
1:1–8 Mark begins by telling of (1) John’s call to repentance, (2) Baptism, and (3) eager expectation of the Messiah’s coming. John warns us not to adopt worldly values and expectations. Happily, all of us who are baptized have received the promised Holy Spirit, who continually forgives us, restores us, and focuses us on the splendor of Jesus’ second coming. • Lord, remind us of the washing we received in Baptism, for through it Your Holy Spirit was poured into our hearts. Keep us steadfast in the hope of Your glory. Amen.

1:1-8 马可福音开头讲述(1)约翰呼召悔改,(2)洗礼,和(3)对弥赛亚降临的热切期待。约翰警告我们不要接受世俗的价值观和期望。令人高兴的是,我们所有受洗的人都接受了所应许的圣灵,圣灵不断地赦免我们,成全我们,使我们专注于耶稣再来的光辉。- 主啊,求你提醒我们在洗礼中接受的洁净,因为通过洗礼,您的圣灵浇灌在了我们的心里。求你保守我们在你荣耀的盼望中坚定不移。阿们。

1:9–11 The Father declares Jesus is His Son as the Spirit descends on Jesus. Jesus’ status as God’s Son makes Him a target of Satan’s assaults (1:12–13). This same dynamic continues in the lives of God’s children today, as Satan does all that he can to tempt the baptized. Yet, our own Baptism joins us to Christ and clothes us with His righteousness. • Lord, You humbly stood in our stead when baptized by John and thereby gave us a share in Your life, death, and resurrection. Let us therefore celebrate our place in God’s family, obeying the Father, dwelling richly in the Spirit, and ever following You. Amen.

1:9-11 父神宣布耶稣是他的儿子,圣灵降临在耶稣身上。耶稣作为上帝的儿子,这使他成为撒旦攻击的目标(1:12-13)。今天,撒旦竭尽所能地引诱受洗的人,这样的情形继续在上帝儿女的生活中上演。然而,我们的洗礼使我们与基督相连,用他的公义为我们披上衣服。- 主啊,当你接受约翰的洗礼时,您谦卑地站在我们的立场上,从而使我们在你的生命、死亡和复活中有份。因此,让我们庆祝我们在上帝家庭中的地位,顺服天父,丰富地居住在圣灵中,永远跟随您。阿们。

1:12–13 Jesus’ successful struggle against temptation in the wilderness prefigures His final victory at the cross over our ancient foe. From the days of Adam and Eve, we have continuously fallen into Satan’s traps. Jesus, after uniting Himself with fallen humans through Baptism, won a preliminary victory over the evil foe’s temptations. At the cross, Jesus gained an even more wonderful victory for us. His resurrection proves that Satan cannot prevail. • Lord, when we are tempted, remind us of Your own struggles and trials. You have broken Satan’s power once and for all. Amen.

1:12-13 耶稣在旷野成功地与试探作斗争,预示着祂在十字架上战胜了我们的宿敌。从亚当和夏娃的时代起,我们就不断落入撒旦的陷阱。耶稣通过洗礼与堕落的人类结合,赢得了战胜邪恶仇敌试探的初步胜利。在十字架上,耶稣为我们赢得了更美妙的胜利。祂的复活证明撒旦无法得胜。- 主啊,当我们被试探时,求你让我们想起你自己的挣扎和试炼。你已经一劳永逸地打破了撒旦的权势。阿们。

1:14–15 On the one hand, Jesus’ message sounds much like the message of John and the prophets. On the other hand, the arrival of the Messiah fulfills prophecy and ushers in a new era. The Church’s message today has the same combination of new and old. True, it focuses on the age-old problem of sin and human failure. However, the Gospel delivers the forgiveness of sins and with it the hope of an eternal future with God. • Lord, help us to see You clearly and so believe that Your kingdom is still among us. Move us to a steadfast hope for the future and to daily repentance and new life. Amen.

1:14-15 一方面,耶稣的信息很像约翰和先知们的信息。另一方面,弥赛亚的到来应验了预言,开创了一个新时代。今天,教会的信息同样是新与旧的结合。诚然,它关注的是罪和人类失败这个古老的问题。然而,福音传递的是罪的赦免,以及与上帝同在的永恒未来的盼望。- 祷告:主啊,求你帮助我们清楚看见你,相信你的国度仍在我们中间。求你感动我们,使我们对未来有坚定的盼望,每天悔改,获得新生。阿们。

1:16–20 The first thing Jesus does in His public ministry is to call two pairs of brothers. They respond by dropping everything, following Him, and becoming “fishers of men.” The same invitation to discipleship confronts people today: either drop everything and, in faith, follow Jesus and make sacrifices, or run the risk of missing out on the Kingdom. Thankfully, we are not left to our own devices in this regard. God’s Holy Spirit, working through the Word and Sacraments, moves us to faithful discipleship and so also to eternal life. • Lord, thank You for calling us into Your kingdom, for which You declare us fit by Your grace. Keep us faithful in our calling, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

1:16-20 耶稣公开传道的第一件事就是呼召两对弟兄。他们放下一切,跟随耶稣,成为 “得人如得鱼 “的人。今天,人们面临着同样的门徒邀请:要么放下一切,凭着信心跟随耶稣并做出牺牲,要么冒着错过天国的风险。值得庆幸的是,在这方面,我们并没有自生自灭。上帝的圣灵通过圣言和圣礼,使我们成为忠实的门徒,从而获得永生。- 主啊,感谢您呼召我们进入您的国度,你用你的恩典宣告我们适合您的国度。为了耶稣的缘故,保守我们在呼召中忠心。阿们。

1:21–28 Jesus’ authoritative teaching and power over the unclean spirits create an immediate stir among those beholding Him in the early days of His ministry in Galilee. Today, we often see the same thing. People continue to be interested in and even amazed by Jesus’ teaching, and yet many fail to depend on Him for life and salvation. By the power of His authoritative Word and Spirit, however, others are indeed brought into saving faith and life. • Lord Jesus, move us to an unquestioning trust and mature faith in You. By the power of Your Word and Spirit, make us steadfast in the hope of glory. Amen.

1:21-28 耶稣在加利利传道初期,他的权威性教导和胜过污鬼的能力立刻在人们中引起了轰动。今天,我们经常看到同样的情况。人们继续对耶稣的教导感兴趣,甚至感到惊奇,但许多人却没有依靠祂获得生命和救赎。然而,通过祂权威的话语和圣灵的大能,其他人确实被带入了得救的信心和生命。- 祷告:主耶稣啊,求你感动我们,使我们对你有无疑的信任和成熟的信心。靠着你话语和圣灵的大能,使我们在荣耀的盼望中坚定不移。阿们。

1:29–34 Jesus’ first day of public ministry—the Sabbath—is a busy one. Given the endless series of things to which Jesus attends, we sometimes imagine that He is too busy for us and our problems. But Jesus knows and cares for each of us individually. He actually commands us to lay all our needs before Him and stands ever willing and able to help us. • Lord, teach us to turn to You in every need. Then give us grateful hearts so that, after receiving Your kindness and healing, we thank and serve You. Amen.

1:29-34 耶稣公开传道的第一天–安息日–是忙碌的一天。鉴于耶稣要处理的事情无穷无尽,我们有时会认为他太忙了,无暇顾及我们和我们的问题。但耶稣了解并关心我们每个人。事实上,他命令我们将一切需要摆在祂面前,祂永远愿意并能够帮助我们。- 主啊,求你教导我们在每一个需要中向你求助。然后赐给我们感恩的心,使我们在接受你的仁慈和医治之后,感谢你,侍奉你。阿们。

1:35–39 Though Jesus has much more to do among the people of Capernaum, He makes time for private devotion and then insists on moving on to visit other towns and villages. His unswerving adherence to the right priorities stands in sharp contrast with our own tendency to lose focus, allow others to set our agenda, and put lesser things above what is most important. Given our weaknesses, it is reassuring that Jesus keeps things straight. His highest goal was, and is, to fulfill the Father’s command that He save the lost. • Lord, preserve us from misplaced priorities. Keep us focused on Your Gospel, that we may know and do what is pleasing in Your sight. Amen.

1:35-39 虽然耶稣在迦百农还有很多事情要做,但祂还是挤出时间来做私人的奉献,然后坚持去拜访其他的城镇和村庄。祂坚定不移地坚持正确的优先次序,这与我们的倾向形成了鲜明的对比,我们往往会失去焦点,让别人安排我们的日程,把次要的事情放在最重要的事情之上。鉴于到我们的弱点,令人欣慰的是耶稣能把事情处理得井井有条。他的最高目标过去是,现在也是,完成天父的命令,拯救迷失的人。- 主啊,求你保护我们,使我们远离优先级的错位。让我们专注于你的福音,使我们知道并做你喜悦的事。阿们

1:40–45 When a leper seeks Jesus’ help, the Lord not only heals him but also makes sure that the man is restored to his rightful place in society. Though we may no longer ostracize people for contracting leprosy, there are a host of ways that people experience alienation from family, church, and the larger community. But Jesus’ healing will remedy such alienation. His grace makes peace with God, restores our broken relationships, and thus puts us right with one another. • Lord, thank You for Your healing power. Hear our cries for help, heal us according to Your wisdom, and then move us to tell others what You have done. Amen.

1:40-45 当一个长大麻疯的人寻求耶稣的帮助时,主不仅医治了他,而且还确保这个人恢复了他在社会中应有的地位。虽然我们可能不再因为人得了麻风病而排斥他们,但人们还是会在家庭、教会和更大的社区被排斥。。但耶稣的医治将解决这种隔离。祂的恩典使我们与上帝和好,恢复我们破碎的关系,从而使我们彼此和睦。- 主啊,感谢你的医治大能。求你聆听我们求助的呼声,按照你的智慧医治我们,然后感动我们告诉他人你所做的。阿们。

2:1–12 In the presence of many who doubt Jesus’ ability, He forgives and heals a paralyzed man simply by speaking the word. Today, there are still some who doubt the power of Jesus’ Word—there will always be such naysayers. But, as Peter reminds us, though our flesh will perish, the Word of the Lord stands forever (1Pt 1:24–25). Through faith in the Gospel, we receive the promise of life everlasting. • Lord, You can do all things. Give us such a bold confidence in You that even those around us, many of whom are paralyzed by sin and doubt, may be blessed through our steadfastness. Amen.

2:1-12 许多人怀疑耶稣的能力,祂当着这些人的面只说了一句话,就赦免并医治了一个瘫痪的人。今天,仍然有人怀疑耶稣话语的能力–这样的反对者永远存在。但是,正如彼得提醒我们的,我们的肉体都要灭亡,惟有主的道是永存的(彼前1:24-25)。通过对福音的信仰,我们得到了永生的应许。- 主啊,你无所不能。求你赐给我们对你刚强壮胆的信心,甚至我们周围的、许多因罪和怀疑而瘫痪的人,也会因我们的坚定而蒙福。阿们。

2:13–17 Jesus outrages His critics by calling Levi the tax collector to follow Him, then eats with a houseful of equally “defiled” people. This story invites the modern hearer to reflect: am I more like the manifest sinners of this story or like those who criticize Jesus’ openness to be with the unworthy? Either way, you stand in need of forgiveness. Thankfully, Jesus brings healing and forgiveness to all, even manifest sinners and smug hypocrites. • Lord, preserve us from both our crass and hidden sins. Grant us a rich measure of Your grace, that others may see Your mercy and be drawn to the healing and fellowship that only You can provide. Amen.

2:13-17 耶稣呼召税吏利未跟随他,然后与一屋子同样 “污秽 “的人一起吃饭,这使批评祂的人感到愤怒。这个故事让现代人反思:我是更像故事中众人皆知的罪人,还是更像那些对耶稣与不配的人在一起这事加以批评的人呢?无论如何,你都需要赦免。值得庆幸的是,耶稣给所有人带来了医治和赦免,无论是显而易见的罪人还是自以为是的伪君子。- 主啊,求你保护我们远离显明的罪和隐藏的罪。求你赐给我们丰富的恩典,使他人可以看到你的怜悯,并被吸引到只有你才能提供的医治和团契中来。阿们。

2:18–22 Jesus stresses that the time of fulfillment has arrived, and thus totally new ways of thinking and acting are in order. In our own lives, the same dynamic is at work. It will not do simply to patch some little bit of the Gospel onto our existing lifestyle and expect it all to hold together. Thankfully, the Lord offers such surpassingly great promises that the old is made obsolete. That is what Paul meant when he said, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (2Co 5:17). • Lord, so fill us with the surpassingly great promises of Your Gospel that we count all else as loss for the greater hope of attaining eternity with You. Amen.

2:18-22 耶稣强调,应验的时刻已经到来,因此需要全新的思维和行为方式。在我们的生活中,也有同样的趋势。简单地把福音的一点点内容补在我们现有的生活方式上,并期望这一切都能维持下去是行不通的。值得庆幸的是,主提供了如此伟大的应许,以至于旧的已经过去了。这就是保罗所说的 “若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人”(林后5:17)。- 主啊,求你用福音中无比伟大的应许充满我们,使我们盼望与你一起得享永生而将其他一切都视为有损的。阿们。

2:23–28 When the Pharisees accuse Jesus’ disciples of violating the Sabbath, Jesus uses the opportunity to claim divine authority and assert His messianic status. Sadly, there are people today who still level criticisms like the Pharisees of old, criticizing Jesus’ followers because they really wish to criticize the authority and status of the Lord. But neither Jesus nor His Church can be dismissed. Through these same disciples, Jesus would spread the good news of peace, rest, and comfort. • Lord, defend Your people from those who hate You and would therefore do harm to Your Church. Help the Church to see that the battle is Yours and that You can do all things. Amen.

2:23-28 当法利赛人指责耶稣的门徒违反安息日时,耶稣利用这个机会宣称祂有神圣的权柄,并申明祂的弥赛亚地位。可悲的是,今天仍有人像过去的法利赛人一样批评耶稣的门徒,因为他们实际上是想批评主的权威和地位。但是,耶稣和他的教会都不能被否定。耶稣传播平安、安息和安慰的好消息,正是通过这些门徒。- 祷告:主啊,求你保护你的子民远离那些恨你并因此伤害你教会的人。求你帮助教会看到,这是你的征战,你是全能的,可行万事。阿们。