13:1–2 Jesus begins to talk about the fall of Jerusalem and the end of the world with a prediction of the temple’s destruction. What makes a house of worship worthy is not its outward appearance but the Word of God in it. The temple in Jerusalem had been the “embassy” of heaven on earth. With the birth of Jesus, this temple would no longer serve that purpose. Now, in Jesus Christ, the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily among us (cf Col 2:9). • “To this temple, where we call You, Come, O Lord of hosts, and stay; Come with all Your loving-kindness, Hear Your people as they pray.” Amen. (LSB 909:2)
13:1-2 耶稣开始谈论耶路撒冷的陷落和世界的末日,预言圣殿的毁灭。教堂的价值不在于它的外表,而在于它里面上帝的道。耶路撒冷的圣殿是天堂在地上的 “大使馆”。随着耶稣的降生,圣殿将不再发挥这一作用。现在,在耶稣基督里,上帝本性的一切丰盛,都有形有体的居住在我们中间(参歌罗西书2:9)。- 万军之耶和华啊,求你到这圣殿来,安住其中,因为我们在此向你呼求;求你带着全部的慈爱到来,倾听你子民的祷告。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 909:2)
13:3–13 Jesus warns His disciples about the coming troubles they will face as they bring the Gospel into the world. He encourages them to trust God and rely on the Holy Spirit, especially when they face opposition and persecution. Nobody likes to be shown his or her sin. As Christians proclaim Law and Gospel, they need to be ready to endure the loss of everything, including their lives. Because God wants all people to hear the Gospel, He prolongs the NT age so that the Church may witness to all the earth. To Him alone we owe the survival of our personal faith as well. • “Lord of harvest, great and kind, Rouse to action heart and mind; Let the gath’ring nations all See Your light and heed Your call.” Amen. (LSB 830:6)
13:3-13 耶稣警告祂的门徒,当他们把福音传给世人的时候,他们会遇到麻烦。祂鼓励他们相信上帝,依靠圣灵,特别是当他们面临反对和迫害的时候。反对和迫害的原因是没有人喜欢自己的罪被人戳穿。当基督徒宣讲律法和福音时,他们需要准备好忍受失去一切,包括生命。因为上帝希望所有的人都能听到福音,所以祂延长了新约时代的时间,使教会能够向全地作见证。我们个人信仰的延续也惟有归功于祂。- “丰收的主啊,伟大而仁慈,唤醒世人的心灵和思想;让万国看到你的光,听从你的呼召”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 830:6)
13:14–23 Jesus warns His followers of the imminent destruction of Jerusalem, which was fulfilled during the Jewish revolt against the Romans (AD 66–70). These events foreshadowed the end of the world. Jesus tells us these things so that we may be prepared to resist evil and proclaim the Gospel more fervently while we have time to do so. When Jesus returns on the Last Day, He will judge all people. Prior to that glorious and victorious day, evil will erupt and bring destruction. Yet, God holds on to His people throughout these events, anchoring believers in Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit. • “Jerusalem the golden, With milk and honey blest—The promise of salvation, The place of peace and rest—We know not, oh, we know not What joys await us there: The radiancy of glory, The bliss beyond compare!” Amen. (LSB 672:1)
13:14-23 耶稣警告祂的跟随者,耶路撒冷即将毁灭,这在犹太人对罗马的起义(公元66-70年)中得到了应验。这些事件预示着世界末日的到来。耶稣告诉我们这些事情,是为了趁着还有时间,让我们做好准备去抵制邪恶和更热切地传扬福音。当耶稣在末日再来时,祂将审判所有的人。在那荣耀得胜的日子之前,邪恶会爆发并带来毁灭。然而,在这些事件中,上帝一直紧紧抓住祂的子民,藉着祂的圣灵将信徒在耶稣基督里扎根。- 金色的耶路撒冷,奶和蜜的祝福–救赎的应许,平安和安息的地方–我们不知道,哦,我们不知道那里有何等喜乐在等着我们: 荣耀的光芒,无与伦比的福乐!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 672:1)
13:24–27 Jesus will return on the Last Day to judge all humanity, fulfilling OT prophecy and His own predictions. No one will enter the kingdom of God by works, nor will any mere religion save anyone. Because Jesus died and rose for us and because the Holy Spirit created and sustained saving faith in His people, we can be sure of our salvation no matter how fearsome the Last Day may be. • Set my heart, O Savior, on the life and hope above, so that shadows of this world may not darken my sight. Amen.
13:24-27 耶稣将在末日再来时审判全人类,实现旧约的预言和祂自己的预言。没有人能靠行为进入神的国度,而且并非任何宗教都能拯救人。因为耶稣为我们死而复活,因为圣灵在祂的子民中创造并维持了救赎的信心,所以无论末日多么可怕,我们都可以确信自己得救了。- 救赎主啊,求你将我的心专注于从天上来的生命和盼望,使这个世界的阴影不再遮蔽我的视线。阿们。
13:28–31 Jesus answers the original question of “when?” about the destruction of the temple (v 4). The events of vv 14–23 would take place within a generation. The fall of Jerusalem foreshadows the end of the world, which will come later (vv 24–27). Today, we need to focus on the calling we have as Christ’s Church: Gospel proclamation and outreach (cf Mt 28:18–20). God has created this time before the second appearing of Jesus so that we may come to faith and call others to faith and salvation. • “My Savior paid the debt I owe And for my sin was smitten; Within the Book of Life I know My name has now been written. I will not doubt, for I am free, And Satan cannot threaten me; There is no condemnation!” Amen. (LSB 508:5)
13:28-31 耶稣回答了关于圣殿被毁是”什么时候”的最初问题(第4节)。第14-23节的事件就在当时的那一世代内发生。耶路撒冷的陷落预示着世界的末日,这将在以后到来(第24-27节)。今天,我们需要关注我们作为基督教会的呼召: 福音的宣讲和寻找失丧的人(参马太福音28:18-20)。上帝在耶稣第二次显现之前预备了这段时间,使我们可以信主,并呼召他人信主得救。- 我的救主偿还了我所欠的债,为了我的罪而受苦;我知道我的名字已经写在生命册上。我不怀疑,因为我是自由的,撒旦不能威胁我;我不再被定罪!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书508:5)。
13:32–37 In contrast to the fall of Jerusalem (vv 5–23), which will happen within a generation, no one knows the day when Jesus will return to judge the world (vv 24–27). Jesus exhorts us to vigilance and encourages us to use the available time wisely, proclaiming the Gospel for the salvation of others. Jesus promises to be with us always and has poured out on us His Holy Spirit for the work of evangelizing the nations. • “The world is very evil, The times are waxing late; Be sober and keep vigil, The Judge is at the gate; The Judge that comes in mercy, The Judge that comes with might, To terminate the evil, To diadem the right.” Amen. (TLH 605:1)
13:32-37 耶路撒冷的陷落(第5-23节)将在当时那一代人的时间内发生,与之相反,没有人知道耶稣再来审判世界的日子(第24-27节)。耶稣告诫我们要警醒,鼓励我们明智地利用现有的时间,为拯救他人而宣讲福音。耶稣应许永远与我们同在,并将祂的圣灵浇灌在我们身上,使我们能够向万民传福音。- “世界是非常邪恶的,时间是越来越晚;要警醒,并保持警惕,审判者即将来到门前; 那怀着怜悯而来的审判者,那怀着大能而来的审判者,要终结邪恶,彰显正义”。阿们。(路德宗诗歌本 605:1)
14:1–2 The Jewish leaders desperately try to find a way to execute Jesus quickly and quietly before He gains full support for His mission. Yet, God is at work in this, using even the opposition of His enemies for His gracious purposes. The Lord is likewise at work in the events of our lives today, bringing about good even amid suffering. Pray for His aid and comfort while trusting He has a plan for you. How joyful to know His plan of salvation in Jesus, who has taken away all our sins. • Sustain us, dearest Jesus, for You are the bread of life we celebrate, our life and hope to come. Amen.
14:1-2 犹太领袖拼命想办法在耶稣的使命得到全民的支持之前,悄无声息地迅速处死祂。然而,上帝在其中做工,甚至利用祂敌人的反对来达到祂恩典的目的。同样,主也在我们今天的生活中做工,甚至在苦难中带来美善。在相信祂为你制定了计划的同时, 祈求祂的帮助和安慰。知道祂在耶稣里的救赎计划是多么令人欢喜啊!耶稣已经带走了我们所有的罪。-最亲爱的耶稣, 扶持我们,因为你是我们所赞美的生命之粮,是我们的生命和盼望。阿们。
14:3–9 A woman anoints Jesus for His burial, sacrificing expensive ointment out of love for Him. The woman’s clear focus on Jesus testifies to her devotion toward Him. Her sacrifice reveals her deep love for Him and sets a wonderful example for later Christians. Today, devote yourself to Jesus by prayer and service. He now stands at the Father’s throne, praying for you, serving as your Savior. • “I’ll think upon Thy mercy without ceasing, That earth’s vain joys to me no more be pleasing; To do Thy will shall be my sole endeavor Henceforth forever.” Amen. (LSB 439:12)
14:3-9 一个妇人为耶稣的安葬抹香膏,出于对祂的爱,她献出了昂贵的香膏。这妇人清楚地把注意力集中在耶稣身上,证明了她对耶稣的委身。她的奉献表明了她对耶稣深深的爱,也为后来的基督徒树立了美好的榜样。今天,通过祷告和侍奉将自己献给耶稣吧。祂现在站在天父的宝座前,为你祷告,作你的救主。- “我要不住地思念你的怜悯,世上虚浮的欢乐不再使我喜悦;遵行你的旨意将是我唯一的努力,从今时直到永远。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 439:12)
14:10–11 Judas, one of the Twelve whom Jesus appointed, decides to betray Him to the authorities. Even Judas’s betrayal of Jesus plays an important role in the plan of salvation, culminating in the cross and empty tomb. Simple association with Christians or a knowledge of Christ cannot save. Only faith in Jesus as Savior rescues from sin and death. • My sinful heart would betray You, dear Lord, and arrest my faith. Deliver me from evil by Your grace. Amen.
14:10-11 犹大是耶稣任命的十二门徒之一,他决定把耶稣出卖给掌权者。甚至犹大出卖耶稣也在救赎计划中起着重要的作用,最终导致了十字架和空坟墓。仅仅与基督徒交往或了解基督信仰并不能拯救人。只有信靠耶稣作自己救世主,才能脱离罪恶和死亡。亲爱的主,我罪恶的心会背叛你,夺去我的信仰。求你以你的恩典救我脱离罪恶。阿们。
14:12–21 Jesus arranged for the Passover to be eaten at a secret location in Jerusalem. Opposition to the Gospel comes from Satan, the world, and even from within the ranks of Jesus’ followers. God uses these enemies to accomplish His plan of salvation at the cross. The sacrifice of the Passover lamb would foreshadow the sacrifice of our beloved Redeemer for us. • “A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth, The guilt of sinners bearing And, laden with the sins of earth, None else the burden sharing; Goes patient on, grows weak and faint, To slaughter led without complaint, That spotless life to offer.” Amen. (LSB 438:1)
14:12-21 耶稣安排在耶路撒冷的一个秘密地点吃逾越节的筵席。对福音的反对,来自撒旦、世界,甚至耶稣的跟随者内部。上帝利用这些敌人来完成祂在十字架上的救赎计划。逾越节羔羊的祭物预示着我们所爱的救赎主将为我们献祭。- “一只羔羊毫无怨言地前行,担当罪人的责罚,背负着世人的罪孽,无人与祂分担这重负;祂忍耐着前行,渐渐变得软弱和虚弱,祂却毫无怨言地走向屠宰,献上祂那无暇的生命”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 438:1)
14:22–25 Jesus establishes the Lord’s Supper, giving communicants His true body and blood for the forgiveness of sins under the bread and wine. Because of our sin, we could not have fellowship with God. However, Jesus creates a new relationship between God and sinners through His suffering and death on the cross. By His blood, He seals His testament of peace and forgiveness, which we receive in this Sacrament. • “O Lord, we praise Thee, bless Thee, and adore Thee, In thanksgiving bow before Thee. Thou with Thy body and Thy blood didst nourish Our weak souls that they may flourish: O Lord, have mercy! May Thy body, Lord, born of Mary, That our sins and sorrows did carry, And Thy blood for us plead In all trial, fear, and need: O Lord, have mercy!” Amen. (LSB 617:1)
14:22-25 耶稣设立了主的圣餐,将祂的身体和宝血在饼和酒中赐给领受者,为要他们得着赦罪恩典。因为我们的罪,我们不能与上帝相交。然而,耶稣通过祂在十字架上的受难和死亡,在上帝和罪人之间建立了新的关系。通过祂的宝血,我们在圣餐中领受了祂的平安和赦罪的新约。- 主啊,我们赞美你,祝福你,敬拜你,感谢你。你用你的身体和宝血滋养了我们软弱的灵魂,使其茁壮成长: 主啊,求你怜悯!主啊,愿你的身体,就是由马利亚所生的,替我们承担罪孽和痛苦,愿你的宝血为我们在一切试炼、恐惧和需要中祈求: 主啊,怜悯我们!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 617:1)
14:26–31 Jesus fulfills the Scripture that promises the forgiveness of sins through the sacrifice of the Shepherd, even though all His sheep desert Him. Good intentions do not substitute for faith. Only through God’s strength can any Christian face trial. Even though Jesus’ sheep will run away, He will lay down His life for them. • Faithful Shepherd, keep me close this day and always. Amen.
14:26-31 耶稣成就了经上所应许的,即通过大牧者的牺牲,我们可以罪得赦免,但祂的羊都离弃了祂。这说明良好的意图不能代替信心。只有靠着上帝的力量,基督徒才能面对试炼。即使耶稣的羊会逃跑,祂也会为他们舍命。- 信实的大牧者啊,求你今天和永远与我保持亲近。阿们。
14:32–42 On the eve of His Passion, Jesus prays in agony, yet He concludes by praying that the Father’s will be done. The disciples fall asleep while praying, faithless in the critical hour. Spiritual sleepiness steals over us too when we need to watch and pray. But our Savior is ever vigilant and interceding on our behalf, that the Lord might answer our prayers in mercy. • Faithful High Priest, intercede for us at Your Father’s throne, that He may pardon and bless us for Your sake. Amen.
14:32-42 受难前夕,耶稣在痛苦中祷告,但祂最后祈求天父的旨意得以成就。门徒们在祷告时睡着了,在关键时刻没有忠心。当我们需要儆醒祷告时,属灵的睡意也会侵袭我们。但是,我们的救赎主时刻警醒,为我们代求,使主以怜悯回应我们的祷告。- 信实的大祭司,在你父的宝座前为我们代求,求祂为你的缘故赦免和祝福我们。阿们。
14:43–50 Representatives of the Jewish ruling Council arrest Jesus, apprehending Him at night outside the city to avoid causing a riot among His supporters. God’s plan of salvation moves forward, using the “success” of these enemies to move closer to the cross for the sake of our salvation. • “O wondrous Love, what have You done! The Father offers up His Son, Desiring our salvation. O Love, how strong You are to save! You lay the One into the grave Who built the earth’s foundation.” Amen. (LSB 438:3)
14:43-50 犹太公会的代表逮捕了耶稣,为了避免在祂的支持者中引起骚乱,他们夜里在城外逮捕了祂。上帝的救赎计划向前推进,利用这些敌人的 “成功”,为了我们的救赎,向十字架靠近。- 奇妙的爱啊,你所做的何等惊奇!父献上祂的儿子,为要我们得救。哦,大爱上帝啊,你拯救的力量何等强大!你安放在坟墓里的那位救主,祂曾经建立了地的根基”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 438:3)
14:51–52 Jesus is abandoned by His disciples, including a young man (possibly Mark) who has witnessed the arrest. We cannot count on our own courage or strength in the face of Satan and his forces. Jesus accomplishes the plan of salvation without aid from any human ally. • Stand with me, Jesus, and grant me courage to withstand all temptations by which I might depart from Your good way. Amen.
14:51-52 耶稣被祂的门徒遗弃,其中包括一个目睹了耶稣被捕的年轻人(可能是马可)。面对撒旦和他的势力,我们不能依靠自己的勇气和力量。耶稣在没有任何人类盟友的帮助下完成了救赎计划。- 与我同在,耶稣,求你赐我勇气,使我能够抵挡一切诱惑,不偏离你公义良善的道路。阿们。
14:53–65 The Jewish ruling Council convicts Jesus of blasphemy for claiming to be the messianic King. Even though all of Jesus’ supporters have abandoned Him, He stands ready to bear the sins of the world. God uses the plans and plots of His enemies to accomplish our salvation. • “Jesus, I will ponder now On Your holy passion; With Your Spirit me endow For such meditation. Grant that I in love and faith May the image cherish Of Your suff’ring, pain, and death That I may not perish.” Amen. (LSB 440:1)
14:53-65 犹太公会判定耶稣亵渎上帝,因为祂自称是弥赛亚王。尽管耶稣的所有支持者都抛弃了祂,但祂仍准备好承担世人的罪。上帝利用祂敌人的计划和阴谋来成就我们的救赎。- 耶稣啊,我现在要默想你神圣的苦难;求用你的灵引领我的默想(主的苦难)。求你让我在爱和信心中珍视你受苦、受难、受死的画面,使我不至灭亡。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 440:1)
14:66–72 While Jesus stands firm before Caiaphas, on trial for His life, Peter three times denies knowing Jesus. Fear leads us to do things we later regret. Only God can give us the courage to face difficult situations, especially persecution. Not only did Jesus later forgive Peter, but He also even reinstated this apostle to his office (cf Jn 21:15–19). Therefore, be comforted because your Lord will likewise be merciful toward you. • “What punishment so strange is suffered yonder! The Shepherd dies for sheep that loved to wander; The Master pays the debt His servants owe Him, Who would not know Him.” Amen. (LSB 439:4)
14:66-72 当耶稣站在该亚法面前,为祂的生命受审时,彼得三次否认认识耶稣。恐惧会使我们做出后悔的事。只有上帝才能给我们勇气去面对困难的情况,尤其是逼迫。耶稣后来不仅赦免了彼得,而且还恢复了祂的职务(参约翰福音21:15-19)。因此,你要感到安慰,因为你的主也会同样地怜悯你。- 那边所受的刑罚何等奇特!牧羊人为爱走迷的羊而死,主人偿还了仆人欠祂的债,但仆人却不认识祂。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 439:4)