Ch 9 Jesus gives physical and spiritual sight—faith—to a man born blind, though the Pharisees accuse Jesus of violating the Sabbath and remain spiritually blind. We are all born spiritually blind, unable to see our sin and unwilling to do things God’s way. But through Baptism and the Word, God has delivered us from the domain of darkness through His beloved Son and has enlightened our hearts to know and follow Him. • I praise You, O God, that though I once was blind, now I see! Lead me as I guide others to the truth of the Gospel. Amen.
第 9 章 耶稣让一个生来就瞎眼的人重新得着身体上和属灵上的看见,法利赛人指责耶稣如此行是违反了安息日,这表明他们在属灵上仍然是瞎子。我们生来都是属灵的瞎子,看不到自己的罪,也不愿意按照上帝的方式行事。但通过洗礼和圣道,上帝藉着祂的爱子将我们从黑暗的权势中解救出来,并照亮了我们的心,让我们认识并跟随祂。- 上帝啊,我赞美你,虽然我曾经瞎眼,但现在我看见了!请引领我,使我引导他人领悟福音真理。阿们。
10:1–21 Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd to describe His intimate relationship with His followers and the love that moved Him to lay down His life for them. Sheep who ignore the Good Shepherd’s voice (His Word) have only themselves to blame and will fall prey to Satan. Unlike human love motivated by self-interest, Christ’s love for His own moved Him to voluntarily endure even death on a cross for our sake (Php 2:8). • My dear Shepherd, watch over me that I may never stray from You. Amen.
10:1-21 耶稣称自己为好牧人,以描述祂与跟随者的亲密关系,以及那份感动祂为他们舍命的圣爱。无视好牧人声音(祂的话语)的羊只能责怪自己,成为撒旦的猎物。与人类出于私利的爱不同,基督对属于祂之人的大爱促使祂为了我们,甚至自愿在十字架上忍受死亡(腓2:8)。- 我亲爱的牧者啊,求你看顾我,使我永不偏离你。阿们。
10:22–42 In the colonnade of Solomon during the Jewish Feast of Dedication, Jesus declares His oneness with the Father, which the unbelieving crowd understands to be blasphemous and worthy of death. To reject Jesus is to reject God and abandon the hope of everlasting life. Believers can rest secure that they belong to Jesus Christ and will never perish; all of Jesus’ works affirm this truth. • O Lord, “into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things.” Amen. (SC, Morning and Evening Prayers, here)
10:22-42 犹太人修殿节期间,耶稣在所罗门的廊下宣布自己与天父为一,不信的群众认为这是对天父的亵渎,是该死的。拒绝耶稣就等于拒绝上帝,放弃永生的希望。信徒可以放心,他们属于耶稣基督,永远不会灭亡;耶稣的所有作为都证实了这一真理。- 主啊,”我将自己的身体、灵魂和一切所有都交在你手中”。阿们。(小问答,晨祷和晚祷)
11:1–16 Jesus, the Son of God, will raise Lazarus from the dead so that He might be glorified. Death overwhelms us all. Even Christians have difficulty at times accepting God’s promise to strengthen faith through adversity. At the hand of Christ, suffering serves God’s gracious purpose; even death loses its sting (1Co 15:55–57). • O Lord, strengthen me for the days ahead, that I may bear witness to Your glory. Amen.
11:1-16 上帝之子耶稣使拉撒路从死里复活,使祂自己得荣耀。死亡笼罩着我们所有人。即使是基督徒,有时也很难接受上帝的应许,即通过逆境增强信心。在基督的手中,苦难达到了上帝恩典的目的;甚至死亡也失去了它的毒钩(林前15:55-57)。- 主啊,求你在未来的日子里坚固我,让我见证你的荣耀。阿们。
11:17–27 Jesus assures Martha that all who believe in Him, though they die physically, will live forever. Death is the consequence of sin (Gn 2:17; Rm 5:12; 6:23) and eventually takes everyone. No human being can overcome it. Comfort one another in the hope that even in the face of death, believers in Jesus Christ possess the sure promise of their own resurrection to everlasting life. • In the hour of our death, comfort us, O Lord, with the bright hope of life forever with You. Amen.
11:17-27 耶稣向马大保证,所有信祂的人,虽然肉体死亡,却会永远活着。死亡是罪的后果(创 2:17;罗5:12;6:23),最终会夺走每个人的生命。没有人能战胜死亡。我们要彼此安慰,希望即使面对死亡,信耶稣基督的人也能得到复活得永生的可靠应许。- 主啊,在我们死亡的时刻,请用与你永远一起活着的光明盼望安慰我们。阿们。
11:28–37 When Jesus comes to Mary and Martha’s house and sees great mourning, He is moved to tears over the situation and because of love for His friends. For all people, death and the grave bring loss and the pain of separation. But for Christians, death is only a temporary interruption of the fellowship they share with others in Christ Jesus, who will raise believers up on the Last Day to everlasting life. • O living Savior, when my loved ones die, turn my sorrow into joy as I look forward to our reunion in heaven. Amen.
11:28-37 当耶稣来到马利亚和马大的家,看到他们的悲痛时,祂为他们的处境和对朋友的爱而感动流泪。对所有人来说,死亡和坟墓都会带来损失和分离的痛苦。但对基督徒来说,死亡只是暂时中断了他们在基督耶稣里与他人分享的团契,基督耶稣将在末日使信徒复活并获得永生。- 永生的救主啊,当我所爱的人死去时,请将我的悲伤化为喜乐,因为我期待着我们在天堂重聚。阿们。
11:38–44 By raising Lazarus, Jesus reveals God’s glory and that He is truly the resurrection and the life. Apart from faith in Christ, the fear of death brings hopelessness and despair. Believers, however, can eagerly look forward to the day when Jesus will call them from their graves to live with Him forever (cf 5:28–29). • O God of life, when death takes one I love, may the promise of our resurrection turn my sorrow into joy. Amen.
11:38-44 通过使拉撒路复活,耶稣启示了上帝的荣耀,以及显明祂是真正的复活和生命。如果没有对基督的信心,对死亡的恐惧就会带来绝望。然而,信徒可以热切地盼望,有一天耶稣会把他们从坟墓中呼召出来,与祂永远同住(参 5:28-29)。- 生命之神啊,当死亡带走我所爱的人时,愿我们复活的应许能让我转悲为喜。阿们。
11:45–57 After Jesus raises Lazarus, Jewish leaders become hardened in their opposition to Him and plot to kill Him before the Passover. Unbelief hardens the heart, making a person callous to God’s acts of grace, mercy, and compassion. By daily repentance and prayer, dedicate yourself to fulfilling your calling faithfully. Rejoice that nothing stopped Jesus from graciously giving His life for all people at God’s appointed time and gathering His children to Himself. • Heavenly Father, draw me ever closer to You through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.
11:45-57 耶稣使拉撒路复活后,犹太领袖硬着心肠反对祂,并密谋在逾越节前杀死祂。不信会使人心刚硬,使人对上帝的恩典、怜悯和同情麻木不仁。通过每天的悔改和祷告,完全奉献自己去忠实地完成你的呼召。要欢喜的是,没有什么能阻止耶稣在上帝指定的时间为所有人慷慨地献出自己的生命,并将祂的儿女们聚集到自己身边。- 天父,求你通过我的主耶稣基督吸引我更加靠近你。阿们。
12:1–8 In humble devotion, yet with extravagant expense, Mary anoints Jesus, while Judas the betrayer and thief covers his greed with seemingly pious intentions. Sinners may appear to have pure motives, but inwardly they have greedy hearts. Through repentance and the blessings of the Word, God grants us pure hearts. No monetary value can be placed on our “redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses” (Eph 1:7). • O Lord, may we follow Mary’s example by lavishing love on Him who died for us! Amen.
12:1-8 马利亚以谦卑的奉献和奢侈的花费膏抹耶稣,而出卖耶稣的盗贼犹大却以看似虔诚的意图掩盖自己的贪婪。罪人看似动机纯正,实则内心贪婪。通过悔改和圣道的祝福,上帝会赐给我们纯洁的心灵。我们 “藉着祂的宝血得了救赎,我们的过犯得以赦免”(弗 1:7),这是无法用金钱来衡量的。- 主啊,愿我们以马利亚为榜样,将爱倾倒在为我们而死的主身上!阿们。
12:9–11 Jesus’ popularity grows as crowds hear about the raising of Lazarus, but the chief priests plot against Jesus and Lazarus. Those who hate Christ also hate His friends. But Jesus deserves praise (Php 2:10), for He came to bring life to all, and He will mercifully watch over us. • Dear Lord, change the hearts of all who hate You so that they may trust in Your mercy. Amen.
12:9-11 众人听说拉撒路复活的消息后,耶稣的声望大增,但祭司长却密谋反对耶稣和拉撒路。恨基督的人也恨祂的朋友。但耶稣值得赞美(腓2:10),因为祂来是为了给所有人带来生命,祂将仁慈地看顾我们。- 亲爱的主啊,求你改变所有恨你之人的心,让他们信靠你的怜悯。阿们。
12:12–19 Riding on a donkey, Jesus enters Jerusalem on the Sunday of Passion Week. Leaders of the Jewish nation reacted as we often do when we are no longer in control: frustrated and fearful. But Christ comes in a humble and gentle manner, eager to listen to our prayers for salvation. • Hosanna! Please save us, O blessed Lord. Amen.
12:12-19 耶稣在受难周的主日骑着驴进入耶路撒冷。犹太民族的领袖们的反应就像我们失去控制时的反应一样:沮丧和恐惧。但基督以谦卑温和的方式降临,渴望聆听我们的救赎祷告。- 和散那!当称颂的主啊,请拯救我们。阿们。
12:20–26 When some Greeks want to see Jesus, He uses the occasion to proclaim His death and the fruit it will bear. Too often we are tempted to think that we are really “living” when we are indulging in life’s sinful pleasures. Christ promises everlasting life to all who deny themselves and trust in Him. He shows us the meaning of abundant life. • O God, as Your baptized child, let me consider myself “dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rm 6:11). Amen.
12:20-26 当一些希腊人要见耶稣时,耶稣借机宣扬了祂的死和祂的死将结出的果实。当我们沉溺于生活中罪恶的享乐时,我们常常会认为自己真的在 “活着”。基督应许所有舍己信靠祂的人永生。祂向我们展示了丰盛生命的意义。- 神啊,作为你受洗的孩子,让我 “向罪也当看自己是死的。”(罗马书 6:11)。阿们。
12:27–36a Christ faces the moment of His glory, confirmed by His Father’s voice from heaven: the hour when He would be lifted up on the cross so that He could draw all people to Himself. Now is the day of salvation (2Co 6:2); people ignore it at their great peril. Thanks be to God, Christ remains committed to His mission to save the world in spite of its unbelief. • Father, glorify Your Son and draw us to Him today. Amen.
12:27-36a 基督面临祂荣耀的时刻,天父从天上发出的声音证实了这一点:祂将在十字架上被举起,以便吸引所有的人归向他自己。现在就是救赎的日子(林后 6:2);人们忽视这一天,后果不堪设想。感谢上帝,尽管世人不信,基督仍致力于祂拯救世人的使命。- 天父,今天请荣耀你的儿子,吸引我们归向祂。阿们。
12:36b–43 Some Jews reject Jesus and, under God’s judgment, are hardened in unbelief; others believe in Him but refuse to confess Him openly for fear of being removed from the synagogue community. The desire to be accepted by others can stand in the way of a Christian’s bold confession of Christ today. Yet, take heart. God has revealed His saving presence (His glory) in the person of His Son, that we may glorify Him before all people. • Lord, may I “tell of [Your] salvation from day to day” (Ps 96:2). Amen.
12:36b-43 有些犹太人拒绝耶稣,活在神的审判之下,硬着心不信;有些人相信耶稣,但因害怕被赶出会堂而拒绝公开承认祂。今天,希望被他人接受的愿望可能会阻碍基督徒大胆地承认基督。然而,请放心。上帝已经在祂儿子的身上显明了祂拯救的同在(祂的荣耀),使我们可以在众人面前荣耀祂。- 主啊,愿我 “天天传扬祂的救恩”(诗 96:2)。阿们。
12:44–50 As Jesus concludes His public ministry, He reminds His hearers that He has come to save the world. Rejection of Christ and His Word brings judgment. Believers, however, do not see in Jesus an angry judge but a loving Savior who has our salvation ever on His heart. • Gracious Savior, remove from my heart all unbelief and doubt. Amen.
12:44-50 耶稣在结束祂的公开传道时提醒祂的听众,祂是来拯救世人的。拒绝基督和祂的话语会带来审判。然而,信徒们在耶稣身上看到的不是一个愤怒的法官,而是一位把我们的救赎放在心上的慈爱的救赎主。- 仁慈的救赎主啊,求你从我心里除去一切不信和怀疑。阿们。
13:1–20 Jesus washes His disciples’ feet, thereby showing His willingness to serve them. Often we think that greatness means having others serve us. But Christ shows His true greatness and His love toward us in that He came to wash away our sins, even though it cost Him His life. • Lord Jesus Christ, receive our thanks for Your love, and help us to love one another as deeply as You have loved us. Amen.
13:1-20 耶稣为门徒洗脚,表明祂愿意为他们服务。我们常常认为,伟大意味着别人可以服侍我们。但是,耶稣基督用祂的生命洗净了我们的罪,这才显示了祂真正的伟大和祂对我们的爱。- 主耶稣基督,接受我们对你圣爱的感恩,帮助我们彼此相爱,就像你爱我们一样深。阿们。
13:21–30 Jesus predicts that one of His disciples will betray Him. He gives Judas a morsel of food, a gesture of friendship, but Judas leaves to carry out his plot. This event warns us not to repay the kindness of God with evil and unfaithfulness. When you see how you have betrayed Christ with your behavior, repent; remember that He died for you and will forgive you. • Gracious Savior, forgive my own sins of betrayal, and grant me a new heart. Amen.
13:21-30 耶稣预言祂的一个门徒会背叛祂。祂给了犹大一点食物,以示友好,但犹大却离开了,去实施他的阴谋。这件事告诫我们,不要用邪恶和不忠来报答上帝的仁慈。当你看到自己的行为背叛了基督,请忏悔;记住祂为你而死,并会宽恕你。- 仁慈的救世主啊,请宽恕我背叛的罪,并赐给我一颗新心。阿们。
13:31–35 The disciples cannot follow Christ to the cross, but He asks them to imitate His love for them as they love one another. Christians bring dishonor to Christ and His love when they deal with one another in a loveless manner. Christ redeemed us through His self-sacrificial love that we may in turn imitate His love (Eph 5:1–2). • May Your love, O Lord, guide my every action. Amen.
13:31-35 门徒不能跟随基督上十字架,但祂要求他们在彼此相爱时效法祂对他们的爱。基督徒若以没有爱心的方式彼此相待,就会使基督和祂的爱蒙羞。基督通过祂舍己的爱救赎了我们,使我们也能效法祂的爱(弗 5:1-2)。- 主啊,愿你的爱指引我的一举一动。阿们。
13:36–38 Peter thinks he is ready to follow Jesus, but Jesus says Peter will only deny Him. Peter’s boldness was not due to faith but to egotistical bravado. In the end, Peter did offer his life for Christ, but only because Christ first offered His life for Peter—and for us too. • Dear God, help me to see that Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Amen.
13:36-38 彼得认为自己已经准备好跟随耶稣,但耶稣说彼得只会不认祂。彼得的大胆并不是出于信心,而是出于自我中心的勇武。最后,彼得确实为基督献出了生命,但这只是因为基督首先为彼得献出了生命,也为我们献出了生命。亲爱的上帝,请帮助我看到你的大能在我的软弱上得以完全。阿们。
14:1–14 Through His death and resurrection, Christ went to prepare a place for us in heaven, where we will dwell with God forever. The true God cannot be known apart from Jesus Christ. Because of Christ’s work, we can know the Father and enter His eternal presence. • O risen Lord, with great anticipation I long for my home in heaven. Come, Lord Jesus! Amen.
14:1-14 基督通过祂的死和复活,为我们在天上预备了地方,我们将在那里与神永远同住。离开耶稣基督,我们就无法认识真神。因为基督的工作,我们可以认识天父,进入祂永恒的同在。- 哦,复活的主啊,我满怀期待地盼望我在天堂的家。来吧,主耶稣!阿们。
14:15–31 Christ promises that He and His Father will come to dwell in those who hear and believe His Word, and that He will send to them the Holy Spirit as the Helper. Those who neglect Christ’s Word isolate themselves from God. Jesus Christ reveals God’s grace in His Word, dispelling our fear and unbelief. • O Holy Spirit, draw me ever closer to my Savior, and focus me on His Word. Amen.
14:15-31 基督应许说,祂和祂的父要来住在那些听祂的道并相信祂的人里面,祂还要差遣圣灵作他们的帮助者。忽视基督话语的人就会与上帝隔绝。耶稣基督在祂的话语中揭示了上帝的恩典,消除了我们的恐惧和不信。- 圣灵啊,求你吸引我更加接近我的救赎主,让我专注于祂的话语。阿们。