Overview of Scripture
The bow-tie diagram on the next page illustrates the overarching metanarrative of the Scriptures. It begins on the left edge with a creation that was “very good” (Gen 1:31). After the fall, God immediately promised to restore his p 1242 fallen creation through the offspring of a woman. That promise was applied to Abraham and progressively narrowed down on the left side through his descendants—Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and Judah—then on through the exodus, the royal family of King David, the exile to Babylon, the return of the remnant, and so on all the way to Jesus (from Abraham down to Christ in Mt 1:1–17; from Christ back to Adam in Lk 3:23–38).
下一页的领结图说明了圣经的总体元叙事。左边开始是 “非常好 “的创造(创1:31)。堕落之后,神立即应许要通过女人的那后裔来恢复他堕落的创造。这个应许应用在亚伯拉罕身上,并在左边逐步缩小,通过他的后裔–以撒、雅各/以色列和犹大–然后通过出埃及、大卫王的王室、被流放到巴比伦、余民的回归,一直到耶稣(从亚伯拉罕下到基督,在太1:1-17;从基督回到亚当,在路3:23-38)。
Figure 6
The Whole Story: The Bow-Tie Diagram

According to the NT and to Jesus himself, the whole point of the OT was narrowing down to the center point, Jesus the Christ (Lk 24:27, 44–47; Jn 5:39). It all led to the coming of the Messiah, in whom God’s promises now stand fulfilled. From Jesus the NT broadens out on the right side to include, sequentially, his twelve Jewish disciples, the lost sheep of Israel, and Jews scattered throughout the Mediterranean world. The Good News also reaches out to Gentiles as it strives to encompass all peoples and nations. God’s NT people anticipate the end of the story on the far right edge. The Messiah will come again and restore God’s creation as described in the closing chapters of Revelation, and those in Christ will reign with him forever (Rev 22:5).
Typology is one important way to apply the Christocentricity illustrated by this diagram. OT types fit on the left side of the diagram and all lead up to Christ, the antitype, at its focal point. But the NT doesn’t stop there. It goes beyond typology as illustrated by the right side. In the NT, many significant p 1243 theological themes commonly identified as typological continue through Christ and are applied to God’s people in a transformed way on the right side. They then also reach beyond the present and extend into the restored new creation. After laying out some examples, a few implications of going beyond typology will be offered.
Michael P. Middendorf, Romans 9–16, ed. Dean O. Wenthe and Curtis P. Giese, Concordia Commentary (Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2016), 1241–1243.