Credo Class认信课程


The Latin word, “credo” means “I believe,” and it speaks of the deepest convictions an individual can hold to. What is your creed? What is your belief-system?

As you enter into this brief theological journey, you will explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and to hold the belief-system of Christianity as your deepest conviction – your creed.

This study is not enough! A genuine investigation of the Christian faith takes a lifetime. Our goal will be simply to begin the conversation. We encourage you to continue this process of discovery as you dig deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ. We also encourage you to seek out a small group of fellow-believers, who can walk with you and help you explore and live-out your faith!

Our study will follow an ancient outline of the Christian Faith, found in Luther’s Small Catechism. We will read the entire original catechism (but not all of the additional questions and answers) and cover each of the catechism’s 6 Chief Parts (The Ten Commandments, The Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Communion, Confession & Absolution)

As a companion to this course, you will receive a copy of Luther’s Small Catechism as well as additional supporting materials.

Our outline is as follows:

Part 1-The Life of Faith: The Gospel & The Creed

Part 2-Spiritual Life: Worship, Baptism, Confession, and Communion
部分2. 属灵的生命:敬拜,洗礼,认罪,和圣餐

Part 3- The Obedient Life: Ten Commandments & The Lord’s Prayer
部分3. 顺服的生命:十诫和主祷文

Part 4-The Missional Life: Your Calling and the Mission of God
部分4. 宣教的生命:上帝对你的呼召(即天职)和使命

Are you ready? Then let’s begin our journey!

Part 1 – The Life of Faith: The Gospel & The Creed

There are a lot of BIG QUESTIONS to be answered in our world. A lot of people choose to ignore the big questions, preferring just to “enjoy life” in blissful ignorance. But even those who wish to ignore the BIG questions cannot ultimately avoid them.

Six Questions that need to be answered:

Origins – How did everything come to exist? (Genesis 1:1-3)

Identity – Who am I? (Genesis 1:26-27, 2 Corinthians 5:17)
身份-我是谁?(创1:26-27; 林后5:17)

Purpose – Why do I exist? (Micah 6:8, Ephesians 2:10)
目的-我为何存在?(弥6:8, 弗2:10)

Problem – What’s wrong with the world? What’s wrong with me? (Genesis 3:17-19, 23; Romans 8:20)
问题-这个世界出了什么问题?我出了什么问题?(创3:17-19,23; 罗8:20)

Solution – Can the problem be solved and how? (Romans 3:23-25, Romans 8:21)
解决-问题能够解决吗?怎么解决?(罗3:23-25, 罗8:21)

Destiny – What happens when I die? (Revelation 21:5-8)

Briefly discuss how the world (including different religions and philosophies) might answer each of the questions above. Then read the Bible passages associated with each question and discuss how God answers these questions.

God’s answers are found in HIS story – the Bible!

God answers the biggest questions in our lives by telling us all about history and His actions throughout time. God’s story is told in three movements:

Creation (Genesis 1-2) Creation answers the questions of Origins, Identity and Purpose. God, the Father, by His creative Word brought all things into being. He is the source and the cause of our existence. He establishes our identity. And He created us with a purpose.

The Fall (Genesis 3) The fall answers the question of Problem – What’s wrong with the world and what’s wrong with me? SIN! Selfish rebellion against God and the resulting physical effects are devastating. Having been enticed by the devil and his lies, our fall into sin has distorted our understanding of Origins, Identity and Purpose, corrupting us, and leading us in paths of destruction. The Bible says that we are dead in our sins (Ephesians 2:1) – in other words, sin is a problem that we cannot solve.

Redemption & Sanctification (Genesis 4 – Revelation 22) Redemption & Sanctification answers the questions of Solution and Destiny. Since sin is a problem that we cannot solve, the only solution can come from outside of us. And Jesus, the only son of God, is that solution. He lived a perfect life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again conquering sin, death and the devil. He is our victory and by His Holy Spirit, He sets us on a new path, in which our understanding of Origins, Identity and Purpose are renewed and we have confidence in our eternal destiny.

A Personal Problem, A Personal Promise

The story of Scripture, from Creation through the Fall and up to Redemption and Sanctification may be one that you’ve heard many times before (we confess it together each week in the words of the Creed!), or this may be the first time you’ve ever really heard it. Either way we shouldn’t leave today without understanding the personal nature of this story.

God’s story is not just ancient history with no bearing on your life! It’s not some empty, mindless and heartless religious practice. God answers your questions. God addresses your fears, your doubts! The story is for you and about you.
It shows you your problem: SIN (we call this the LAW)

It shows you God’s solution: OUR SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST (we call this the GOSPEL)

Studying the Scriptures:

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

What does this tell us about humanity?

What does this tell us about God?

How do we see both LAW and GOSPEL in this passage?

God’s promise to you in Jesus Christ is this: He died in your place, taking the punishment for your sins, and because of His death and His resurrection from the dead, you are forgiven. By faith in Him and His promises, you have the assurance of a loving relationship with God, everlasting life, and the calling to walk in the works that God has prepared for you.

In the Catechism:

Read the Apostle’s Creed and explanations from Luther’s Small Catechism.

Creeds are statements of faith. When we confess the Creed we say, “I agree— this is what I believe to be true.”

The Apostle’s Creed is divided into three main segments, each concerning a person of the Holy Trinity and His actions in History and in our lives. First, the Father who creates; Second, the Son who redeems; Third, the Spirit who sanctifies.

How does the Creed answer our questions and retell God’s story?

What words or phrases jump out at you as you read the creed and its explanation?

Do you have more questions about the Bible, forgiveness and what it means to have a personal faith relationship with Jesus Christ? Please speak up. Ask in class, stay afterward to talk with the pastor, or send an email.

Part 2 – Spiritual Life: Worship, Baptism, Confession, and Communion
部分2. 属灵的生命:敬拜,洗礼,认罪,圣餐

In Part 1 we looked at the foundation of Faith, rooted in hearing and believing God’s Word – both the Law and the Gospel! In Part 2 we will explore what it means to live the “Spiritual Life.” When we hear the term, “Spiritual Life,” we often think of a list of practices or disciplines that we perform in order to be more spiritual. But true Christian Spirituality is not rooted in us, but in God. Living the spiritual life means experiencing the power and presence of God’s life-giving Spirit through Worship, Baptism, Confession & Absolution, and The Lord’s Supper. These gifts of God comprise the rhythm of Worship and the Spiritual life, as we meet with God and receive His blessings each day.

Re-read the Third Article of the Apostle’s Creed and its Explanation

The Creed and Explanation paint a picture of the Holy Spirit as the one who gives and sustains our faith. The means by which the Spirit works are His Word and the Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper). For this reason, Christian Worship is comprised of and defined by the Word and Sacrament.

What is Worship?

Worship begins with God. It is the Divine Service because God serves us in worship. He serves us His Word, including both Law and Gospel. He serves us by washing (even drowning and reviving) us in Baptism and by affirming our Baptism through Confession and Absolution. He serves us a meal of forgiveness and fellowship through the Lord’s Supper.


Of course, we do act in Worship. We sing songs of praise and thanksgiving, we pray with gratitude and expectation, and we confess our faith and our sin. And again, God acts, hearing and answering our prayers, forgiving our sins, and calling us to live a new life in His power.

Is worship meant to be a corporate or an individual practice/experience? (Read Ephesians 2:19-22, Hebrews 10:24-25)

The means of Grace

God uses means to communicate His grace – that is, His unconditional love and promises – to you and to me. These means are the Word and the Sacraments.

Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17

What important truth does this passage teach us about the Bible?

Read Romans 10:11-17

How does this passage convey the importance of God’s Word as a means of grace?

Read 1 John 1:5-10

What specific truths does God’s Word convey to us in this passage?

What about the Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper)?

There are two extreme positions regarding the Sacraments. One is to treat them as magical rites that impart grace to whomever receives them, with or without faith. The other extreme is to regard them as symbolic rites, devoid of God’s power and presence.

We seek to avoid both extremes as we recognize that:

Jesus Himself ordained and instituted the Sacraments.

They include the promise of God – namely, the Gospel.

The promise is tied to and conveyed by a physical element.

For these reasons, the Sacraments carry with them the same power as the Gospel itself. Like the Gospel, when received by faith, the Sacraments work forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. Because God uses the Sacraments as a means of grace, we now have God’s presence and promise in a tangible form. The Sacraments are powerful because in them God serves us and by His Spirit, works faith and salvation in us.

Studying the Scriptures and the Catechism:

Read the sections on Baptism and the Lord’s Supper in Luther’s Small Catechism

What questions or thoughts did you have as you read these sections?

How do the Baptism and the Lord’s Supper meet the three requirements above? (see Matthew 26:26-28, Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 6:1-4)

What role should the Sacraments play in our Spiritual Life? (Read John 6:53-58 & John 13:8)
圣礼在我们的属灵生命中扮演什么角色?(读约翰福音6:53-58; 13:8)

Read the section on Confession and Absolution in Luther’s Small Catechism

The power in Confession and Absolution is the personal application of God’s promise. You confess to God and you receive forgiveness. The Gospel is for YOU. Christ’s work on the cross paid the price for YOUR salvation and YOUR sins are forgiven.

That God chooses to use pastors as the messengers of forgiveness, does not elevate a man, but makes the proclamation of forgiveness all the more personal.

As you reflect on what we’ve discussed in Part 2, how would you define or describe the Spiritual life?

Do you have more questions about spirituality or do you desire private confession and absolution? Please stay afterward to talk with the pastor, or send an email.

Part 3 – The Obedient Life: Ten Commandments & The Lord’s Prayer
部分3- 顺服的生命:十诫和主祷文

So far we’ve explored the life of faith and the life of the Spirit. In Part 3 we’ll explore how God’s Word guides us in our understanding of daily life in this world. We’ll look particularly at the 10 Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer as guides for a daily life of obedience to God.

Law and Gospel foundation

When we speak of a life of obedience to God, we never want to lose sight of the central message and purpose of the Scripture as it teaches us both the Law and the Gospel.

How would you describe the purpose of the Law (see Part 1 for a reminder)?

How would you describe the purpose of the Gospel (see Part 1 for a reminder)?

Three uses of the Law:

So far we have talked about one use of God’s Law. But when we speak of obedience, we are actually concerned with the third use of the Law.

  1. The Law is a curb or restraint against wickedness in the world.
  2. The Law shows us our sin.
  3. The Law is a guide for Christian living.

Remember: Obedience is never a way to earn God’s favor or to gain or keep our salvation. Rather, obedience is the result of the Spirit’s sanctifying work in us as we cease to live for ourselves and begin to live for Christ. (2 Cor. 5:15)

Read Romans 12:1-2, 9-21 and 1 Peter 1:13-25
读罗马书12:1-2; 9-21和彼得前书1:13-25

How do these passages maintain a proper of balance of Law and Gospel as it calls for obedience to God?

What particular commands does God give us in these passages?

Describe the character and lifestyle of a Godly man or woman mentioned in these passages.

The Commandments of God

The Law of God is structured as follows:

First is the Great Commandment: Mark 12:28-31 (cf. Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18b). The Great Commandment deals with 1) our relationship with God, and 2) our relationships with one another.
首先是最大的诫命:马可福音12:28-31(参 申命记6:5,利未记19:18b).最大的诫命涉及1)我们与上帝的关系 和2)我们彼此之间的关系

Second is the Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:3-17. The Ten Commandments also deal with (1-3) our relationship with God and (4-10) our relationships with one another.

Third is the “Case” Law: These commands are found throughout the Bible and describe specific ways (cases) in which the people of God were/are meant to live out their relationship with God and with one another.

Studying the Scriptures and the Catechism:

Read through the Ten Commandments and their explanations in Luther’s Small Catechism

For each commandment/explanation identify the action that is prohibited and the action that is required.

What new things did you hear about God’s call to holy, obedient living?

Which of the Commandments did you find most convicting and why?

Read through the Lord’s Prayer and its explanation in Luther’s Small Catechism

The Lord’s Prayer is not a list of commands, but of petitions we make to God. But there is a strong relationship between the petitions and our patterns of life. The prayer teaches something about our fundamental relationship to God and it calls upon God to form us and make us into the people He desires us to be.

As you read through the petitions and explanations, what new things did you hear?

Which of the petitions did you find most powerful and personal today?
Do you have more questions about what it means to live a life that is pleasing and obedient to God? Please stay afterward to talk with the pastor, or send an email.

Part 4 – The Life of a Follower: Your Calling and the Mission of God
部分4. 一个跟随主的生命:上帝对你的呼召和负担

In Parts 1-3, we looked at the life of Faith, the life of the Spirit, and the life of Obedience to God. In each case, we recognized the fundamental truth that “it is God who works in us to will and to act according to His good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13) In our final session, we will explore the Mission of God and consider how the Great Commission is meant to be lived out by every Christian, everywhere, every day.

What’s your calling?

Do you know what your calling is? Many people have never asked that question or never found a satisfying answer and so rather than live with purpose, they just live day by day, fulfilling their immediate desires or requirements.

How would you answer the question, “What is your calling?”

In the Lutheran Church, we view calling (vocation) as the unique way in which God calls us to live out the two great commandments (1. Love God; 2. Love your neighbor). Our calling includes things we choose, and things that God expects of us based upon our situation in life. In the catechism, the section on “Table of Duties,” describes some of those Biblical expectations.
在路德会里面,我们将呼召(天职)视为特殊的方式,藉着它,上帝呼召我们活出两个最大的诫命(1.爱上帝;2. 爱你们的邻舍)。我们的呼召包括我们选择的东西,和上帝基于我们的生活境况从我们身上期许的东西。在信仰问答中,信徒职责录版块描述了这样一些遵照圣经的期望。

As people describe their calling or purpose they often think of one or more of the following categories / aspects:

Personal happiness or fulfillment. (I want to be happy.)

Relational happiness or fulfillment. (I want my family to be happy.)

Helping or serving people in need. (I want to help people.)

Pointing others to God. (I want people to know God, who forgives and gives life and help to all who trust Him.)

How do you see each of these aspects of “calling” at work in your life?

What does it mean for you to point others to God?

“Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.” (D.T. Niles)

The Great Commission

Read the following passages and describe what each passage teaches us about the calling of God’s people:

Matthew马太福音 28: 18-20

Acts 使徒行传1:8

1 Peter 彼得前书2:9

What impresses or scares you about the calling of God’s people?

How can you live out the calling of “priest,” loving God and your neighbor?

Who can you pray for? (Going to God for the sake of others)

Who can you spend time with? (Being in the World, but not of the World)

Who can you serve? (Being good news through sacrificial service in your context)

Who can you share your faith with? (Proclaiming the good news of Christ.)

Joining God’s Mission in your Neighborhood!

God is on a mission to bring forgiveness and life to the world through His Son, Jesus Christ. And He has called us, His people, to join Him on that mission. We join Him by embracing our identity and our calling as Christians and by living out that identity and calling in the situations and vocations that God has placed us in.

Start in your own neighborhood / context. In the diagram to the right, draw yourself in the middle square.

Name 8 unbelievers who God has put around you. They could be friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc. How can you get to know them better? Have you asked them to allow you to pray for them? How can you begin a spiritual conversation?

As you seek to live in God’s mission, always ask yourself: 1)What is God doing here? 2)How can I join him?
Do you have more questions about what it means to live a life of missional purpose? Please stay afterward to talk with the pastor, or send an email.


We hope you have been enriched by this four-part study of Christian Theology and the teachings of the Lutheran Church. This class is just a beginning. It’s important that from here you take some next steps:
Next Steps:

CONNECT with God’s People in Faith and Life Together

GROW in your Faith Relationship with God

GO to your Friends, Family, Neighbors and Co-Workers and share God’s love through Word and Deed.

We want to encourage you to take a next step in each of these areas. Your group leader will have additional information to share with you about upcoming opportunities to take next steps with the local church community.

Affirmation of Faith

Having completed this brief course, the only thing left is to affirm your own faith and commitment to Christ. For many of you this is simply a reaffirmation of what you already have believed and confessed for years. For others, this is the first time you have formally affirmed your faith.

Confession of Faith (For a formal rite of Confirmation, open to LSB 272-274)

Do you believe that God makes a covenant with you in Baptism? Yes / No
你相信上帝在圣洗礼中与你立约吗? 是/否

Do you renounce the devil, and all his works and ways? Yes / No
你愿意弃绝撒旦,和他一切的工作和方式吗? 是/否

Do you believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ, His only Son, and the Holy Spirit? Yes / No
你相信圣父,祂的独生子耶稣基督,和圣灵三位一体的上帝吗? 是/否

Do you believe the Bible to be the true and inspired Word of God? Yes / No
你相信圣经是真实无误,并且是上帝所默示的话语吗? 是/否

Do you believe the teachings of the Christian Faith as you have learned them
from Luther’s Small Catechism to be biblically faithful and true? Yes / No
并且是真实的吗? 是/否

Do you desire and intend to hear the Word of God
and receive the Lord’s Supper faithfully? Yes / No
你渴望并且意愿听上帝的道,和忠实地领受圣餐吗? 是/否

Do you intend, by the grace of God, to remain steadfast in your confession of faith,
and to conform your life with the teachings of the divine Word,
walking in faith and truth, even unto death? Yes / No
在信心和真理中行走,即使要付上生命为代价吗? 是/否

Completion of CREDO Classes: Completed?
认信课程完成情况: 完成?

Session 1 – The Life of Faith: The Gospel & The Creed

Session 2 – Spiritual Life: Worship, Baptism, and Confession, Communion
部分2. 属灵的生命:敬拜,洗礼,认罪,圣餐

Session 3 – The Obedient Life: Ten Commandments & The Lord’s Prayer
部分3. 顺服的生命:十诫&主祷文

Session 4 – The Missional Life: Your Calling and the Mission of God
部分4. 宣教的生命:上帝对你的呼召和使命

Your affirmation of this faith and your intention to practice it by the grace of God and the power of His Holy Spirit, make you a confirmed Lutheran. If this is the first time you have made such an affirmation, please sign and date this page below and share it with your Pastor.

Confirmand Pastor
受坚证人 牧师

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Print Name打印名字 Date日期 Print Name打印名字 Date日期

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Sign Name手签名字 Date日期 Sign Name 手签名字 Date日期

Note: This CREDO was originally written by a Lutheran Pastor(LCMS); translated into Chinese by Gary, proofread by Wendy
备注:该认信课程英文原版由一位路德宗牧师(LCMS)所写,中文版由Gary 翻译,Wendy校对!
Lutheran Translation Society路德宗翻译社(Public Domain版权开放)