
14:1–12 Throughout history, wicked earthly rulers have attacked Christ and His kingdom (cf 2:16–18). But their rage is in vain (Ps 2:1–2). Believers might at times be concerned about the outcome of this warfare between God and Satan, but have no fear. Christ has won the victory (1Co 15:57). • Lord Jesus, when I fear the might of those who oppose Your kingdom, comfort me with the knowledge that You live and rule eternally. Amen.

14:1-12 纵观历史,邪恶的地上统治者一直在攻击基督和祂的王国(参见2:16-18)。但他们的愤怒是徒劳的(诗2:1-2)。信徒们有时可能会担心上帝和撒旦之间这场战争的结果,但不必担心。基督已经赢得了胜利(林前15:57)。- 主耶稣,当我害怕那些反对你国度的人的势力时,请让我知道你活着并永远掌权并藉此安慰我。阿们。

14:13–21 This miracle is obviously important because all four evangelists have recorded it. The account here makes no mention of the crowd’s reaction. They seem not to realize that a miracle has taken place. But the disciples know. Each has a basketful of leftovers to testify to what Jesus has done. They will also be privileged to feed the nations spiritually with the bread of life, a resource that will satisfy and never be exhausted. Whenever you have doubts about God’s power to supply your needs, whether physical or spiritual, recall this miracle. Jesus is able to provide. • Heavenly Father, thank You for abundantly answering my prayer: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Amen.

14:13-21 这个神迹显然很重要,因为所有四位福音书作者都记录了它。这里的记载没有提到群众的反应。他们似乎没有意识到已经发生了一个神迹。但门徒们知道。每个人都有一篮子的剩余来证明耶稣所行的神迹。他们也将有幸用生命的粮从属灵层面喂养万民,这是一种能让人真正饱足且永不枯竭的资源。每当你对上帝供应你的需求的能力产生怀疑时,不管是物质上的还是灵命上的,都可以回忆一下这个神迹。耶稣有能力提供。- 天父,感谢您丰富地回应我的祷告: “我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们”。阿们。

14:22–33 When Jesus reveals His divine presence to His disciples by walking on the sea, they can only conclude: “Truly You are the Son of God.” As long as Peter keeps his eyes on Jesus, he also is able to walk on the water. Like Peter, we often look away from the object of our faith and focus on our problems and doubts. Although we know the Son of God is with us and provides for all our needs, we still worry and fear. Jesus states, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” His powerful arm reaches out to steady us and guide us into His safe harbor. • Divine Savior, when the storms of life threaten to shipwreck my faith, assure me of Your loving presence and protecting care. Amen.

14:22-33 当耶稣通过在海面上行走向门徒揭示祂的神圣临在时,他们只能得出此结论: “你实在是神的儿子”。只要彼得一直盯着耶稣,他也能在水上行走。像彼得一样,我们常常把目光从我们信仰的对象上移开,而专注于我们的问题和疑虑。虽然我们知道神的儿子与我们同在,并供应我们所有的需要,但我们仍然担心和害怕。耶稣说:”你们放心,是我,不要怕”。祂伸出强有力的胳膊使我们站立得稳,引导我们进入祂的安全港湾。- 神圣的救主,当生活的风暴威胁到我的信心时,请使我确信你慈爱般的同在,保护和关怀。阿们。

14:34–36 Surprisingly, Jesus heals many who only touch the tassel of His garment. What about today? Does not God permit both believer and unbeliever to be healed through medications that are derived from His creation? (Cf 5:45.) What happens on the Plain of Gennesaret demonstrates Christ’s exceeding goodness to all. Yet because we know Jesus and trust Him as our Savior and Lord, we thank and praise Him for the multitude of undeserved favors that we daily receive. • “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!” (Ps 118:1). Amen.

14:34-36 令人惊讶的是,耶稣治愈了许多只摸到祂衣服繸子的人。那么今天呢?难道上帝不允许信徒和非信徒通过源自祂的创造之工的药物得到医治吗?(参见5:45)在革尼撒勒地方发生的事情表明了基督对所有人的极度仁慈。然而,因为我们认识耶稣并信靠祂是我们的主救主,所以我们感谢并赞美祂,因为我们每天都会得到许多不配得的恩惠。- “你们要称谢耶和华,因祂本为善; 祂的慈爱永远长存!” (诗篇118:1)。阿们。

15:1–9 Jesus is dealing with questions of Law when He criticizes placing man-made traditions above God’s Commandments. God’s Law and Gospel dare never be subordinated to human teachings and rules. Jesus came to fulfill every aspect of the Law, that He might be our perfect Savior. • Lord Jesus Christ, keep me faithful to Your Word, which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps 119:105). Amen.

15:1-9 耶稣批评他们将人为的传统置于上帝的诫命之上,祂是在讲关于律法的问题。上帝的律法和福音永远不能屈从于人的教导和规条。耶稣来是满足律法的方方面面,并且成为我们完美的救主。- 主耶稣基督,请使我忠于你的话语,它是我脚下的灯,是我路上的光(诗119:105)。阿们。

15:10–20 People are unholy because of sin, not from some external defilement. Sin originates in the heart. Jesus mentioned a few of these sins, and one could easily add many more. At our birth, we were already sinful. But through Holy Baptism and the Word, the Spirit has renewed our hearts and washed away all our sins (Ti 3:4–7). Although our hearts will never be completely free from sinful desire in this life, God’s Spirit continues to lead us on the path of holiness. • Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Amen.

15:10-20 人不圣洁是因为罪,而不是因为一些外表的不洁。罪是由心发出。耶稣提到了其中的一些罪,当然我们可以很容易地列举更多的罪。在我们出生时,我们已经是有罪的。但通过圣洗礼和圣道,圣灵更新了我们的心,洗去了我们所有的罪孽(提多书 3:4-7)。虽然我们的心在今生永远不会完全摆脱有罪的欲望,但上帝的灵继续引导我们走上圣洁的道路。- 神啊,请在我里面创造一颗清洁的心,在我里面更新正直的灵。阿们。

15:21–28 This persistent Canaanite woman gains Jesus’ praise for believing that He will help her sick daughter. In time of need, we often either fail to pray with such determination or only ask hesitantly. Instead, we ought to “pray without ceasing” (1Th 5:17). Jesus hears all prayers offered in His name, and He will answer in His own time and way as is best for us. Therefore, we can pray with confidence. • Lord, sometimes I have not because I ask not. Move me to pray with confidence. Amen.

15:21-28 这个执着的迦南妇人因相信耶稣会帮助她生了病的女儿而获得耶稣的称赞。在有需要的时候,我们常常不会带着这样的决心去祷告,只是犹豫不决地祈求。相反,我们应该 “不住地祷告”(帖前5:17)。耶稣会听所有奉祂的名所做的祷告,祂必会以自己的时间和方式来回应,并且祂的时间和方式对我们来说是最好的。因此,我们可以充满信心地祈祷。- 主啊,有时我缺乏,是因为我不求。请感动我,让我以充实的信心祈祷。阿们。

15:29–31 Jesus shows that He is the promised Messiah by the healings He performs. Far too often we take our physical health for granted and fail to glorify God when we recover from illness or injury. Jesus brings eternal salvation, but He also helps and heals us when we are physically afflicted. • O Great Physician of body and soul, accept my humble thanks and praise for all the blessings I receive from Your bountiful hand. Amen.

15:29-31 耶稣通过祂所施行的医治表明祂是所应许的弥赛亚。我们常常把自己的身体健康视为理所当然,当我们从疾病或伤害中恢复过来时,很多时候并没有归荣耀给上帝。耶稣带来了永恒的救赎,但祂也在我们身体受到折磨时帮助和医治我们。- 哦,身体和灵魂的伟大医生,为着我从你满有恩惠的手中所领受的一切祝福,请接受我谦卑的感谢和赞美。阿们。

15:32–39 The two great feeding miracles of Jesus remind us of how God miraculously fed His people Israel with manna and quail in the wilderness (Ex 16; Nu 11). God works through His creation to provide our daily bread. We dare not take this blessing for granted. Luther urges us in his explanation of the Fourth Petition “to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving” (SC, here), for our Lord constantly cares for us. • Thank You, heavenly Father, for daily food and drink. Lead me to share my abundance with those in need. Amen.

15:32-39 耶稣的两个伟大的喂养神迹使我们想起神在旷野用吗哪和鹌鹑奇迹般地喂养祂的子民以色列(出16;民11)。上帝通过祂的创造之工,提供我们每天所需的食物。我们不敢把这种祝福视为理所当然。路德在他对第四祈祷的解释中敦促我们 “以感恩的心领受我们日用的饮食”(路德小问答),因为我们的主一直在看顾我们的一切所需。- 天父啊,为着你对我们日用饮食的供应,我们感谢你。也请引导我与有需要的人分享我所领受的丰盛。阿们。