他造了万物和人之后,创世纪1:27-28 “上帝就照着自己的形像造人,乃是照着他的形像造男造女。上帝就赐福给他们,又对他们说:‘要生养众多,遍满地面,治理这地;也要管理海里的鱼、空中的鸟,和地上各样行动的活物。’”
[“福”在甲骨文中来看,左边“示”字形像祭台,代指神主… 福的含义就是在神的保佑下,生活富足美满。]
1 上帝用话语创造和赐生命给我们就是祝福。
ChatGPT translation into English:
Blessings to everyone:
Happy Lunar New Year,
May the new year be filled with grace.
Today, I want to take this opportunity to share a message of blessing with my Chinese friends.
As Chinese people, we like to say words of blessing during the New Year. Sometimes they are simple, like “Happy New Year!”
This is a good cultural tradition worth preserving. However, if we think deeply, we may realize that we don’t really understand why we follow this tradition or what benefits it truly brings.
After all, to be honest, we humans are quite limited. Our well-wishing words may not necessarily bring good fortune. How the new year turns out often feels like a matter of luck, as no one can truly control the future. In the end, our blessings to each other are at best a form of hope—perhaps even a somewhat unreliable hope and blessing.
However, one point is worth considering further: although these verbal blessings seem trivial, we continue to follow this tradition.
Perhaps it is worth analyzing this from another perspective: the verbal blessings in Chinese culture may carry fragments of ancient memories and traces. I would like to invite everyone to reflect on this from a biblical perspective.
The Bible’s Book of Genesis records the historical event of God creating the heavens, the earth, and everything within. How did He create? He created from nothing by His words, the words from His mouth. For example, Genesis 1:3 says, “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”
After He created all things and humans, Genesis 1:27-28 states: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living thing that moves on the earth.’”
Where did God bless humanity for the first time? It happened in the Garden of Eden, which God had prepared for Adam and Eve.
Interestingly, the Chinese pictographic characters seem to retain some vague traces of this event.
Take the character “福” (blessing) as an example. On the left side is the radical “示,” which refers to divine signs or sacrifices. On the right side, broken down, you find “one mouth” and “field.” According to explanations on Baidu Baike (Encyclopedia), you will read the following:
[“In Oracle Bone Script, the character ‘福’ (blessing) shows that the left side resembles an altar, representing divine lord… The meaning of ‘福’ is to live in abundance and happiness under the protection of the gods.”]
In fact, our happiness and well-being originally come from God’s blessing. God stood in the Garden of Eden, blessing the ancestors of humanity, Adam and Eve, and commanded them to work and govern the whole earth.
There are two key points we need to note:
- God’s creation and giving of life through His words is itself a blessing.
- God’s blessing comes through His words—He blesses us by speaking.
All our productive and business activities can be seen as the work God has assigned to us, and He blesses what we do. How does He bless it? Through the words of His mouth.
When we bless each other, we could say that we are imitating and following God’s act of blessing. But we must remember that if our blessings are disconnected from the source of blessings—God’s words—then our blessings to one another become empty, turning into unrealistic wishes.
Therefore, I invite you and your family to come to church, to continue listening to God’s words and receiving His blessings. Please remember, without the Word of God, we have no real and tangible blessings.
In the revelation of God’s Word, which is found in the Bible, we come to know the eternal Word, Jesus Christ. He is God’s Word made flesh, sent to save us from sin, corruption, and death, and to lead us into immortality and eternal life.
Only in this eternal Word, Jesus Christ—the source of all blessings—can we regain the faith and strength to bless one another. When we bless in the name of the Lord Jesus, God Himself blesses according to His promise, protection, and good will.
I pray that the Lord leads you to desire, listen to, and understand His Word, for in it we find all the blessings we need. In the name of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Amen.