

                                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


On Monday, March 20, 2017, a meeting was held at Ascension Lutheran Church in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (the now so-called “Montreal Meeting”) to address some concerns that had arisen concerning the Rev. Chunlin Hu and his work among the Chinese in Montreal and overseas. 

2017年3月20日周一,一场会议(如今所谓的“蒙特利尔会议”)在加拿大的魁北克省,蒙特利尔的Ascension Lutheran Church(升天路德宗教会)得以举行,为的是解决关于胡春林牧师以及他在蒙特利尔和海外华人中间事工所浮现的一些问题。

Present at this meeting were:


Rev. Andrew Dzurovcik, President of the SELC District of the LCMS

Andrew Dzurovcik牧师,隶属于LCMS的SELC区会主席

Rev. Charles St-Onge, Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church

Charles St-Onge牧师,升天路德宗教会牧师

Rev. Paul Hoyer, Mission Executive of the SELC District

Paul Hoyer牧师,SELC区会事工执行者

Rev. James Douthwaite, SELC District Eastern Circuit Visitor

James Douthwaite牧师,SELC区会东部巡回视察者

Rev. Chunlin Hu


Mr. Jason Huang, translator


The purpose of this meeting was to begin a process whereby issues that have arisen and theological accusations that have been leveled againt Pastor Hu could be resolved and the work of mission continued and helped. The purpose of this meeting was not to resolve all the issues and accusations, and we do not believe these have been resolved.


At the end of the meeting, action items were agreed upon whereby the issues of doctrine, cooperation, and conflict could be discussed and resolved in an appropriate way – not via emails and blog posts. In the understanding of the District, this was only step one of the process and the issue is not resolved nor closed.


The representatives of the SELC District approached this meeting in a spirit of friendliness and humility, trying to assume the best of everyone involved, and wanting to facilitate a God-pleasing resolution. To this end, the action items put in place were to have the accusing and conflicting parties meet face-to-face and address the issues of doctrine and cooperation. We as leaders of the SELC pledged to aid and assist this process wherever possible, so that the work of mission could continue and increase.


We are grieved that this was made public in such a way that does not completely represent all that took place and hope that this will not hinder or prevent our efforts to come to a God-pleasing agreement of all parties involved. We again pledge ourselves to whatever we can do to further the mission and ministry of the Gospel to people of all languages and lands. May God help and bless our efforts through His Holy Spirit, grant all a spirit of humility, repentance, and forgiveness, and lead us to join together as brothers in Christ, united in doctrine and confession.


In Christ,


Rev. Andrew Dzurovcik, President of the SELC District of the LCMS

Andrew Dzurovcik牧师,隶属于LCMS的SELC区会主席

Rev. Charles St-Onge, Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church

Charles St-Onge牧师,升天路德宗教会牧师

Rev. Paul Hoyer, Mission Executive of the SELC District

Paul Hoyer牧师,SELC区会事工执行者

Rev. James Douthwaite, SELC District Eastern Circuit Visitor

James Douthwaite牧师,SELC区会东部巡回视察者

(released on March 23rd, 2017;发布于3月23日)

—-Translated by翻译:Gary Liu 于深圳  2017年04月08日