
1:1–11 Jesus, truly risen in His body from the dead, reigns as unseen King over the here and now. He will return in full sight of all in the Father’s good time. Therefore, do not let the evil one lock Jesus in the past or reduce His ministry to you now. Boldly pray to Jesus, and acknowledge Him as your Lord. Your good standing today and your eternal tomorrow flow from Jesus’ victory over the grave and His enthronement at the Father’s right hand. • Lord, increase our faith in Jesus’ past, present, and future triumph, and make us bold witnesses to Him in every facet of our lives. Amen.

1:1-11 耶稣以肉身真正从死里复活,作为看不见的王掌管着此时此地。在天父所定的美善时刻,他将在万众瞩目之下回来。因此,不要让恶者把耶稣锁在过去,也不要减少他现在对你的服事。大胆地向耶稣祷告,承认他是你的主。你美好的今天和永恒的明天都源于耶稣对坟墓的胜利和他在天父右手边的宝座。- 主啊,请增强我们对耶稣过去、现在和未来胜利的信心,让我们在生活的方方面面勇敢地为他作见证。阿们。

1:12–26 The disciples and others seek the Lord’s will concerning the candidate of His choice to replace Judas as a leader of the Church, the new Israel. Today, entrust your future to the Lord in prayer. He will prepare your way before you. Since our Lord is present with us till the end of the age, He will knit together in love His faithful people with Himself and with one another. • Jesus, our King, may we never tire of watching in prayer before Your throne, and may Your will be our delight. Amen.

1:12-26 门徒和其他人寻求主的旨意,以确定他所拣选的能够代替犹大,成为教会–新以色列–领袖人物之一。今天,在祷告中将你的未来交托给主。他会在你面前为你预备道路。既然我们的主与我们同在,直到世界的末了,他会用爱将他忠实的子民与他自己以及彼此连接在一起。- 耶稣,我们的王,愿我们在你的宝座前永不疲倦地祷告和警醒,愿你的旨意成为我们的喜乐。阿们。

2:1–13 The Holy Spirit descends as a gift, sounding forth one message in many tongues, showing that Israel will soon burst its ethnic bounds. Cynics of all eras belittle God’s mighty deeds and explain them away. However, humility before the Holy Spirit is in order, along with sheer wonder that God gives Himself to people of all nations. • “Come, holy Fire, comfort true, Grant us the will Your work to do And in Your service to abide; Let trials turn us not aside.” Amen. (LSB 497:3)

2:1-13 圣灵作为恩赐降临,用多种方言发出同一个信息,表明以色列很快就会打破其民族界限。任何时代的愤世嫉俗者都会轻视上帝的大能,并将其解释得一无是处。然而,在圣灵面前,我们应该谦卑,并对上帝将自己赐给万民感到惊奇。- “来吧,圣火,真正的安慰,赐予我们乐意的心去做你的工作,并恪守对你的服侍;不要让试炼把我们引诱走”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书497:3)

2:14–41 Peter shows from the Scriptures that Jesus is Israel’s Lord as well as Savior of the nations. Rejoice that God pours out His Spirit in Baptism and multiplies His blessings to us in daily repentance and forgiveness. He makes a new Israel, a new house of David—the Church! • Lord, grant that I may confess and proclaim You with confidence, as Peter did. Amen.

2:14-41 彼得基于圣经说明耶稣是以色列的主,也是万民的救主。你们要喜乐,因为上帝在洗礼中浇灌下圣灵,在我们每日的悔改和赦罪中加倍赐福于我们。他创造了一个新的以色列,一个新的大卫之家–教会!- 主啊,求你赐福于我,让我可以像彼得一样忏悔并带着信心宣告你的名。阿们。

2:42–47 The early Christians lived only for their Lord and for the other members of His Body, the Church. How cheap in comparison is our indifference to the Church; how sad are our compromises with the world. Yet the Holy Spirit still dwells and works among us; we still have the apostles’ teaching embodied in the NT Scriptures. How blessed are we in such heavenly fellowship! • Lord, open our eyes to Your reality, order our priorities, and let Your light transfigure these latter days. Amen.

2:42-47 早期的基督徒只为主和主的身体–教会的其他成员而活。相比之下,我们对教会的漠不关心是多么的黯淡;我们对世界的妥协是多么的可悲。然而,圣灵仍然居住在我们中间并在我们中间做工;我们仍然有使徒们在新约圣经中的教导。在这样属天的团契中,我们是何等有福!- 主啊,求你开启我们的眼睛,让我们看到你的真实,安排我们的优先次序,让你的光照亮这末世。阿们。

3:1–10 In this highest form of almsgiving, Peter and John dispense God’s own gift: mercy. Present through the Spirit in His holy name, the exalted Jesus makes the crippled man stand, that he may leap for joy. Shudder when you hear people use Jesus’ holy name as a curse rather than as a cure. Call on Him in all your needs, and use His name reverently and gladly to bestow the Father’s gifts on others. • Fill us, Holy Spirit, that our hearts and lips may honor Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

3:1-10 在这种最高形式的施舍中,彼得和约翰分发上帝自己的礼物:怜悯。高升的耶稣通过圣灵以及藉着他的圣名临在,使瘸腿的人站立起来,让他欢喜跳跃。当你听到人们把耶稣的圣名当作诅咒而不是治疗时,你会不寒而栗。在你所有的需要中呼唤他,恭敬而欣喜地使用他的圣名,将天父的恩赐赐给他人。- 圣灵,求你充满我们,让我们的心和嘴唇都尊崇耶稣的圣名。阿们。

3:11–26 Peter shows the crowd at the temple that all the prophets have pointed to Jesus as the Christ. The risen Lord brings to light our hidden guilt and lifts the burden that crushes every sinner. Though His Word points out your shame, His grace will wipe away your sin. • Lord Jesus, come boldly to both Jew and Gentile, to accuse and to forgive, to wound and to heal. Amen.

3:11-26 彼得向圣殿中的众人表明,所有的先知都指向耶稣是基督。复活的主揭示了我们隐藏的罪孽,解除了压在每个罪人身上的重担。虽然他的话语指出了你的羞耻,但他的恩典会抹去你的罪。- 主耶稣,请勇敢地来到犹太人和外邦人中间,指责并宽恕,打伤并治愈。阿们。

4:1–22 Locking their hearts, the religious authorities also close their eyes and cover their ears to silence the Word. But the crippled man still stands, the name of Jesus displays its power, and salvation resides in Him alone. Today, the Lord wants you to stand along with His bold apostles. He pledges His life and blessing to you in the midst of all difficulties. • Christ, our Savior, give us courage to stand firm. Amen.

4:1-22 宗教领袖们紧锁心门,也闭上眼睛,捂住耳朵,为要让圣道消声。但瘸腿的人仍然站立着,耶稣的名彰显了它的大能,唯有他才能拯救世人。今天,主希望你与他勇敢的使徒们一起站立。在一切困难中,他向你保证他的生命和祝福。- 基督,我们的救主,请赐予我们稳妥站立的勇气。阿们。

4:23–31 Mounting pressure drives the apostles to prayer. They recite God’s sure Word and ask Him for boldness and a demonstration of His presence. Remember to pray for boldness when faced with persecution. Rejoice that the Lord refashions you in His image by His Word and Spirit. • Lord, grant Your Church throughout the world such a prayer for boldness, said with one heart and one Spirit. Amen.

4:23-31 越来越大的压力促使使徒们开始祷告。他们诵读上帝确实的话语,求他赐给他们勇气,并彰显他的同在。记住,在面对逼迫时要为自己的胆量祷告。要欢喜快乐,因为主通过他的话语和圣灵按照他的形象改造你们。- 主啊,求你赐给全世界的教会这样同心并且在圣灵里合一的勇敢祷告。阿们。

4:32–37 As the early Christians loved their Lord, they loved His Bride, the Church, giving of themselves freely. As you gather goods that perish, consider that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (20:35). Lavish love on your brothers and sisters in Christ, just as Jesus lavished His love on us all and gave Himself unto death for the worst of sinners. • Grant us, Lord, to live each hour in the knowledge that “love never ends” (1Co 13:8). Amen.

4:32-37 正如早期基督徒爱他们的主一样,他们也爱他的新妇–教会,无偿地奉献自己。当你积攒会朽坏的东西时,想想 “施比受更为有福”(20:35)。把爱洒向你在基督里的弟兄姐妹,就像耶稣把爱洒向我们所有人,为罪大恶极的罪人舍身赴死一样。- 主啊,赐福我们,让我们每时每刻都活在 “爱是永不止息 “的知识中(林前13:8)。阿们。

5:1–11 Ananias and Sapphira pay a high price for their hypocrisy, taking grace for granted and forgetting that “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2Co 5:10). Woe to those who disturb and deceive the Lord’s Church! Yet, “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” (Pr 9:10). “If anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father” (1Jn 2:1). • Lord, let a goodly measure of “fear and trembling” (Php 2:12) inform our trust in You. Amen.

5:1-11 亚拿尼亚和撒非喇为他们的虚伪付出了高昂的代价,他们认为恩典是理所当然的,忘记了 “我们众人必要在基督台前显露出来”(林后 5:10)。那些扰乱和欺骗主教会的人有祸了!然而,”敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端”(箴 9:10)。”若有人犯罪,我们在父面前有一位代求者”(约一2:1)。- 主啊,让适宜的 “恐惧和战兢”(腓2:12)引领我们对你的信靠。阿们。

5:12–16 God heals many people through the apostles. This massive outpouring of God’s love and power comes with His serious appeals for repentance. God’s power to change lives is still at work today. His greatest work always remains the forgiveness of sins. • Lord, fill us with all due reverence for You and Your mysteries. Stretch forth Your hand to heal the sicknesses of our bodies and souls. Amen.

5:12-16 神通过使徒医治了许多人。神的爱和大能大规模涌现的同时,他也严肃地呼吁人们悔改。今天,上帝改变生命的大能仍在运行。他最伟大的工作始终是赦罪。- 主啊,让我们对你和你的奥秘充满敬畏。伸出你的手,治愈我们身体和灵魂的疾病。阿们。

5:17–42 God’s patience (Rm 2:4) is running out. Those at the head of Israel are dangerously close to judgment. Under fire, the Church holds firm, confesses the truth, and accepts the suffering that follows. Today, pray for bold witness and the blessing of peaceful service. When trouble threatens, have confidence that the crucified and risen Savior will keep us steadfast in His grace. • Lord, protect and deliver Your holy people who are still persecuted countless times each day. Amen.

5:17-42 上帝的忍耐(罗马书2:4)即将耗尽。以色列的首领们正危险地接近审判。在炮火之下,教会坚守阵地,宣告真理,接受因此而来的苦难。今天,为大胆的见证以及和平侍奉的祝福祷告。当困难来临时,相信被钉十字架又复活的救赎主会让我们在他的恩典中坚定不移。- 主啊,求你保护并拯救你的圣洁子民,他们每天仍在无数次地遭受迫害。阿们。

6:1–7 The apostles deal with complaints about the relief of the Church’s poor, instituting the office of deacon. Church conflict can often be resolved for the benefit of the ministries, preaching, teaching, and physical care of God’s people. If your congregation is experiencing conflict, take counsel and comfort from this passage. Also, rest your heart and confidence in the Lord, who sends His Spirit and heals His Church. • Lord, let love rule our life, and supply us with pastors and deacons for Your glory and for the good of Your flock. Amen.

6:1-7 使徒处理有关救济教会穷人的投诉,设立执事职位。教会冲突往往可以得到解决,从而有利于神子民的事工、布道、教导和照顾物质上的需要。如果你的会众正在经历冲突,请从这段经文中得到劝勉和安慰。同时,把你的心和信心安放在主身上,主会差遣他的灵来医治他的教会。- 主啊,让爱主宰我们的生活,为了你的荣耀和你羊群的益处,赐给我们牧师和执事。阿们。

6:8–15 Stephen is the new target of persecution. Synagogue leaders twist his words, accusing him of treason against Judaism. When persecution confronts you, be faithful to Jesus, whatever the consequences may be. Remember that He is always faithful to you and can deliver you. • Lord, may we, like Stephen, never falter when under attack for You. Amen.

6:8-15 司提反成为迫害的新目标。犹太教会的领袖们歪曲他的话,指责他背叛犹太教。当你面临逼迫时,无论后果如何,都要忠于耶稣。记住他永远对你忠实,并能拯救你。- 主啊,愿我们像司提反一样,在因着信仰你的缘故而受到攻击时永不动摇。阿们。

7:1–53 Stephen’s message recounts how God’s chosen people, by rejecting Moses, rejected God. Israel’s refusal to follow God ended in their dismissal of God’s Son. However, Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world, that we would be reconciled to God the Father. In Holy Baptism, He gives us new hearts and pours out His Spirit for us. • Father, for Jesus’ sake, forgive my sins. Circumcise my heart, that I trust in You above all things. Amen.

7:1-53 司提反的信息重述了神所拣选的子民如何因拒绝摩西而拒绝神。以色列人拒绝跟随神,最终导致他们拒绝了神的儿子。然而,耶稣承担了世人的罪,使我们与天父上帝和好。在圣洗礼中,他赐予我们新的心灵,并丰富地赐下圣灵给我们。- 天父,看在耶稣的份上,赦免我的罪。给我的心行割礼,让我在万事之上都信靠你。阿们。

7:54–60 Stephen displays the heart of one touched and changed by Jesus’ love. Normally we do not forgive people until they ask for forgiveness. Here we see a second type of forgiveness, spoken and requested from God before a person asks for it (v 60). When betrayal, persecution, or abuse breaks your heart, recall Stephen’s words. Pray that the Lord would lead you to this type of forgiveness. Know that the Lord, who forgave the soldiers who crucified Him, can forgive all your sins. He can likewise heal your wounds of body and soul. So great is His mercy. • “Jesus, in Your dying woes, Even while Your lifeblood flows, Craving pardon for Your foes: Hear us, holy Jesus. . . . Oh, may we, who mercy need, Be like You in heart and deed, When with wrong our spirits bleed: Hear us, holy Jesus.” Amen. (LSB 447:1, 3)

7:54-60 司提反展示了一颗被耶稣的爱所感动和改变的心。通常我们不会饶恕别人,除非他们请求饶恕。在这里,我们看到的是第二种饶恕,即在一个人请求饶恕之前,我们已经在上帝面前代求饶恕并且讲出来给他听(第 60 节)。当背叛、迫害或虐待伤透你的心时,请回想司提反的话。求主带领你使用这种饶恕方式。要知道,主饶恕了把他钉在十字架上的士兵,同样也能饶恕你所有的罪。同样,他也能医治你身体和灵魂的创伤。他的怜悯如此伟大。- “耶稣啊,在你临终的痛苦中,甚至在你赐生命的血流淌的时候,你都渴望宽恕你的敌人:听我们的祈祷,圣洁的耶稣. . . 哦,愿我们这些需要怜悯的人,在心灵和行为上都像你一样,当我们的灵魂因错误而流血时: 听我们的祷告,圣洁的耶稣。” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书447:1, 3)

8:1–3 Stephen’s death and Saul’s persecution of Christ’s followers illustrate the fulfillment of the prophecy that the world would hate the Gospel and kill those who believed it (Mt 24:9–10). The omnipotent God made the world’s fanatical hatred serve His purpose in proclaiming the Gospel throughout the entire world. When you are persecuted for the sake of the Gospel, trust that your Lord is at work in the midst of such circumstances. As the cross shows, He can work blessings for you and for others, despite all curses and condemnations. • “Praise for the first of martyrs Who saw You ready stand To help in time of torment, To plead at God’s right hand. Like You, our suff’ring Savior, His enemies he blessed, With ‘Lord, receive my spirit,’ His faith, by death, confessed.” Amen. (LSB 517:7)

8:1-3 司提反的死和扫罗对基督徒的迫害,说明世人会憎恨福音并杀害信徒的预言应验了(太24:9-10)。无所不能的上帝让世人狂热地憎恨他,然而却达到他将福音传遍全世界的目的。当你因福音的缘故受到逼迫时,请相信你的主会在这样的环境中做工。正如十字架所显示的,尽管有一切咒诅和定罪,他仍能为你和他人成就祝福。- 赞美第一位殉道者,他看到你站着迎接,知道你必在受难时伸出援手,并且也在上帝的右手边代求。就像你,我们受苦的救世主一样,司提反祝福他的敌人,藉着自己的死,用“主啊,接受我的灵魂”来表达他的信仰”。阿们 (路德宗崇拜书 517:7)

8:4–8 The ancient hatred between Jews and Samaritans underscores the corrosion of sin in the world. Christ, however, through His death and resurrection, makes all people one in Him (Eph 2:11–22). View people of every race and kind as precious to Jesus. His blood washes away all sin, and His Spirit makes us one. • Father, beat down Satan under our feet, and give us faithful laborers for Your harvest field. Through Your Word of salvation, give to all nations peace and harmony. Amen.

8:4-8 犹太人与撒玛利亚人之间自古以来的仇恨凸显了罪恶对世界的侵蚀。然而,基督通过他的死和复活,使所有人在他里面合而为一(弗 2:11-22)。我们要把不同种族、不同种类的人视为耶稣的珍宝。他的宝血洗净一切罪恶,他的圣灵使我们合而为一。- 天父,求你将撒旦打倒在我们脚下,赐给我们忠心的工人,在你的禾场上劳作。通过你救赎的话语,赐予万国和平与和谐。阿们。

8:9–25 The power of the Gospel, which reaches even the most unlikely people, is illustrated in the lives of the Samaritans. God and His grace cannot be bought. A person’s life is transformed only by the power of the Holy Spirit working through the Word. Today, ask the Lord to bless your study of His Word. He will transform you and bless your service according to His gifts and good pleasure. • Father, all too often I have treated Your grace as something I could purchase or earn. Forgive me, for Jesus’ sake, and let Your Holy Spirit work mightily in my life, that I might imitate Philip and proclaim Your Word of life. Amen.

8:9-25 撒玛利亚人的生命说明了福音因着它的大能甚至能传给最不可能的人。上帝和他的恩典是买不来的。一个人的生命只有在圣灵通过话语做工的大能下才能改变。今天,求主祝福你学习他的话语。他会按照他的恩赐和美意改变你,祝福你的侍奉。- 天父,我常常把你的恩典当作我可以购买或赚取的东西。看在耶稣的份上,饶恕我,让你的圣灵在我的生命中大能地工作,使我能效法腓利,宣扬你的生命之道。阿们。

8:26–40 God leads Philip to bear witness to and baptize an important official from Ethiopia, ensuring that Jews in Africa and also Ethiopians would likewise receive the Gospel. The Holy Spirit brings the eunuch to faith through the Word and Baptism. Today, rejoice in the Word and Baptism you have received, through which the Holy Spirit continues to work in your life. • Father, through Your Holy Spirit, rekindle my desire to read and hear Your Word, acknowledge Your gifts in Baptism, and respond with joy and care for others. Amen.

8:26-40 神带领腓利为埃塞俄比亚的一位重要官员作见证并施洗,确保非洲的犹太人和埃塞俄比亚人也同样接受福音。圣灵通过圣道和洗礼使太监归信主。今天,为你所接受的圣道和洗礼而喜乐吧,圣灵会通过它们继续在你的生命中做工。- 天父,通过你的圣灵,重新点燃我阅读和聆听你话语的渴望,承认你在洗礼中的恩赐,并以喜乐和关爱他人的态度作出回应。阿们。

9:1–19a Jesus confronts Saul and converts him through the Gospel and Baptism. Though Saul was convinced of his righteous mission of persecution, he learned that true righteousness comes only through Christ. All we are and all we do depends on His blessing and calling. • “Praise for the light from heaven And for the voice of awe; Praise for the glorious vision The persecutor saw. O Lord, for Paul’s conversion, We bless Your name today; Come shine within our darkness, And guide us on our way.” Amen. (LSB 517:12)

9:1-19a 耶稣直面扫罗,通过福音和洗礼使他归主。虽然扫罗曾坚信他的迫害使命是义举,但他明白了真正的义只有通过基督才能实现。我们的一切和我们所做的一切都取决于他的祝福和呼召。- 赞美天上的光和惊奇的声音;赞美迫害者所看见的荣耀异象。主啊,为了保罗的皈依,我们今天祝福你的名;求你照亮我们的黑暗,指引我们前行”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书517:12)

9:19b–22 The Holy Spirit opened Saul’s eyes and heart to forgiveness through Christ so he boldly confessed His name to his fellow Jews. Today, trust that the Lord is able to change people’s lives—even people you regard as utterly lost and despicable. How great is our Lord and His grace! • Father, as Your Holy Spirit opened Saul’s heart to the Gospel, open my heart, that I might believe and make a fearless testimony of Christ. Amen.

9:19b-22 圣灵开启了扫罗的眼睛和心灵,使他认识到基督的饶恕,因此他大胆地向他的犹太同胞宣告基督的名。今天,请相信主能够改变人的生命–即使是你认为完全迷失和卑鄙的人。我们的主和他的恩典何等伟大!- 天父,正如你的圣灵使扫罗的心向福音敞开一样,也请你向我敞开心门,使我能够相信并为基督作无畏的见证。阿们。

9:23–25 The Christians show sincere faith by welcoming Saul, supporting his teaching of salvation through Christ. For the sake of the Gospel today, support and defend the witness of your brothers and sisters in Christ. The Lord your Savior is your defender. • Father, through Your Word, strengthen my faith in Christ. Make me, like those who assisted Saul, faithful in serving the proclamation of the Gospel. Amen.

9:23-25 基督徒们表现出了真诚的信仰,他们欢迎扫罗,支持他教导人们藉着基督得救的道理。今天,为了福音的缘故,请支持并捍卫你在基督里的弟兄姐妹的见证。主你的救赎主就是你的捍卫者。- 天父,通过你的话语,坚固我对基督的信仰。使我像那些帮助扫罗的人一样,忠心地为福音的传播服务。阿们。

9:26–31 Due to Saul’s past, Christians are suspicious of him. Due to his new faith, enemies of the Christian faith plot to kill him. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit brings Saul to other believers who help him escape. Through the power of the Gospel, the Church continues to grow. The Lord will likewise watch over the future of your congregation. Proclaim Christ! The Savior will bless and keep you. • Father, thank You for allowing me to hear the lifesaving news of the Gospel and to share in the fellowship of believers. Amen.

9:26-31 由于扫罗的过去,基督徒们对他产生了怀疑。由于他的新信仰,基督教信仰的敌人阴谋杀死他。然而,圣灵把扫罗带到其他信徒面前,帮助他逃脱。通过福音的大能,教会不断发展壮大。主同样会看顾你们教会的未来。宣扬基督!救主必会祝福并保守你们。- 天父,感谢你让我听到福音拯救人的消息,让我分享众信徒的团契交通。阿们。

9:32–35 Aeneas, paralyzed for eight years, is healed through the power of the Gospel. Seeing this miracle, the residents of Lydda and Sharon repent and believe in the Lord. As God grants you opportunity, share the love of Jesus by caring for the sick. His abiding care will sustain you in every need. • Father, thank You for healing me from the paralysis and death of sin and giving me the hope of eternal life. Amen.

9:32-35 瘫痪八年的以尼雅因福音的大能而痊愈。看到这个神迹,吕大和沙仑的居民悔改信主。当上帝给你机会时,请通过照顾病人来分享耶稣的爱。他恒久的关怀会在一切需要中扶持你。- 天父,感谢你医治我脱离罪的瘫痪和死亡,赐给我永生的盼望。阿们。

9:36–43 An untimely death comes to Tabitha, a beloved servant. However, those who mourn Tabitha’s death witness the power of Christ through her restoration to life. How great is the Lord’s kindness! • Father, when my last hour comes, take me to be with You in heaven, through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.

9:36-43 受人爱戴的仆人大比大过早地去世了。然而,那些哀悼大比大死亡的人通过她的复生见证了基督的大能。主的恩惠何等大!父啊,当我最后的时刻来临时,求你借着我的主耶稣基督,接我到天上与你同在。阿们。

10:1–8 The Lord prepares Cornelius to learn more about Jesus. Likewise, He prepares and guides our lives in accordance with His good purposes. Therefore, commend your life and ways to your Lord, who at all times has you on His heart. • Father, Your Law reminds me daily that as good as I think I am, I can never be good enough to inherit eternal salvation. Thank You for sending Jesus to fulfill all righteousness for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

10:1-8 主预备哥尼流更多地认识耶稣。同样,主也按照他美好的旨意预备并引导我们的生活。因此,把你的生活和道路交托给你的主吧,他时刻把你放在心上。- 天父,你的律法每天都在提醒我,尽管我认为自己很好,但我永远都不够好,无法继承永恒的救赎。感谢差你遣耶稣为我成就一切的义。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

10:9–33 Through a vision, the Lord teaches Peter that holiness is not determined by people, but by what God Himself has ordained as holy and clean. We are powerless to hallow anything. Pray that God’s gifts and blessings may be hallowed among us. Through the Gospel, the Lord cleanses and hallows us. • Father, thank You for making me righteous and acceptable through Your Word. Let Your Holy Spirit move me to confess Christ, that others might be made acceptable in Your sight. Amen.

10:9-33 主通过异象教导彼得,圣洁不是由人决定,而是神自己规定什么为圣洁和洁净的。我们无力使任何事物圣洁。求主让神的恩赐和祝福在我们中间成为圣洁。通过福音,主洁净我们,使我们神圣。- 天父,感谢你通过你的话语使我成为公义和蒙悦纳的人。请让你的圣灵感动我在人前承认基督,好叫他人也可以在你面前被接纳。阿们。

10:34–43 Peter affirms for devout Cornelius that Jesus is truly the Christ; the Spirit affirms for Peter that the Gospel applies to all people without partiality. The Holy Spirit unites one and all in the Body of Christ. • Father, thank You for the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Make me a faithful witness of Your love. Amen.

10:34-43 彼得向虔诚的哥尼流肯定耶稣是真正的基督;圣灵向彼得肯定福音适用于所有人,没有偏袒。圣灵使所有人在基督的身体中合一。- 天父,感谢你通过你的儿子耶稣基督赐予我们救赎。求你使我成为你爱的忠实见证人。阿们。

10:44–48 The Holy Spirit demonstrates to the Jewish believers that God indeed desires to pour out His Spirit on “all flesh” (2:17), even Gentiles. The water, the Word, and the Holy Spirit go together. So Peter urges that the Gentiles be baptized right away, without concern for circumcision or ritual purity according to the old covenant. These blessings of Word and Sacrament abide with us today. • Lord, give us Your Word, that our thankfulness points many to Your grace. Amen.

10:44-48 圣灵向犹太信徒表明,上帝确实希望将他的灵浇灌在 “凡有血气的”人(2:17),甚至是外邦人身上。水、道和圣灵是相辅相成的。因此,彼得敦促外邦人立即受洗,而不必顾虑割礼或仪式按着旧约规定的纯洁性。今天,这些圣道和圣礼的祝福与我们同在。- 主啊,请赐给我们你的话语,让我们带着感恩向更多人指明你的恩典。阿们。

11:1–18 Through the Law, God condemns all sinners and drives them to repentance; through the Gospel, He grants life everlasting. Live a life of daily repentance, and glorify God for His lavish blessings and gifts to you and all people. • Lord, let our likeness to some not be a barrier to others. Draw everyone to You, O Holy Spirit, even the unlikely. Amen.

11:1-18 通过律法,神定所有罪人的罪,驱使他们悔改;通过福音,神赐予永生。你们要过每天悔改的生活,为上帝给你和所有人的丰盛祝福和恩赐荣耀上帝。- 主啊,不要让我们群体的共同特点成为与其他人交往的障碍。圣灵啊,吸引每一个人归于你,即使是看起来不可能信的人。阿们。

11:19–30 Though persecution scatters the believers, the Lord uses the persecution to proclaim the Gospel even more broadly. As believers grow in faith, they commit themselves to acts of service. Men of God, such as Barnabas, not only confirm the work of the Holy Spirit among believers but also ensure that new believers are nurtured in the faith through instruction (Mt 28:19–20). • “Awake, Thou Spirit, who didst fire The watchmen of the Church’s youth, Who faced the Foe’s envenomed ire, Who witnessed day and night Thy truth, Whose voices loud are ringing still And bringing hosts to know Thy will.” Amen. (TLH 494:1)

11:19-30 虽然迫害打散了信徒,但主利用迫害更广泛地传播福音。随着信徒们在信心中成长,他们也投身于服侍的行动中。神的百姓,如巴拿巴,不仅在信徒中间证实圣灵的工作,还努力带领新信徒通过教导在信仰上得到培育(太 28:19-20)。- “兴起啊,圣灵,你曾激励教会青少年的守望者,他们曾面对敌人的毒焰,他们曾日夜见证你的真理,你的声音仍在响起,使众人认识你的旨意”。阿们。(路德宗诗歌本 494:1)

12:1–5 As Christ had prophesied, His disciples share in His suffering, being arrested, beaten, and even killed. By His crucifixion and resurrection, Christ has passed through death and draws us safely through to life. He alone holds the keys of death and will leave none of His own behind. • Father, in the righteousness of faith in Christ, hear my prayer for believers who face persecution for Your name’s sake. Keep them faithful unto death, that they may receive the crown of life. Amen.

12:1-5 正如基督所预言的,他的门徒与他同受苦难,被逮捕、殴打,甚至被杀害。通过被钉死在十字架上和复活,基督穿越了死亡,带领我们安全地走向生命。只有他掌握着死亡的钥匙,他不会撇下任何一个属于自己的人。- 父啊,求你因信基督而来的义,垂听我为那些因你的名面临逼迫的信徒所作的祷告。求你保守他们至死忠心,使他们得着生命的冠冕。阿们。

12:6–19 The death of James at the hand of Herod and the imprisonment of Peter demonstrate the world’s hatred of the Gospel. Yet, nothing can separate believers from the love of Christ. He fulfills His purpose for us in life and in death; therefore, we have joy. • Father, may Rhoda’s joy at seeing Peter overflow in my life as I have fellowship with other believers. Amen.

12:6-19 雅各死于希律王之手,彼得被囚,都表明世界对福音的憎恨。然而,没有什么能使信徒与基督的爱隔绝。他为我们实现了生与死的目的;因此,我们有喜乐。- 天父,但愿罗大看到彼得时的喜乐能在我的生命中流淌,因为我与其他信徒有团契相通。阿们。

12:20–25 Herod’s violence and intrigue illustrate how evil breeds evil. Yet God can decisively topple evil. In mercy to us, He sent His Son to the cross to condemn evil and rescue us. Living in forgiveness, we eagerly await the day when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ takes us to live with Him forever in heaven. • “By all Your saints in warfare, For all Your saints at rest, Your holy name, O Jesus, Forevermore be blest! For You have won the battle That they might wear the crown; And now they shine in glory Reflected from Your throne.” Amen. (LSB 517:1)

12:20-25 希律的暴力和阴谋说明了邪恶是如何滋生邪恶的。然而,上帝能决定性地摧毁邪恶。为了怜悯我们,他差遣他的儿子走上十字架,谴责邪恶,拯救我们。我们活在宽恕之中,热切地等待着我们的主和救世主耶稣基督带我们到天堂与他永远生活在一起的那一天。- “你与众圣徒在争战中同在,好让他们可以安歇,耶稣啊,你的圣名永远被颂扬!因为你已经赢得了战斗,让他们戴上了冠冕;现在他们在荣耀中闪耀,从你的宝座上折射出来”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书517:1)

13:1–3 The momentous missionary journeys of Saul (later Paul) begin with the calling and equipping by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel and enlightens us with His gifts, especially those of teaching and spreading God’s Word, which we use in God’s service and to the benefit of others (cf 1Co 12). • Thank You, God, for those whom Your Spirit has gifted to share Your Word in my life. Enable me to use my gifts to serve others in Jesus’ name. Amen.

13:1-3 扫罗(后来称作保罗)重要的传教之旅始于圣灵的呼召和装备。圣灵以福音呼召我们,以他的恩赐启示我们,特别是教导和传播上帝话语的恩赐,我们用这些恩赐侍奉上帝,造福他人(参林前12章)。- 感谢你,上帝,感谢你的圣灵恩赐我在生活中分享你的话语。请使我能用我的恩赐奉耶稣的名为他人服务。阿们。

13:4–12 At the first mission stop, there is both opposition to and belief in the Gospel. Jesus says, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me” (Lk 11:23). God’s powerful Word will create and strengthen faith in us and in those who hear His Word from us (Rm 10:17). • Dear God, I confess that in my sinful nature I am opposed to Your will and Your ways. Thank You for Your powerful Word, which has brought me to faith in Jesus. May I use it to battle the evil within me and around me. Amen.

13:4-12 在传教的第一站,有人反对福音,也有人相信福音。耶稣说:”不与我相合的,就是敌我的”(路 11:23)。上帝大能的话语会在我们和那些从我们这里听到他话语的人心中产生并增强信心(罗马书10:17)。- 亲爱的上帝,我承认我的罪性与你的旨意和道路背道而驰。感谢你大能的话语,使我信耶稣。愿我用它来与我内心和周围的邪恶作斗争。阿们。

13:13–52 Paul’s visit to Pisidian Antioch is typical of his missionary technique and preaching. Today, the unbelieving world often responds in opposition to the message of salvation. Yet, the Gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection, which fulfilled the OT promises of salvation, “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rm 1:16). • Thank You, heavenly Father, for Your Scriptures. Help me to read them as Paul did, to see Your gracious activity there, and to realize that all of Your promises and actions are fulfilled in Jesus Christ to give me eternal life. Amen.

13:13-52 保罗对彼西底安提阿的访问是他传教策略和布道的典范。今天,不信的世人常常对救赎的信息做出反对的回应。然而,基督受死和复活的福音应验了《罗马书》中关于救赎的应许,”这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的”(罗马书1:16)。- 感谢你,天父,感谢你所赐的圣经。帮助我像保罗一样阅读圣经,看到你在其中的恩典,认识到你所有的应许和行动都在耶稣基督里实现了,并且给了我永生。阿们。

14:1–7 Paul’s visit to Iconium follows the pattern set in Pisidian Antioch. The message of grace again encounters violent opposition. The word of grace from God is sufficient for us (2Co 12:9), but the Lord may accompany His message with miraculous signs that testify to its power. • Heavenly Father, thank You for Your powerful Word. May it bear abundant fruit as You have promised, even in the midst of opposition. Amen.

14:1-7 保罗对以哥念的访问沿袭了彼西底安提阿的模式。恩典的信息再次遭遇激烈的反对。从神而来的恩典的话语对我们来说是足够的(林后 12:9),但主可能会用奇妙的神迹来伴随他的信息,以见证其大能。- 天父,感谢你赐予我们大能的话语。愿它如你所应许的那样结出丰硕的果实,即使是在反对的声音中。阿们。

14:8–18 Lystra has no synagogue, so when God miraculously heals someone, Paul testifies to the people that God graciously blesses all creation. People by nature tend to worship gods of their own making and in their own ways (Rm 1:22–25). Yet, God’s bounty in creation, and especially His Word, come to turn us away from idolatry and toward Him. • Praise to You, O Lord, the King of creation. “The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand; You satisfy the desire of every living thing” (Ps 145:15–16). Amen.

14:8-18 路司得没有犹太会堂,所以当神奇迹般地医治了一个人时,保罗向人们见证了神对所有受造物的恩赐。人的本性倾向于用自己的方式敬拜自己创造的神(《罗马书》1:22-25)。然而,上帝在受造物中的恩赐,尤其是他的话语,使我们远离偶像崇拜,转向他。- 赞美你,主啊,创造世界的大君王。”万民都举目仰望你,你随时给他们食物。你张手,使有生气的都随愿饱足 “(诗篇 145:15-16)。阿们。

14:19–23 The conclusion of Paul’s work in Lystra illustrates both suffering for the Gospel and the power of the Gospel. God’s people should expect opposition from a sinful world. Yet, the Gospel is crowned with success! It grants us entrance into God’s kingdom, while strengthening and encouraging us along the way. • Lord, strengthen my soul so that in faith I may say, “Why should cross and trial grieve me? Christ is near With His cheer; Never will He leave me.” Amen. (LSB 756:1)

14:19-23 保罗在路司得工作的结束既说明了为福音所受的苦难,也说明了福音的大能。上帝的子民应该预料到罪恶世界的反对。然而,福音获得了成功!它使我们得以进入上帝的国度,同时也一路坚固和鼓励我们。- 主啊,求你坚固我的灵魂,使我能凭信心说:”十字架和试炼何苦使我忧愁?基督就在我身边,他永远不会离开我”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书756:1)

14:24–28 Paul and Barnabas end their journey by reporting to those who sent them everything God has done. Neither our faith nor our missionary achievements are ultimately our doing. It is God who opens the door of faith—for us and for those to whom we witness. • Heavenly Father, may Your Spirit move Your Church to spread Your Word. Bring many more people into Your kingdom, and strengthen all believers to endure the trials they face on their way to heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

14:24-28 保罗和巴拿巴向派遣他们的人报告神所做的一切,以此结束他们的旅程。我们的信仰和传教成就最终都不是我们的功劳。是上帝为我们和我们的见证人打开了信仰之门。- 天父,愿你的灵感动你的教会传播你的话语。让更多的人进入你的国度,并增强所有信徒的力量,使他们能够经受住在通往天堂的道路上所面临的考验。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

15:1–21 The Jerusalem Council resolved the critical issue of who God’s chosen people are and affirmed that Jews and Gentiles are saved by grace alone (v 11). Obedience to the Law is a burden or yoke no one can bear, neither Jew nor Gentile (v 10; cf 13:39). However, our salvation through faith alone also empowers us to live with care and respect for others. • Heavenly Father, I praise You for saving us through the grace of our Lord Jesus. Empower and guide Your people to live in that grace, and to live out that grace, for the sake of others within and outside of the Church. Amen.

15:1-21 耶路撒冷会议解决了谁是上帝选民这一关键问题,并确认犹太人和外邦人得救唯靠恩典(第 11 节)。遵守律法是任何人都无法承受的重担或桎梏,无论是犹太人还是外邦人(第10节;参13:39)。然而,我们因信得救,也使我们有能力在生活中关心和尊重他人。- 天父,我赞美你通过我们主耶稣的恩典拯救了我们。请赐予我们能力,引导我们活在你的恩典中,并为了教会内外的他人活出你的恩典。阿们。

15:22–35 The decision reached in Jerusalem is delivered by delegation and by letter to the believers in Syrian Antioch, affirming the teaching of the council. Today, seek peace based on God’s Word and mutual care of fellow believers. The Lord, who cares deeply for you, will bless and provide for you in Christ, our peace. • Heavenly Father, may Your Spirit work through the Scriptures and human messengers to affirm the good news of our salvation and to teach us Your will. Help all of Your people to listen and to respond in faith and love. Amen.

15:22-35 在耶路撒冷达成的决定通过代表团和信件传达给叙利亚安提阿的信徒,肯定了大公会议的教导。今天,在上帝的话语和信徒相互关怀的基础上寻求和平。主耶和华深切地关怀着你们,会在基督里赐福并供应你们,因为他是我们的平安。- 天父,愿你的圣灵通过圣经和人类使者来肯定我们得救的好消息,并教导我们你的旨意。帮助你的子民聆听并以信心和爱回应你。阿们。

15:36–41 After disagreement over John Mark, two missionary teams are sent out from Antioch. Believers are also sinners (even Paul and Barnabas) and will at times have sharp disagreements. Yet, God promises to work all things for good, even our faults and failings (cf Rm 8:28; Gn 50:20), as He forgives our sins in Christ. • Heavenly Father, when dissension arises among Your people, forgive our sins and continue to work among us, even through our conflicts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

15:36-41 在对约翰马可产生分歧之后,安提阿派出了两支传道队。信徒也是罪人(甚至是保罗和巴拿巴),有时会有尖锐的分歧。然而,上帝应许会使万事都向好的方向运行,即使是藉着我们的过错和失败(参看罗马书8:28;创世纪50:20),因为他在基督里赦免了我们的罪。- 天父,当你的子民之间出现分歧时,请宽恕我们的罪,并继续在我们中间做工,即使是通过我们的冲突。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

16:1–5 Paul begins his second journey with Silas and Timothy. Through them, God continues to reach out with His message, using people as His messengers. Encouragement is still a great blessing to our faith. Share your hope and joy! Jesus is our strength amid all troubles and challenges. • Lord Jesus, may wisdom and love characterize all that we do. Amen.

16:1-5 保罗与西拉和提摩太一起开始了他的第二次宣教旅行。通过他们,神继续将他的信息传递出去,也是使用人作为他的使者。鼓励仍然是我们信仰的巨大祝福。要分享你的希望和喜乐!耶稣是我们在一切困难和挑战中的力量。- 主耶稣,愿智慧和爱主导我们所做的一切。阿们。

16:6–10 God guided Paul and his companions in unexpected directions. Our plans in general, and in particular our plans for the spread of the Gospel, do not always proceed as we hope. Yet, God directs us as His messengers to the people and places He would have us go. His grace is not bounded by our weakness but serves His good purposes in Christ. • Heavenly Father, continue to send workers into Your harvest field. Enable missionaries, evangelists, and pastors to always see their ministry as a calling from You. Amen.

16:6-10 上帝引导保罗和他的同伴们朝着意想不到的方向走。我们的一般生活计划,当然特别是传播福音的计划,并不总是按照我们的希望进行。然而,上帝会指引我们这些使者去往他想让我们地方并且寻找他想让我们找的人。他的恩典不受我们软弱的限制,而是在基督里为他的美意服务。- 天父,请继续派遣工人进入你的禾场。让传教士、布道家和牧师能够始终将他们的事工视为是出于你的呼召。阿们。

16:11–15 Paul begins his work in Philippi through Lydia. At times, Christians may feel isolated from worship and fellowship. Yet, God opens the hearts of people to believe, provides others who are faithful to the Lord, and binds them together in homes and families. • Heavenly Father, we thank You for opening the door of faith to many faithful women throughout the ages—Sarah, Deborah, Ruth, Esther, Elizabeth, Mary, and Lydia. Guide and bless women today to be equally receptive to Your Word. In the name of our Lord Jesus, the Son of Mary. Amen.

16:11-15 保罗透过女信徒吕底亚开始了他在腓立比的工作。有时,基督徒会觉得自己与敬拜和团契隔绝。然而,神打开人的心门,使他们信主,为他们提供其他忠于主的人,并使他们在家里面聚集一起。- 天父,我们感谢你为古往今来许多忠心的女性–撒拉、底波拉、路得、以斯帖、伊利莎白、马利亚和吕底亚–打开信仰之门。请引导并祝福今天的女性,让她们同样接受你的话语。奉我们的主耶稣、马利亚之子的名我们祈祷。阿们。

16:16–24 Paul heals a demon-possessed girl, and as a result, he and Silas are beaten and jailed. Believers who do God’s will, even when striving to help others, can expect mistreatment and abuse from the people and institutions of this world. However, the same name and power that freed this slave girl from demonic captivity deliver us from suffering to eternal life. • Heavenly Father, the powers of evil still try to torment us. As we strive to do Your will, deliver us from evil, and assure us that through Christ’s death and resurrection, the victory over evil is already won. Amen.

16:16-24 保罗医治了一个被鬼附的女孩,结果他和西拉被殴打和监禁。遵行上帝旨意的信徒,即使是在努力帮助他人的时候,也会受到这个世界的人和机构的虐待和凌辱。然而,使这个女奴从魔鬼的囚禁中解救出来的同样的圣名和力量会使我们脱离苦难,通往永生。- 天父,邪恶的力量仍在试图折磨我们。当我们努力遵行你的旨意时,求你救我们脱离邪恶,并向我们保证,通过基督的死和复活,战胜邪恶的胜利已经赢得。阿们。

16:25–40 Paul and Silas are freed from prison. The Lord brings a Philippian jailer and his family to faith. Like Paul and Silas, God’s people today can respond to mistreatment with a powerful testimony of prayer and praise to God. Like the despairing jailer (v 27), all people are sinners who face death (Rm 3:9; 6:23). But all are saved by trusting in the Lord Jesus. • Father, assure me of the simplicity of this good news: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (v 31). Then move me to respond with a life of worship and praise to You, whatever my earthly situation may be. Amen.

16:25-40 保罗和西拉获释出狱。主使一个腓立比狱卒和他的家人信主。像保罗和西拉一样,今天上帝的子民也可以用祷告和赞美上帝的有力见证来回应虐待。像绝望的狱卒一样(第 27 节),所有人都是罪人,都面临死亡(罗3:9;6:23)。但所有人都能因信靠主耶稣而得救。- 天父,请让我确信这个好消息的简单性:”当信主耶稣,你就必得救”(第31节)。然后感动我以敬拜和赞美你的生活来回应你的救恩,无论我在世上的处境如何。阿们。

17:1–9 At Thessalonica, Paul and Silas continue the pattern of preaching at the synagogue, gaining converts, and experiencing harsh opposition. The offense and foolishness of the cross (1Co 1:23) may well provoke a harsh response from the world. Yet Jesus, the Messiah, suffered, died, and rose, and “turned the world upside down.” Sinners are forgiven, the humble and poor are raised up, and the proud and rich are brought low. The first will be last, and the last, first. • Heavenly Father, may the Good News of Jesus Christ, the King of kings, continue to turn this world upside down. Amen.

17:1-9 在帖撒罗尼迦,保罗和西拉继续在会堂布道,获得悔改归主的人,但也遭遇严厉的反对。十字架的冒犯和愚昧(林前 1:23)很可能会引起世人严厉的反应。然而,弥赛亚耶稣受难、受死、复活,真正”颠倒了世界”。罪人得到宽恕,谦卑和贫穷的人复活,骄傲和富有的人跌倒。最先的将成为最后的,最后的将成为最先的。- 天父,愿耶稣基督–万王之王–的好消息继续颠覆这个世界。阿们。

17:10–15 Persecution follows the Gospel, even when the Bereans eagerly receive it. God’s people should follow the noble example of the Bereans, who studied the Scriptures daily in order to receive further truths and to examine what they were being taught. Because the OT Scriptures also testify to Jesus Christ (Jn 5:39), searching them brings God’s blessings of salvation (Is 55:10–11). • Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth of Your Word. May it be “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105). Amen.

17:10-15 即使庇哩亚人热切地接受福音,迫害也会随之而来。上帝的子民应该效仿庇哩亚人的好榜样,他们每日研读圣经,以接受更多的真理,并检查他们所接受的教导。因为旧约圣经也为耶稣基督作见证(约5:39),查考圣经会带来上帝救赎的祝福(诗篇55:10-11)。- 天父,感谢你赐予我们真理。愿它成为 “我脚前的灯,我路上的光”(诗 119:105)。阿们。

17:16–21 At Athens, Paul engages the dominant religious and philosophical teachings of the day. The Gospel message is foolishness to people of this world. Yet, God desires to engage all people with His Word and, by the Spirit’s power, to open their hearts and minds to the good news of Jesus and His resurrection. • Father, the Gospel of Jesus is the power by which we are saved (1Co 1:18–25). Guide Your people to engage the world with this message. Amen.

17:16-21 在雅典,保罗与当时占主导地位的宗教和哲学教义交锋。福音信息对这个世界的人来说是愚昧的。然而,上帝渴望用他的话语与所有人交流,并借着圣灵的力量,打开他们的心门,让他们接受耶稣和他复活的好消息。- 天父,耶稣的福音是我们得救的大能(林前1:18-25)。请引导你的子民将这一信息传遍世界。阿们。

17:22–34 Paul reaches out to Athenians who do not know the Scriptures. He uses teachings from their philosophy and literature to point them to the God of creation, who sent His Son, Jesus. All people need to repent before Christ comes again to judge the living and the dead. The Creator desires that all people seek after Him. In love, He has come to us with the message of Jesus Christ, who has saved us by His resurrection. • Heavenly Father, move all people to seek You through repentance and to come to the true knowledge that You have already reached out to them in Christ. Amen.

17:22-34 保罗向不懂圣经的雅典人传道。他使用他们的哲学和文学中的教导,把他们引向创造之神,让他们明白是神派来了他的儿子耶稣。在基督再来审判活人和死人之前,所有人都需要悔改。造物主希望所有人都来寻求他。他以爱将耶稣基督的信息传给我们,因为耶稣的复活拯救了我们。- 天父,求你感动所有人通过悔改来寻求你,并真正认识到你已经在基督里向他们伸出了援手。阿们。

18:1–17 Paul’s stay in Corinth demonstrates two lessons: (1) The Gospel is the power of God for salvation, even in the face of rejection. (2) Opposition to the Gospel—not the Gospel itself—disrupts proper authority. Hostility to the message of Jesus is to be expected. Nevertheless, His Gospel remains the only power for eternal good. • Heavenly Father, thank You for governments that allow us to practice our faith and to share it with the rest of the world. May Jesus’ presence continue to be among His people to bless their labors in His name. Amen.

18:1-17 保罗在哥林多的逗留展示了两个教训:(1)福音是神救赎的大能,即使面对拒绝也是如此。(2)对福音的反对–而非福音本身–破坏了正当的权威。对耶稣信息的敌意是意料之中的。尽管如此,他的福音仍然是永恒之善的唯一力量。- 天父,感谢你赐予我们政府,让我们能够实践我们的信仰,并与世人分享。愿耶稣的临在继续环绕他的子民,以他的名祝福他们的工作。阿们。

18:18–23 These travels conclude Paul’s second missionary journey and begin his third. Travel plans and visits may not always turn out the way you intend. When you travel, begin with prayer, and serve the Lord with purpose. Place your life in God’s hands; He works all things according to His good and gracious will. • Heavenly Father, whenever and wherever I travel in this world, watch over me through Your guardian angels and strengthen me by the presence of my fellow believers. Empower me to live according to Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

18:18-23 这些旅行结束了保罗的第二次传教旅行,开始了他的第三次传教旅行。旅行计划和访问可能并不总是如你所愿。当你旅行时,从祷告开始,有目的地侍奉主。将你的生命交托在神的手中;他会按照自己美善的旨意运行万事。- 天父,无论我在这个世界上旅行到何时何地,请通过你的守护天使看顾我,并通过我的信徒伙伴们的团契和同在来坚固我。让我有能力按照你的旨意生活。奉耶稣的名。阿们。

18:24–28 Apollos is a gifted teacher with sincere faith, yet he needs to grow in his knowledge of the faith. While our knowledge in this life will always be incomplete, teachers should strive to learn everything God has revealed and teach it fully and properly to His people. God’s Word, including His Word in the Baptism instituted by Jesus Christ, is the power by which we believe. • Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gracious gift of Baptism. Spread Your Word, that it may be received and taught as Your means to wash away our sins and adopt us into Your family. Amen.

18:24-28 亚波罗是一位有恩赐、有真诚信仰的教师,但他在信仰方面的知识还需要增长。虽然我们今生的知识总是不完整的,但教师应该努力学习上帝所启示的一切,并将其完整、正确地传授给他的子民。上帝的话语,包括他在耶稣基督所设立的洗礼中的话语,是我们信仰的力量。- 天父,感谢你赐予我们洗礼。请传播你的话语,让人们接受并传授你的话语,让它成为你洗净我们的罪孽、收养我们进入你家室的方式。阿们。