
19:1–10 Paul arrives at Ephesus and begins a very productive period of his ministry. Apart from Christ, there is no salvation. The Word of God clearly shows that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of God’s promises of eternal salvation for all. Through Holy Baptism, He consecrates us as His beloved people. • Lord Jesus, help us always to believe in You for eternal life. Help us also to share Your Good News. Amen.

19:1-10 保罗抵达以弗所,开始了他卓有成效的传道生涯。离开基督,就没有救赎。上帝的话语清楚地表明,耶稣基督实现了上帝对所有人永恒救赎的应许。通过圣洗礼,他使我们成为他所爱的子民。- 主耶稣,求你帮助我们永远信靠你并得永生。也帮助我们分享你的好消息。阿们。

19:11–20 God continues to work through mighty miracles and His Word. Magic, the occult, and even using our Lord’s name as an expression of good luck are all sins against the Second Commandment. By the power of Jesus’ name, you have been forgiven of all sin (2:38) and rescued from the fiercest evil, the devil himself! Jesus gives you life in His name alone. • “Create in me a new heart, Lord, That gladly I obey Your Word. Let what You will be my desire, And with new life my soul inspire.” Amen. (LSB 704:3)

19:11-20 上帝继续通过大能的神迹和他的话语做工。魔术、神秘通灵,甚至用我们主的名字来表达好运,都是违背第二诫的罪。因着耶稣之名的大能,你所有的罪已被赦免了(2:38),并从最凶恶的魔鬼手中被拯救出来!耶稣只以他的名赐予你生命。- 主啊,求你在我里面创造一颗新心,使我乐意遵行你的话语。让你的旨意成为我的愿望,用新的生命激励我的灵魂”。阿们 (路德宗崇拜书 704:3)

19:21–41 Another episode shows that opponents of the Gospel cause the troubles associated with the Christian faith. Believers in Christ may suffer unjustly or, at times, justly because of their sins. In either case, the Lord brings us through suffering to His eternal kingdom, even while giving us opportunities to serve. Christ, who suffered for us, is always with us. • “Jesus, lead Thou on Till our rest is won. Heav’nly leader, still direct us, Still support, console, protect us, Till we safely stand In our fatherland.” Amen. (LSB 718:4)

19:21-41 另一个插曲表明,福音的反对者造成了与基督教信仰有关的麻烦。基督信徒可能会遭受不公正的对待,有时也会因为他们的罪而遭受正义应该承受的对待。无论在哪种情况下,主都会带我们度过苦难,把我们带到他永恒的国度,在这之前祂也赐给我们侍奉的机会。为我们受苦的基督永远与我们同在。- 耶稣,你在前方引领,直到我们安息。天上的领袖,仍在指引我们,仍在支持、安慰、保护我们,直到我们安全地站在我们的天上家园”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 718:4)

20:1–6 Paul and his companions begin the trip back to Jerusalem, encouraging fellow Christians along the way. Our faith is often not what it should be. However, Jesus encourages us in the faith through His Word. “A bruised reed He will not break, and a faintly burning wick He will not quench” (Is 42:3). • Lord Jesus, in Your mercy You always encourage us to remain in You. Through that same mercy, remind us to encourage our fellow Christians, especially in difficult days. Amen.

20:1-6 保罗和他的同伴们开始了返回耶路撒冷的旅程,一路上鼓励其他基督徒。我们的信仰常常不尽如人意。然而,耶稣通过他的话语鼓励我们的信仰。”压伤的芦苇,他不折断; 将残的灯火,他不吹灭。”(赛 42:3)。- 主耶稣,你的仁慈总是鼓励我们留在你里面。通过同样的怜悯,请提醒我们鼓励我们的基督徒同胞,尤其是在困难的日子里。阿们。

20:7–16 The end of Paul’s time in Troas is noteworthy for the resurrection of Eutychus. At times, we may become alarmed when a fellow Christian dies because we harbor doubts about God’s power to make that person alive again. Jesus assures us: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die” (Jn 11:25–26). • Dear Jesus, thank You for Your resurrection from the dead, which guarantees our resurrection. Through Your Holy Spirit, grant us faith always to remember that physical death is not the end of true life with You. Amen.

20:7-16 保罗在特罗亚的日子结束时,值得注意的是犹推古的复活。有时,当一个基督徒同伴死去时,我们可能会感到惊慌,因为我们怀疑上帝是否有能力让这个人重新活过来。耶稣向我们保证 “复活在我,生命也在我。信我的人虽然死了,也必复活;凡活着信我的人必永远不死。”(约 11:25-26)。- 亲爱的耶稣,感谢你从死里复活,这保证了我们的复活。请通过你的圣灵,赐予我们信心,让我们永远记住,肉体的死亡并不是与你同在的真正生命的终点。阿们。

20:17–38 Paul’s farewell address to the Church leaders of Ephesus emphasizes the significance of the work of the ministry. We are often inclined more toward receiving than giving. Jesus has given—and still gives—temporal and eternal blessings, so we likewise are to give of ourselves to others. Yet, we can never outgive our generous Savior. • “Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. . . . Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee.” Amen. (LSB 783:1, 6)

20:17-38 保罗对以弗所教会领袖的告别演说强调了侍奉工作的重要性。我们常常倾向于接受而不是给予。耶稣已经给予了–现在仍在给予–暂时的和永恒的祝福,所以我们同样也要把自己奉献给他人。然而,我们永远无法超越我们慷慨的救主。- 主啊,请收下我的生命,将它分别为圣献给你……. . . …………….””带走我自己,我将永远,只为你,一切为你” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 783:1, 6)

21:1–16 Paul completes his journey to Jerusalem despite warnings about the dangers he will encounter there. Many times, due to fear or a lack of understanding, we fail to do the Lord’s will. Contrary to all human logic, God’s plan of salvation was carried out through Christ for the forgiveness of all our failures. This shows us that God can make all things—however fearful or illogical they may seem to us—work out for our good. We are always on His heart. • Heavenly Father, grant me a portion of Your wisdom as I strive to carry out Your will in my life. Amen.

21:1-16 保罗完成了前往耶路撒冷的旅程,尽管他曾被警告在那里会遇到危险。许多时候,由于恐惧或缺乏理解,我们未能遵行主的旨意。与所有人的逻辑相反,上帝的救赎计划是通过基督来实现的,以宽恕我们所有的失败。这向我们表明,上帝可以让一切事情–无论在我们看来多么恐惧或不合逻辑–都为我们的利益而运转。我们永远在他的心中。- 天父,在我努力实现你在我生命中的旨意时,请赐予我一份从你而来的智慧。阿们。

21:17–26 The Church at Jerusalem rejoices at what God has done through Paul. The leaders ask him to dispel rumors among Jewish Christians about his ministry by taking part in an OT purification ceremony. Today, we are often tempted to judge fellow Christians on the basis of things not specifically directed in God’s Word. Jesus, by His life, death, and resurrection, forgives our sins, including those of judging others. He is our peace. • Praise be to You, Jesus, for setting us free from sin and death! Thank You for allowing us to live in freedom. Amen.

21:17-26 耶路撒冷的教会为神借着保罗所作的事欢喜。领袖们要求他通过参加一个旧约的洁净仪式来消除犹太基督徒对他事工的谣言。今天,我们常常会受到诱惑,根据神的话语中没有明确指示的事情来评判其他基督徒。耶稣以他的生命、死亡和复活赦免了我们的罪,包括审判他人的罪。他是我们的平安。- 赞美你,耶稣,让我们从罪和死亡中获得自由!感谢你让我们活在自由之中。阿们。

21:27–36 Paul’s enemies unjustly accuse him of defiling the temple, and the Roman authorities intervene. The mob mentality of Paul’s accusers may appall us, yet we may jump to similar unfounded conclusions. As God’s forgiven people, we are motivated and inspired to seek the truth in all matters, especially as we interact with our neighbor. Jesus allowed Himself to be charged unjustly so He could win forgiveness for us. He is our peace. • Dear Jesus, make us slow to speak accusations. Lead us to seek and speak the truth instead of falsehood (Eph 4:25). Amen.

21:27-36 保罗的敌人不公正地指控他玷污圣殿,罗马当局进行了干预。控告保罗的人的暴民心态可能会让我们震惊,但我们也可能会得出类似的毫无根据的结论。作为上帝宽恕的子民,我们有动力和灵感在所有事情上寻求真理,尤其是在我们与邻居交往时。耶稣允许自己受到不公正的指控,从而为我们赢得宽恕。他就是我们的平安。- 亲爱的耶稣,请让我们不轻易指责他人。引导我们寻求并说出真理,而不是谎言(以弗所书4:25)。阿们。

21:37–22:21 Paul addresses an angry mob of Jews, vividly describing his life-changing encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus as well as another time when Christ appeared to him. Pursuing your own agenda often leads to a dead end. But because Christ washes away your sin, like Paul you can pray, “What shall I do, Lord?” And you can be sure that your Lord will hear and guide you. • I praise You, Father, for Your infinite wisdom in sending Jesus as my Savior, and for bringing me into Your family through Your means of grace. Amen.

21:37-22:21 保罗向一群愤怒的犹太人发表演讲,生动地描述了他在通往大马士革的路上与复活的耶稣相遇,以及基督向他显现的另一次改变他生命的经历。追求自己的理想计划往往会走向死胡同。但因为基督洗净了你的罪,所以你可以像保罗一样祷告:”主啊,我当做什么?”你可以确信,你的主会聆听并指引你。- 天父,我赞美你,你用无限的智慧派遣耶稣成为我的救主,并通过你的恩典媒介将我带入你的大家庭。阿们。

22:22–29 Paul’s address does not avert the crowd’s hatred. However, as a Roman citizen, he receives help from a Roman tribune. God established the governing authorities to bring a degree of peace and civil righteousness to our troubled world. However, our ultimate hope is in the Lord. Christ’s Gospel brings eternal peace and righteousness before the highest court: heaven. • Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me righteousness before God. Teach me to forgive those who falsely accuse me. Help me also not to accuse anyone falsely. Amen.

22:22-29 保罗的讲话并没有消除众人的仇恨。然而,作为罗马公民,他得到了罗马护民官的帮助。上帝设立了政府当局,为我们这个动荡的世界带来了一定程度的和平和公民的义。然而,我们最终的希望还是在主身上。基督的福音在最高法庭–天堂–面前带给我们永恒的和平与公义。- 主耶稣,感谢你赐予我在上帝面前的公义。教导我宽恕那些诬告我的人。也帮助我不要诬告任何人。阿们。

22:30–23:11 Paul boldly speaks of Christ’s resurrection before the Council, and in so doing, he cleverly divides the Council. At times, you may be in situations where you are afraid to share openly your Christian beliefs. The crucified and risen Christ forgives you for any past failures to confess Him before others, yet He also promises to always be at your side and support your testimony (Mt 28:20). • Dear Jesus, You are the resurrection and the life. Make me bold, like Paul, so that I am never ashamed to speak Your truth. Amen.

22:30-23:11 保罗在公会面前大胆地谈论基督的复活,他这样做巧妙地分裂了公会。有时,你可能会遇到不敢公开分享你的基督信仰的情况。被钉十字架并复活的基督原谅你过去没有在他人面前承认他的懦弱,但他也应许永远在你身边支持你的见证(太 28:20)。- 亲爱的耶稣,你是复活,是生命。让我像保罗一样勇敢,让我永远不以说出你的真理为耻。阿们。

23:12–22 Forty Jews, in conjunction with their leaders, create a plot to kill Paul. But Paul’s nephew intervenes. He is an example to us of how family members may support one another in trying times and call upon legitimate authority in support of God’s people. Good government and family are blessings of God’s providence that enable the Gospel to spread among us. • Thank You, God, that we can always count on Your unchanging Word and Your goodwill. Grant us confidence in You and Your blessings. Amen.

23:12-22 四十个犹太人和他们的领袖一起,策划了一个杀死保罗的阴谋。但保罗的侄子进行了干预。他为我们树立了一个榜样,告诉我们家庭成员如何在艰难时刻相互支持,并呼吁合法当局支持上帝的子民。好的政府和家庭是上帝旨意的祝福,使福音得以在我们中间传播。- 感谢上帝,我们可以始终信赖你不变的话语和你的善意。请赐予我们对你和你的祝福的信心。阿们。

23:23–35 Claudius Lysias turns Paul’s case over to Felix the governor. All circumstances point to the apostle’s innocence of any crimes against the state. Life sometimes brings unjust suffering, especially to Christ’s followers. Christ’s death on the cross provides for our forgiveness when we have been unjust to others and gives us strength to bear our sufferings in His abiding grace. • Lord, I praise You because You are just and You have justified me through faith in Jesus. Forgive me when I am unjust to others, and give me strength to bear even unjust suffering. Amen.

23:23-35 克劳第.吕西亚把保罗的案子交给巡抚腓力斯。所有的情况都表明使徒没有任何危害国家的罪行。生活有时会带来不公正的苦难,尤其是对基督的跟随者而言。当我们对他人不公时,基督在十字架上的死为我们提供了宽恕,并赐予我们力量在他永恒的恩典中承受苦难。- 主啊,我赞美你,因为你是公义的,你使我因信耶稣而称义。当我对他人不公时,请饶恕我,并赐我力量承受不公的苦难。阿们。

24:1–21 Paul defends himself before the Roman governor, Felix. He claims to follow what is written in the Scriptures, focusing especially on the resurrection of the dead. Paul uses the opportunity to bear witness concerning Jesus, who has given him new life. Through Jesus’ sacrificial death and His resurrection from the dead, God forgives us and builds us up. He empowers us to proclaim His mercy. • Lord, forgive us for wrongful speech, and give us a clear conscience toward You and our fellow man. Help us always to believe Your unchanging Word and to hope in the resurrection. Amen.

24:1-21 保罗在罗马巡抚腓力斯面前为自己辩护。他声称自己是遵从圣经所写的话,尤其强调死人复活。保罗利用这个机会为赐给他新生命的耶稣作见证。通过耶稣的牺牲和复活,上帝宽恕了我们,并建立了我们。祂赋予我们能力,让我们宣扬祂的仁慈。- 主啊,饶恕我们错误的言语,让我们对你和我们的同胞问心无愧。帮助我们永远相信你不变的话语并且盼望复活。阿们。

24:22–27 Although Felix listens as Paul proclaims God’s Word, Felix is most interested in a bribe. So he ignores Paul’s message and leaves him in custody. God’s Law can hurt our pride; we would rather avoid hearing about our sins and eternal judgment. Though God’s Law and judgment are sharp, His Gospel grants full release. Rather than eternal death, Jesus grants us the riches of eternal life. • We praise You, O God, for giving us many opportunities to listen to Your Word and for giving us fullness of life in Christ. Thank You for making us spiritually rich in this life and in the life to come. Amen.

24:22-27 虽然腓力斯聆听保罗宣讲上帝的话语,但腓力斯最感兴趣的是贿赂。所以他无视保罗的信息,把他留在拘留所里。上帝的律法会伤害我们的自尊;我们更想要避免听到关于我们的罪和永恒的审判。尽管上帝的律法和审判是锋利的,但他的福音却让我们完全释放。耶稣赐予我们永生的财富,而不是永恒的死亡。- 上帝啊,我们赞美你,感谢你给我们许多机会聆听你的话语,感谢你在基督里赐给我们丰盛的生命。感谢你让我们在今生和来世都拥有丰富的灵性。阿们。

25:1–12 The lack of justice in Paul’s trial continues under Festus, moving Paul to appeal to Caesar’s court in Rome. Governments exist to punish evil and promote good in this life. Support the proper functions of government. But rejoice that ultimate deliverance from evil comes when God declares us “not guilty” for the sake of Christ. • Lord, before Your judgment seat, I deserve to die because of my sins. Thank You that, because Jesus took my punishment, You count me innocent. Amen.

25:1-12 在非斯都的领导下,对保罗的审判仍然缺乏公正,这促使保罗向罗马的凯撒法庭提出上诉。政府的存在是为了在今生惩恶扬善。因此我们也要支持政府的适当职能。但值得欣喜的是,当上帝因基督的缘故宣布我们 “无罪 “时,我们将最终从罪恶中解脱出来。- 主啊,在你的审判台前,我因罪该受死。感谢你,因为耶稣接受了我的惩罚,你算我是无罪的。阿们。

25:13–27 Festus brings Paul’s case before King Agrippa and Bernice so they may formulate charges to send with Paul to Rome. Festus fails to set Paul free, even though he knows Paul is innocent. We sin in a similar way when we hold a grudge against someone. Repent of all grudges. Jesus, who was innocent of all charges against Him, took the punishment we deserve for all the times we hold grudges. • Christ Jesus, thank You for Your willingness to be charged unjustly and for taking our punishment! Because of You, we no longer have any charges against us in the heavenly Father’s court. Amen.

25:13-27 非斯都把保罗的案子带到亚基帕王和百妮基面前,让他们拟定控告保罗的罪名,并把保罗送往罗马。尽管非斯都知道保罗是无辜的,但他没有释放保罗。当我们对某人怀恨在心时,我们也会以类似的方式犯罪。要为着所有的怨恨悔改。耶稣是无辜的,他为我们所有的怨恨承担了我们应得的惩罚。- 基督耶稣,感谢你甘愿接受不公正的指控,并接受我们的惩罚!因为你,我们在天父的法庭上不再受到任何指控。阿们。

26:1–11 Paul makes his defense before King Agrippa. He describes his zealous opposition to Jesus and the Gospel message. Because we are born in sin (Ps 51:5), we all have an ungodly past, even if we have never persecuted Christians the way Paul did. Be assured that Christ forgives and delivers us, just as He did Paul. • Jesus, thank You for bearing my sin. Let me see others with the love You have for them, and empower me to share the Gospel of Your love with them. Amen.

26:1-11 保罗在亚基帕王面前为自己辩护。他描述了自己曾经对耶稣和福音信息的狂热抵挡。因为我们生在罪中(诗 51:5),所以我们都有不敬虔的过去,即使我们从未像保罗那样迫害过基督徒。尽管如此,请放心,基督会宽恕并拯救我们,就像祂对待保罗一样。- 耶稣,感谢你担当了我的罪。让我以你对他人的爱去看待他们,并赐予我力量与他们分享你爱的福音。阿们。

26:12–32 Paul continues his defense before King Agrippa, recounting how the Lord converted him from an ardent persecutor of the faith to an avid apostle. To refuse to listen to God’s clear Word is to remain in—or turn back to—darkness. The Lord turns us from darkness to light when we hear and believe the beautiful message of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. • We give thanks to You, Jesus, for turning us from the darkness of eternal death to Your eternal light. Make us witnesses of what You have done for us and for all people. Amen.

26:12-32 保罗继续在亚基帕王面前为自己辩护,讲述主如何使他从一个狂热的信仰迫害者转变为一个狂热的使徒。拒绝聆听上帝清晰的话语,就等于继续沉浸在黑暗中,或者说回到黑暗中。当我们听到并相信耶稣的生命、死亡和复活的美好信息时,主就会让我们从黑暗走向光明。- 我们感谢你,耶稣,让我们从永恒死亡的黑暗中转向你永恒的光明。让我们见证你为我们和所有人所做的一切。阿们。

27:1–38 Grave difficulties beset Paul’s journey to Rome, yet the Lord assures Paul that he will reach his journey’s goal. When the trials of life weigh us down, it is easy for us to lose hope and stop trusting God. Yet God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us (Dt 31:6, 8; Heb 13:5). Through Jesus’ saving work, the Father keeps us with Him forever. • Father, be with us always in this world, especially when we are tossed about by the everyday storms of life. Grant us safe passage until we reach our final destination of heaven. Amen.

27:1-38 保罗在前往罗马的旅途中遇到了重重困难,但主向他保证,他一定会到达旅途的终点。当生活的磨难压得我们喘不过气时,我们很容易失去希望,不再信靠上帝。然而,上帝应许他永远不会撇下我们,也不会离弃我们(申命记 31:6,8;来13:5)。通过耶稣的救赎工作,天父让我们永远与祂同在。- 天父,求你在这个世界上永远与我们同在,尤其是当我们被生活中的日常风暴所折腾时。请赐给我们安全的通道,直到我们到达最终的目的地–天堂。阿们。

27:39–44 After a harrowing journey, the ship carrying Paul wrecks on an island. However, all the passengers are saved. Have you ever blamed God for the problems in your life? Have you forgotten that even through hardships, God is working for your benefit (Rm 8:28)? Rejoice today that His love and care for you are infinite (Rm 8:38–39)! • Lord, put all the problems in my life to good use. I praise You that nothing compares to the grace and mercy You show me, now and forever. Amen.

27:39-44 经过一段艰苦的旅程,载着保罗的船在一个小岛上失事。然而,所有乘客都得救了。你是否曾将生活中的问题归咎于上帝?你是否忘记了,即使在艰难困苦中,上帝也在为你的益处而工作(《罗马书》8:28)?今天,请为神对你无限的爱和眷顾而喜乐(《罗马书》8:38-39)!- 主啊,请善用我生命中的一切问题和困难。我赞美你,没有什么比你向我显明的恩典和怜悯更重要,从现在到永远。阿们。

28:1–10 At Malta, Paul amazes the native people by surviving a snakebite, and they believe he is a god. As he heals many sick people, they will learn that his power comes from the one true God, not from Paul himself. By God’s miraculous power in Christ, He rescues His people from sin, death, and ignorance. • Thank You, Holy Spirit, for showing us the true God! Keep our faith in Him, that we may always know His forgiveness and life. Amen.

28:1-10 在马耳他,保罗因被蛇咬伤而幸免于难,令当地人惊奇不已,他们相信他是神。当他医治了许多病人后,他们就知道他的能力来自唯一的真神,而不是保罗自己。通过神在基督里的奇妙大能,祂将祂的子民从罪恶、死亡和愚昧中拯救出来。- 感谢你,圣灵,让我们看到了真神!保持我们对祂的信心,让我们永远知道祂的宽恕和生命。阿们。

28:11–31 Paul reaches Rome safely and peacefully. Although not all of Paul’s fellow Jews believe the Gospel, Paul proclaims it without hindrance to the Gentiles, thus fulfilling Christ’s promise that the Gospel would be proclaimed to all nations. Today, pray that the Lord would break up the hardness of your heart. Rejoice in the message of forgiveness and life through Jesus Christ that is for all people, including you. • Lord, through Your eternal Word, soften my heart. Grant me Your salvation so I may be counted among Your faithful people and proclaim Your name. Amen.

28:11-31 保罗平安抵达罗马。虽然保罗的犹太同胞并不都相信福音,但保罗毫无阻碍地向外邦人宣讲了福音,从而实现了基督的应许,即福音要传遍万邦。今天,求主打破你心中的坚硬。耶稣基督为包括你在内的所有人带来饶恕和生命的信息,因此要喜乐。- 主啊,通过你永恒的话语,软化我的心。赐予我你的救赎,使我可以被算作你忠实的子民,并宣扬你的圣名。阿们。