11:1–11 Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly as King, openly accepting messianic titles and fulfilling several OT prophecies. The disciples and the crowds expect Jesus to establish an earthly kingdom. They celebrate His arrival at Jerusalem without a clear view of His express purpose: to die for the sins of the world. Jesus enters Jerusalem in humility to fulfill the plan of salvation by laying down His life for sinners. • “All glory, laud, and honor To You, Redeemer, King, To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring. The multitude of pilgrims With palms before You went; Our praise and prayer and anthems Before You we present.” Amen. (LSB 442:3)
11:1-11 耶稣以王的身份凯旋进入耶路撒冷,公开接受弥赛亚的称号,应验了几项旧约的预言。门徒和众人期待耶稣建立地上的王国。他们庆祝耶稣到达耶路撒冷,却不清楚祂的明确目的:为世人的罪而死。耶稣谦卑地进入耶路撒冷,通过为罪人舍命来实现救赎计划。- 所有的荣耀、赞美和尊贵都归于你,救赎主,君王,孩子们的嘴唇为你欢唱甜美的和散那。成群的朝圣者手持棕榈树枝欢迎你;我们将我们的赞美、祷告和颂歌献给你。阿们。( 路德宗崇拜书442:3)
11:12–14 The curse and destruction of the fig tree warns Jesus’ disciples of impending judgment against the temple and the unfruitful people. Works without faith are truly fruitless. True faith, and the life that flows from it, cannot be separated. They are the good and gracious gifts of our heavenly Father. • “In your hearts enthrone Him; There let Him subdue All that is not holy, All that is not true: Crown Him as your captain In temptation’s hour; Let His will enfold you In its light and pow’r.” Amen. (LSB 512:5)
11:12-14 无花果树的诅咒和毁灭警示耶稣的门徒,表明圣殿和不结果子的人即将受到审判。没有信心的行为算不是真正的结果子。真正的信心和由此产生的生命是不可分割的。这都是我们天父的恩赐。- “在你们心里,祂是你们的君王;在那里, 让祂制服一切不圣洁的,一切不符合真理的东西: 在试探的时刻,以祂为你们的首领;让祂的旨意以其光明和力量包围你们”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 512:5)
11:15–19 As prophesied in Mal 3:1–5, Jesus purifies the temple of those who use religion to line their pockets. He does so in the temple court, where genuine worship has been disrupted. Today, Jesus challenges us to eliminate all such barriers to God’s Word in our lives and in our congregations. He is the proper focus of our prayers, the reason for our service; He hallows us as the temple of His Holy Spirit. • “Your name be hallowed. Help us, Lord, In purity to keep Your Word, That to the glory of Your name We walk before You free from blame. Let no false teaching us pervert; All poor deluded souls convert.” Amen. (LSB 766:2)
11:15-19 正如玛拉基书3:1-5所预言的,耶稣洁净了圣殿中那些利用宗教中饱私囊的人。祂是在圣殿的院内这样做的,在这里,真正的敬拜被破坏了。今天,耶稣向我们提出挑战,要在我们的生活和我们的聚会中消除所有阻碍上帝圣道的障碍。耶稣是我们祷告的正确焦点,是我们侍奉的理由;祂使我们成为祂圣灵的殿。- “愿你的名被尊为圣。主啊,求你帮助我们,纯洁地遵守你的道,为了你名的荣耀,我们在你面前行走,远离过错。不要让错误的教导迷惑我们,让所有可怜的受迷惑的灵魂转向你”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 766:2)
11:20–26 Jesus teaches that saving faith rescues us from God’s judgment and that, through faith, we have the power to do the work God gives us. Without faith in Jesus, it is impossible to please God or pray to Him. We know God hears our prayers even if we do not receive an answer immediately. Confident prayer, based on faith in Christ crucified and risen, trusts God to answer in His own time and way (cf Rm 8:32). • “Forgive our sins, Lord, we implore, That they may trouble us no more; We, too, will gladly those forgive Who hurt us by the way they live. Help us in our community To serve each other willingly.” Amen. (LSB 766:6)
11:20-26 耶稣教导我们,救赎的信心把我们从上帝的审判中拯救出来,通过信心,我们有能力做上帝赐给我们的工作。如果没有对耶稣的信心,我们就不可能取悦上帝或向祂祷告。即使我们没有立即得到回应, 我们也知道上帝垂听我们的祷告。基于对被钉十字架又死里复活的基督的信心,带着这个信心祷告,相信上帝会按祂自己的时间和方式应允(参看《罗马书》8:32)。- 主啊,我们恳求你饶恕我们的罪,使我们不再受罪的困扰;我们也乐意饶恕那些以他们的生活方式伤害我们的人。帮助我们在社区中彼此乐意的服侍。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 766:6)
11:27–33 Opponents of Jesus confront Him and question His authority. Jesus refuses to engage them since He confidently knows the true character of His authority (Mt 28:18). The anger of these leaders brings Jesus ever nearer to the cross, where He acts in weakness to overthrow the authority of the evil one for the sake of our salvation. • Lord God, heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to cleanse the temple of Jerusalem, so now cleanse the hearts of Your people, that they may be temples for Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
11:27-33 反对耶稣的人与祂对质,质疑祂的权柄。耶稣拒绝与他们交战,因为祂深知自己权柄的真正性质(马太福音28:18)。这些掌权者的愤怒使耶稣越来越接近十字架,在那里,为了我们的救赎,他以软弱的方式颠覆了那恶者的权柄。:主上帝,天父啊,你差遣你的儿子洁净了耶路撒冷的圣殿,现在也洁净你子民的心,使他们成为你圣灵的殿。阿们。
12:1–12 Jesus tells how God deals patiently with people. But eventually, God’s patience runs out, and every person must face judgment. God planned the death of His Son for the sins of all people. Unlike the story here, His beloved Son rose from the dead on the third day, taking up again the life He had laid down for us, to give us the Kingdom as a gift. • “I trust in Him with all my heart; Now all my sorrow ceases. His words abiding peace impart; His blood from guilt releases.” Amen. (LSB 568:3)
12:1-12 耶稣讲述了上帝如何耐心地对待世人。但最终,上帝的耐心会耗尽,每个人都必须面对审判。上帝为所有人的罪安排了祂儿子的死。与这里的故事不同的是,祂的爱子第三天从死里复活,取回了祂为我们所舍弃的生命,将天国作为礼物赐给我们。- 我全心倚靠祂,如今我的忧愁都止息了。祂的话语赐平安,祂的宝血除罪孽”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 568:3)
12:13–17 Jesus challenges the hypocrites to examine their own hearts and repent. Human hearts naturally belong to their Maker, who stamped His image on them at creation (Gn 1:28). Though sin shattered that image in us, the Lord still wants us for His very own people and sent Jesus to make that possible (Rm 8:29; Eph 4:24; Col 3:10). • “We give Thee but Thine own, Whate’er the gift may be; All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee.” Amen. (LSB 781:1)
12:13-17 耶稣要求假冒伪善者省察自己的心并悔改。人的心本质上是属于造物主,造物主在创造人的时候就印上了祂的形象(创世纪1:28)。虽然罪在我们身上破坏了这个形象,但主仍然希望我们成为祂自己的子民,并差遣耶稣使之成为可能(罗马书8:29;以弗所书4:24;歌罗西书3:10)。- “无论什么礼物, 我们所献的都是你所赐的;我们所有的一切只属于你, 主啊,这都是你让我们管理的。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 781:1)
12:18–27 The Sadducees try to trap Jesus with a hypothetical question. Jesus turns their question upside down and shows them that they deny God’s power and reject His Word. Like the Sadducees, people today want to limit God to doing what makes sense to them, as if human limitations or reason could bind Him! Despite these things, God keeps His promises to us. He rescues His people even from death and raises all believers in Christ to eternal life. • “There shall we see in glory Our dear Redeemer’s face; The long-awaited story Of heav’nly joy takes place: The patriarchs shall meet us, The prophets’ holy band; Apostles, martyrs greet us In that celestial land.” Amen. (LSB 514:2)
12:18-27 撒都该人试图用一个假设性的问题来陷害耶稣。耶稣反驳了他们的问题,向他们表明他们否认上帝的大能,拒绝祂的话语。就像撒都该人一样,今天的世人也想把上帝限制在他们认为合理的范围内,好像人的局限性或理性可以束缚上帝一样!尽管如此,上帝仍然信守祂对我们的应许。祂甚至将祂的子民从死亡中拯救出来,并使所有在基督里的信徒复活得永生。- 我们将在荣耀中看到我们亲爱的救赎主的面容;期待已久的天堂喜乐故事即将上演: 先祖们将与我们相会,那里还有先知们的圣洁乐队;使徒们和殉道者们在天国迎接我们。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 514:2)
12:28–34 Jesus challenges an expert in the Scriptures to consider the entire Law and to turn to the Lord in faith. Only Jesus has kept the entire Law perfectly. He did this for our salvation, due to His surpassing love for us. • “Thy love to me, O God, Not mine, O Lord, to Thee, Can rid me of this dark unrest And set my spirit free.” Amen. (LSB 567:4)
12:28-34 耶稣向一位圣经专家提出挑战,要他考虑整个律法,凭信心归向主。只有耶稣完美地遵守了整个律法。祂这样做是为了我们的救赎,因为祂对我们有超乎寻常的爱。- “上帝啊,是你对我的爱,不是我对你的爱,我主啊,使我摆脱内心的黑暗与不安,使我的灵得自由”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 567:4)
12:35–37 Jesus challenges His audience to think about the Messiah and realize that He is more than a man. He is God as well. Unbelief blinds people so they do not see Christ in the OT (cf 2Co 3:12–18). God became man, born of Mary, born under the Law, to redeem sinners such as we (cf Gal 4:4–5). • “O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heav’nly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery.” Amen. (LSB 357:5)
12:35-37 耶稣挑战祂的听众思考弥赛亚是谁,带领他们认识到祂不只是一个人。祂也是神。不信会蒙蔽人的眼睛,使他们看不到旧约中的基督(参哥林多后书3:12-18)。上帝成为人,由马利亚所生,生在律法以下,为要救赎我们这样的罪人(参加拉太书4:4-5)。- 来吧,大卫的钥匙,来吧,打开我们天家的门;使通往天家的路安全,关闭通往苦难的路。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 357:5)
12:38–40 Jesus warns against using self-serving religion to elevate ourselves above others. Clergy especially need to listen to Jesus at this point. Jesus shows all religious leaders and scholars the model for their leadership: humility, service, and sacrifice, for His sacrifice has atoned for us all. • Lord, grant us humble hearts and willing spirits to fulfill our callings faithfully. Amen.
12:38-40 耶稣警告我们不要利用为自己服务的宗教把自己凌驾于他人之上。在这一点上,神职人员尤其需要聆听耶稣的教诲。耶稣向所有宗教领袖和学者展示了他们应该效法的领导典范:谦卑、服务和牺牲,因为祂的牺牲为我们所有人赎了罪。- 主啊,求你赐给我们谦卑的心和愿意的灵,让我们忠实地履行我们的呼召。阿们。
12:41–44 Jesus uses the sacrifice of a widow to illustrate for His disciples the character of absolute dependence on God. Wealth and possession can pose a spiritual threat—wealth has a way of owning its possessor. Jesus’ love and sacrifice motivate us to offer our whole lives to Him as our daily offering of gratitude. He gave up everything, including His life, on the cross for us. • “Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise.” Amen. (LSB 783:1)
12:41-44 耶稣用一位寡妇奉献的例子向门徒说明了绝对依靠上帝的品格。财富和财产会构成属灵的威胁–财富会占有它的拥有者。耶稣的爱和牺牲激励我们将整个生命献给祂,作为我们每天感恩的奉献。他在十字架上为我们舍弃了一切,包括祂的生命。- “主啊,接受我的生命,分别为圣献给你;接受我的每一刻和每一天,让我的每时每刻都在无尽的赞美中流逝”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 783:1)