thoughts as well as our outward deeds. When we are guilty of sexual sins, Christ calls us to repentance and faith, to look to His cross for pardon and cleansing. • “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps 51:10). Amen.
5:27-30 箴言6:27所问的问题描绘了因淫乱的意图而产生的危险: “人若兜火在怀中,他的衣服岂能不烧着呢?” 基督希望我们在内心的想法和外在的行为中都能表现出性方面的纯洁。当我们犯了性方面的罪时,基督呼唤我们悔改和信靠祂,向祂的十字架寻求赦免和洁净。- “神啊,求你为我造清洁的心, 使我里面重新有正直的灵。”(诗51:10)。阿们。
5:31–32 Jesus condemns the easy divorce practices of His day that resulted in adulterous relationships. He teaches that the sacred union of marriage is lifelong. Jesus’ authoritative teaching concerning divorce has often been violated, as have His teachings about other sins (cf vv 21–42). As God’s children, we all need Jesus’ teaching and encouragement to let our lights shine as we faithfully fulfill our marriage vows and honor the vows of others. The child of God who is guilty of a sinful divorce has the assurance that Jesus bore this sin also. • Lord Jesus, take away our sin. Be the cord that binds together Christian wives and husbands. Amen.
5:31-32 耶稣谴责祂那个时代随便离婚的做法,这些做法导致了通奸淫乱的关系。祂教导说,婚姻的神圣结合是终生的。耶稣关于离婚的权威性教导经常被违背,就像祂关于其他罪的教导所遭遇的一样(参看第21-42节)。作为神的儿女,我们都需要耶稣的教导和鼓励,好让我们的光能够照耀他人,若我们忠实地履行我们的婚姻誓言并尊重他人的誓言,就是我们在发光了。若神的儿女在离婚上犯了罪,那么他或她仍然有上帝的确据,那就是耶稣也承担了这个罪。- 主耶稣,请挪去我们的罪。成为我们的“绳索”,牢靠地维系基督徒妻子和丈夫的合一。阿们。
5:33–37 Jesus tells His disciples not to take an oath at all, expressing a general rule of conduct for them. The bottom line for Jesus is truthfulness. When believers lie or exaggerate commitment, they are not letting their light shine. This rule applies especially when believers converse with fellow Christians. However, there may be times when Christians will be asked to take an oath in their earthly affairs or contacts with governing authorities. Out of loving consideration for this request, Christians may comply. Thanks be to God that He vowed to save us (cf Ti 1:2) and fulfilled that vow by His Son’s life, death, and resurrection for our salvation. • Lord Jesus, help me speak the truth in all my conversations and testimony. Amen.
5:33-37 耶稣告诉祂的门徒根本就不要发誓,给他们一个广泛的行为准则。耶稣给出的底线是信实。当信徒撒谎或夸大承诺时,他们就没有让自己的光芒闪耀。这条规则尤其适用于信徒与基督徒同伴的交谈。然而,有时基督徒可能会被要求在世俗事务中或与政府部门有业务往来时宣誓。若带着爱心考量这一要求,那么基督徒可以遵守。感谢上帝,祂发了誓要拯救我们(参见提1:2),并通过祂儿子的生、死和复活为我们的救赎实现这一誓言。- 主耶稣,请帮助我在所有的谈话和见证中说真话。阿们。
5:38–42 Jesus instructs His disciples not to resist evil people, a teaching that has provoked much debate over the centuries. As with some other statements Jesus made in this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, there is a degree of exaggeration in what He says. We need to grasp His essential point. Jesus provokes self-examination in every Christian’s heart: have I always been generous in sharing with the needy, whether they are good or evil? Jesus was totally generous in giving His life for us. In Him, we receive forgiveness and renewal. • Show me Your face, dear Jesus, in the hurting eyes of the needy, that I may help them as You helped me. Amen.
5:38-42 耶稣指示祂的门徒不要抵制恶人,这一教导在以往的世纪中引起了许多争论。正如耶稣在登山宝训的这一段落所做的其他一些陈述那样,祂所说的有一定程度的夸张。我们需要把握住祂的基本观点。耶稣在每个基督徒的心中激起了自我反省:我是否一直慷慨地与有需要的人分享,无论他们是善是恶?耶稣为我们献出了自己的生命,是完全慷慨的。在祂里面,我们得到了宽恕和更新。- 亲爱的耶稣,让我从有需要的人那受伤的眼睛里看到你的脸,使我可以像你帮助我一样帮助他们。阿们。
5:43–48 When we contemplate the six authoritative teachings of Jesus in vv 21–48, we must agree with Luther’s verdict: “At this point you will discover how hard it is to do the good works God commands. . . . You will find out that you will be occupied with the practice of this work for the rest of your life” (AE 44:109). Some people, when confronted with the strict demands of the Law, will whittle off a point here, another there. They suggest that we do the best we can, and God will be satisfied. But God demands perfection, which sinners cannot achieve (cf Rm 7:21–25; 1Tm 1:15). Our perfection is in Christ alone. As God’s redeemed people, Jesus declares that we are salt of the earth and light of the world. • Heavenly Father, though I often fall short of Your perfection, forgive my sins for Jesus’ sake, and strengthen me for greater service. Amen.
5:43-48 当我们思考第21-48节中耶稣的六个权威性教导时,我们必须同意路德的判断:”到这个时候,你会发现做上帝所命令的善事是多么的困难。. . . 你会发现,你的余生都将忙于实践这一善事”(路德文集美国版 44:109)。有些人在面对律法的严格要求时,会在这里减去一点,在那里再减去一点。他们建议说若我们尽力而为,上帝一定会满意的。但上帝要求完美,这是罪人无法达到的(参见罗 7:21-25; 提前 1:15)。我们的完美只在基督里。作为上帝救赎的子民,耶稣宣布说我们是地上的盐,是世界的光。- 天父,虽然我经常亏缺你要求的完美,但请为耶稣的缘故赦免我的罪,并赐我力量去做更大的服事。阿们。
6:1–4 Jesus calls us to hide our good works when we are tempted to show them. Our works must glorify the Father. The only blessing that counts is the one received from His generous hand. His grace perfects even the least of our good works. • Loving Father, may my giving to the needy always bring You glory. Amen.
6:1-4当我们受试探要显摆我们的善行的时候,主耶稣却呼召我们要隐藏我们所做的善行。我们的善行必须是为了荣耀天父。唯一有价值的祝福是从祂慷慨的手中领受的。祂的恩典甚至补全了我们最小的善行。- 慈爱的天父,愿我对有需要的人的帮衬总是给你带来荣耀。阿们。
6:5–15 After Jesus warns His disciples not to pray in an ostentatious or merely repetitious manner, He provides them with a prayer of which Luther wrote, “There is no nobler prayer to be found upon earth” (LC III 23). Luther also called the Lord’s Prayer “the greatest martyr” because “everybody tortures and abuses it; few take comfort and joy in its proper use” (AE 43:200). We may at times utter the Lord’s Prayer thoughtlessly. Yet, our Father is fully attentive at all times to our needs and desires. This is our comfort and our joy. • Father, thank You for listening when I come to You in prayer. Amen.
6:5-15 在耶稣警告门徒不要以表演或仅仅是重复的方式祈祷之后,他为他们提供了一个祷告文,关于此祷告文路德写道:”世上没有比这更高尚的祷告了”(大问答第三部分23段落)。路德还称主祷文是 “最大的殉道者”,因为 “每个人都在折磨和滥用它;很少有人在它的正确使用中得到安慰和快乐”(路德文集美国版 43:200)。我们有时只用嘴唇说出主祷文,一点儿都不上心。然而,我们的天父在任何时候都完全关注我们的需要和渴望。这是我们的安慰和喜乐。- 天父啊,感谢你在我向你祷告时聆听。阿们。
6:16–18 Fasting is only one of many practices that are susceptible to religious hypocrisy. Jesus does not command His disciples to discontinue acts of piety such as fasting, but to make sure that they are done to God’s glory (cf 1Co 10:31). Jesus practiced what He preached by giving generously, praying, and fasting for our salvation. • Holy Father, to You belongs all glory, praise, and honor, now and forever. May my deeds reflect Your mercy and Your glory. Amen.
6:16-18 禁食只是许多易受宗教伪善影响的操练之一。耶稣并没有命令祂的门徒停止禁食等虔诚的操练,而是要确保行这些事是为了上帝的荣耀(参见林前10:31)。耶稣为我们的救赎慷慨解囊、祷告和禁食,践行了了祂所传的道。- 圣父,所有的荣耀、赞美和尊荣都归给你,从现在直到永远。愿我的行为折射出你的怜悯和你的荣耀。阿们。
6:19–24 Humans everywhere, whether rich or poor, are prone to collecting earthly treasures. Yet, only heavenly treasures are eternal. As children of light, God calls us to be generous with our possessions and to serve God as our master rather than live as slaves to possessions. For our sake, Christ became the servant of all—to save all—by bearing all of our sins and granting us rich, surpassing, eternal forgiveness. • Heavenly Father, lead me to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (Col 3:1). Amen.
6:19-24 世界各地的人,不管是富人还是穷人,都热衷于收集地上的财宝。然而,只有天上的财宝是永恒的。作为光明之子,上帝呼唤我们慷慨地打理我们的财产,用以服侍我们的主人上帝,而不是活的像财产的奴隶。为了我们的缘故,基督成为所有人的仆人—拯救所有人—因为祂承担了我们所有的罪,给予我们丰富的、超越的、永恒的赦罪。- 天父,请引导我 “求在上面的事;那里有基督坐在神的右边。”(西3:1)。阿们。
6:25–34 If Jesus’ words are taken literally, it seems as if He encourages irresponsibility and laziness. And is it true that all birds are adequately fed and all flowers are beautiful? As with Jesus’ parables, we need to look for His central teaching here: seek God’s salvation, and then entrust your daily life to His loving care. We do this by faithfully making use of the Word and Sacraments, through which the Spirit leads us to repent of our sins and to trust Jesus for forgiveness. Convinced of our salvation, we commit our daily lives into the caring hands of our heavenly Father. • Good Shepherd, because You laid down Your life for me, grant that I may trust You to provide my daily needs. Amen.
6:25-34 如果按字面意思理解耶稣的话,祂看起来好像在鼓励不负责任和懒惰。并且是不是所有的鸟儿都有足够的食物,所有的花儿都很美呢?就像在解释耶稣的比喻时一样,我们也需要在这里寻找祂的核心教导:寻求上帝的救赎,然后将你每日的生活托付给祂的慈爱和看顾。我们通过忠实地使用圣道和圣礼来做到这一点,因为圣灵是藉圣道和圣礼引导我们忏悔我们的罪并且信靠耶稣的赦罪。我们确信已经得到了救赎,所以将自己的日常生活交到我们天父的呵护之手中。- 好牧人啊,因为你已经为我舍弃了你的生命,请慈恩与我,使我相信你能供应我每日的需要。阿们。
7:1–6 One of the most difficult tasks for a Christian is to speak to a fellow believer about some personal fault (cf 18:15). This is especially difficult within a family or a congregation. Jesus sets forth a basic rule that needs to be observed: first, practice self-examination. If you do not realize your own sins and faults, you cannot offer admonition to a fellow Christian. One who assumes the task of taking the speck out of his brother’s eye must do so with sincere love, deep humility, and the prayer “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (6:12). • Lord Jesus, help me see the log in my own eye before I seek to take the speck from another’s eye. Amen.
7:1-6 对一个基督徒来说,最困难的任务之一是向同为信徒的说明他或她的一些个人生活中的过错(参18:15)。这在一个家庭或一个堂会中尤其困难。耶稣提出了一个需要遵守的基本规则:首先,实行自我省察。如果你没有意识到自己的罪和过错,你就不能向基督徒同伴提出告诫。一个人如果承担了从他兄弟的眼睛里取出刺的任务,就必须带着真诚的爱、深深的谦卑和 “免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债”(6:12)的祷告来做。- 主耶稣,请帮助我看到自己眼中的梁木,然后再从别人的眼睛中取出刺来。阿们。
7:7–11 Jesus emphasizes the blessings and importance of prayer. Most important is our heavenly Father’s eagerness to give His children “good things.” Because we are evil, we do not always recognize that God answers every prayer for our good (Rm 8:28). Jesus guarantees that we receive God’s mercy and blessings (2Co 1:20). • Father in heaven, You give only good things to me. Increase my trust and confidence in Your goodness. Amen.
7:7-11 耶稣强调了祈祷的重要性和所带来的祝福。最重要的是我们的天父迫切地想要给祂的孩子们 “好东西”。因为我们是邪恶的,我们并不总是认识到,上帝为了我们的福祉回应我们的每一个祷告(罗马书8:28)。耶稣保证我们能得到神的怜悯和祝福(林后1:20)。- 天上的父啊,你只给我好东西。请加增我对你良善的依赖和信心。阿们。
7:12–14 Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount show us our sins and describe the path on which we, as repentant children of God, seek to walk. Luth: “The true disciples remain on the hard path or enter through the narrow gate (Matt. 7:14), namely, the Word of God, saying: ‘I am helpless. May God help me. It all rests in His hands. He promised and said: “Just cling to the Word, and I will uphold you. When you find yourself in any extremity or distress, you will learn to continue in God’s Word. This will liberate you and make you a true disciple” ’ ” (AE 23:401). • Dear Jesus, walk with me on the narrow way that leads to life, lest I stumble or stray. Amen.
7:12-14 耶稣在登山宝训中的教导向我们显明了我们的罪,并描述了我们作为上帝的悔改的孩子所要走的路。路德说:”真正的门徒留在艰难的道路上,或从窄门进入(马太福音7:14),这窄门即上帝的道,他会说:’我是无助的。愿上帝帮助我。这一切都在祂的手中。祂已经承诺并且说了: “只要紧紧抓住这道,我必会扶持你。当你发现自己处于任何极端或困境中时,你将学会在上帝的道中继续前行。这必会释放你,使你成为真正的门徒”‘” (路德文集美国版23:401)。- 亲爱的耶稣,请与我在通往生命的窄路上同行,以免我跌倒或迷失。阿们。
7:15–20 Just as there are two ways, the good and the bad, so there are two kinds of prophets. One can identify false prophets by what they teach, especially by what they teach about the person and mission of Jesus. Luth: “You must hold on to the chief part, the summary, of Christian teaching and accept nothing else: That God has sent and given Christ, His Son, and that only through Him does He forgive us all our sins, justify and save us” (AE 21:254). • Preserve me, O Lord, from all false prophets who would take away my trust for salvation in You alone. Amen.
7:15-20 正如有两条路,即好的和坏的那样,也有两种先知。人们可以通过他们的教导来识别假先知,特别是可以通过他们关于耶稣是谁以及祂的使命的教导辨别真假先知。路德说:”你必须坚持基督教教义的首要部分,即基督信仰的总结,不接受其他任何东西;这首要部分就是:上帝已经派遣并赐下基督,祂的儿子,只有通过祂上帝才赦免我们所有的罪,称我们为义并且拯救我们。”(路德文集美国版21:254)- 主啊,请保守我远离所有的假先知,因为他们想要夺走我只有信靠你才能得救赎的信心。阿们。
7:21–23 Jesus describes the fate of the false prophets as it will be revealed on Judgment Day. Christ will condemn those who call attention to their own works and expect God to receive them into heaven on that basis. On the other hand, those who are saved will be surprised to hear Jesus call attention to their good works (cf 25:37–39). God regards those works as good that give evidence of saving faith in Jesus, our Lord. • “Lord, . . . when I appear before Your throne, Your righteousness shall be my crown.” Amen. (LSB 438:4)
7:21-23 耶稣描述了假先知的命运,因为他们的结局必将在审判日显现。基督将谴责这些假先知,因为他们吩咐人关注自己的善行并期望上帝在此基础上接纳他们进入天堂。另一方面,那些得救的人听到耶稣叫人留意他们所行的善事,会感到惊讶(参见25:37-39)。我们的善行能够证明我们是信靠耶稣–我们的主–并且因此信心得救,上帝看这些善行是好的。- “主啊,……当我来到你的宝座前时,你的公义将成为我的冠冕。” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 438:4)
7:24–27 Jesus begins this sermon by declaring that God blesses the poor in spirit, the mourning, the meek, and those who are hungry for God’s saving righteousness (5:3–12). These are the ones who receive Jesus and His teaching with understanding (cf 13:23). Saving faith in Jesus is living and active, eager to do what He says. “Good works certainly and without doubt follow true faith” (FC Ep IV 6). Jesus concludes His sermon by picturing the secure future guaranteed to the wise disciple who hears His words and does them. • Jesus, my Teacher and Master, bless my hearing and doing of Your Word. Amen.
7:24-27 耶稣在登山宝训的开篇宣称,上帝祝福那些虚心的人、哀恸的人、温柔的人,以及那些渴慕上帝拯救之义的人(5:3-12)。这些都是明白和接受耶稣和祂的教导的人(参见13:23)。对耶稣的救赎之信是活泼的、积极的,热切的,这信心必要做祂所吩咐的事。”真正的信心肯定会带来善行,这是毫无疑问的”(协同式简式第四条款第六节)。耶稣在登山宝训的最后讲论,对于听从祂的话并付诸行动的聪明门徒,他们必要有一个安全的未来。- 耶稣,我的师傅和主人,请祝福我对你的道的聆听和践行。阿们。
7:28–29 Jesus was not merely a wise teacher, but He speaks with the voice of God. Our Lord and Savior addresses us in the Sermon on the Mount. He declares us blessed and calls us to be lights of the world because we are enlightened by His Word. • Blessed Lord, grant that I may hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest Your Holy Word. Amen. (Adapted from LSB, p 308)
7:28-29 耶稣不仅是一位有智慧的老师,而且祂就是上帝在说话。我们的主救主也藉着登山宝训对我们说话。祂宣布我们是有福的,呼召我们成为世界的光,因为我们被祂的话语所光照。- 当称颂的主啊,请赐恩于我,使我聆听、阅读、留意、学习,并在内心消化你的圣道。阿们。(改编自路德宗崇拜书,第308页)