
16:1–4 Jesus points the Jews of His day to the sign of Jonah, His death and resurrection. St Paul wrote that the “Jews demand signs . . . but we preach Christ crucified” (1Co 1:22–23). When plagued by doubts or fears, look to this sign of assurance. The sign of Jesus’ cross and resurrection sustains us in our faith and is the sign to which we must point in our witness (Ac 2:23, 31–32). • Ascended Lord, when I falter, comfort me in faith with the sign of Jonah. Amen.

16:1–4 耶稣指给当时的犹太人看约拿的神迹,即耶稣祂自己的死亡和复活。圣保罗写道:“犹太人是要神迹……我们却是传钉在十字架的基督” (哥林多前书1:22–23)。 当我们被怀疑或恐惧所困扰时,要仰望这个给人确据的神迹。 耶稣十字架和复活的神迹支撑着我们的信仰,并且是我们在为主作见证的时候必须指给人看的神迹 (使徒行传2:23, 31–32)。 • 升天的主啊,在我踌躇不定时,请用约拿的神迹在信心中安慰我。阿们。

16:5–12 The disciples worried about their failure to bring bread rather than guarding against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees, which should have been their primary concern. Too often, like the disciples, earthly needs and worries distract us. Jesus makes it clear that one thing is necessary: a focus on His teaching (Lk 10:38–42). When we abide in the Word of Jesus, we will know the truth (Jn 8:31–32). • Lord Jesus, help me to hear Your Word and gladly keep it. Amen.

16:5–12 门徒们是担心他们没带面包,而不是警惕法利赛人和撒都该人的教导,这本应是他们首要关注的事情。和门徒们一样,我们也经常会因着地上的需求和忧虑分心。耶稣明确指出只有一件事是必要的:专注于祂的教导 (路加福音10:38–42)。当我们常常遵守耶稣的道时,我们必晓得真理 (约翰福音8:31–32)。 • 主耶稣,帮助我聆听你的话语并喜乐地遵守。阿们。

16:13–20 Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God was a key event in Jesus’ ministry. To confess Jesus as Savior and Lord is also essential in every believer’s life. Some Christians will remember the very moment this first happened. Other Christians, baptized in infancy, have made this confession again and again in worship and daily life. Like Peter, none of us can by our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has called us by the Gospel (SC, here). As royal priests of God, we “proclaim the excellencies of Him who called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1Pt 2:9). • Grant us grace, heavenly Father, to confess Jesus and so remain on the unshakable rock of our salvation. Amen.

16:13–20 彼得对耶稣的认信,即宣告祂是弥赛亚和神的儿子,是耶稣事工中的一个关键事件。在每位信徒的生命中,承认耶稣为救主和主也是至关重要的。有些基督徒会记得认信第一次发生的时刻。其他在婴儿时就受洗的基督徒则一遍又一遍地在敬拜和日常生活中做出这个宣告。像彼得一样,我们任何人都不能凭借自己的理性或力量相信耶稣基督。是圣灵通过福音呼召了我们(路德小问答)。作为神的尊君祭司,我们“宣扬那召【我们】出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。”(彼得前书2:9)。 • 天父,请赐予我们恩典,使我们承认耶稣的名,并在我们救恩的坚固磐石上坚持不移。阿们。

16:21–23 Peter genuinely thinks he is helping Jesus when he tries to talk Him out of suffering and death. At times, we also fail to understand God’s ways, thinking we know better. Jesus knows that He has to take up the cross for our salvation. Peter will learn that truth later, a truth that continues to give us comfort and peace. • Lord, thank You for being willing to suffer and die that I might be forgiven. Lead me to speak Your Word aright. Amen.

16:21–23 彼得真诚地认为,当他试图劝耶稣不要受苦和死亡时,他正在帮助耶稣。有时候,我们也会不理解上帝的方式,以为我们更懂得。耶稣知道祂必须背起十字架来成就我们的救赎。彼得之后将会明白这个真理,这个真理继续给予我们安慰和平安。 • 主啊,感谢祢愿意受苦和死亡,为要使我得到赦免。请引导我正确地传讲祢的话语。阿们。

16:24–28 Talk of suffering and death, taking up one’s cross, and losing one’s life sounds strange and foreboding to Jesus’ disciples. It does to us too. Yet the end is not the cross; the end is life in God’s kingdom. To live in His kingdom must be our ultimate purpose. Many of the first disciples saw the glorious unveiling of that Kingdom when Christ rose from the dead. Peter saw the fulfillment of the promise on Pentecost. We continue to behold the spread of the message of Christ’s cross into all the world. • Blessed Savior, give me the will and strength to take up the cross and follow You to life eternal. Amen.

16:24–28 谈论苦难和死亡,背起十字架,失去生命,对耶稣的门徒来说听起来很奇怪和很令人不安。对我们来说也是如此。然而,十字架并不是终点;终点是在上帝的国度中的生命。在祂的国度中生活必须成为我们的最终目的。许多最早的门徒亲眼见证了基督从死里复活时那个荣耀的启示。彼得在五旬节上看到了应许的实现。我们继续目睹基督十字架的福音传遍全世界。 •当称颂的救主啊,请赐予我意愿和力量,背起十字架跟随祢,直到永生里。阿们。

17:1–13 The transfiguration of Jesus confirms for the disciples that He truly is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, as Peter confessed (16:16). The transfiguration is a foretaste of coming glory: Christ’s resurrection and His earthly appearances afterward, His ascension, and finally heaven. Comfort one another with these words. Though we are still troubled by the cares and ills of earthly life, every believer shares in the vision of what is to come (1Jn 3:2). • “’Tis good, Lord, to be here! Yet we may not remain; But since Thou bidst us leave the mount, Come with us to the plain.” Amen. (LSB 414:5)

17:1–13 耶稣的登山变像使门徒们确信,祂真的是弥赛亚、永生上帝的儿子,就像彼得所承认的(16:16)。登山变像是对未来荣耀的预尝,这将要来的荣耀是基督的复活,随后在地上的显现,祂的升天以及最后的天堂。你们要用这些话互相安慰。尽管我们仍然会被尘世生活中的需要和疾病所困扰,但每个信徒都知晓将来要发生的事(约一3:2)。• “主啊,待在这里真好!然而我们不能停留;但因为祢叫我们离开山顶,请与我们同去平原。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 414:5)

17:14–20 Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy whom His disciples have been unable to help. Their faltering faith has let down a seriously afflicted person. Sometimes our weak faith may do the same. When we express our own doubts and fears, family members and friends may be led to question God’s promises. Yet the strength of our faith does not flow from us but is the work of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament. Our prayer must ever be: “Lord, increase our faith.” • Lord Jesus, give me great faith, that I may receive the fullness of the gifts You promise. Amen.

17:14–20 耶稣医治了一个被鬼附的男孩,之前门徒们无法帮助他。他们摇摆的信心使一个受重病折磨的人失望。有时候,我们软弱的信心也可能做出同样的事情。当我们表达自己的怀疑和恐惧时,家人和朋友可能会对上帝的应许产生疑问。然而,我们信心的坚定并不源自我们自己,而是圣灵通过圣道和圣礼的工作。我们的祈祷必须是:“主啊,增加我们的信心。” • 主耶稣,赐给我伟大的信心,使我能够完全得到祢所应许的一切恩赐。阿们。

17:22–23 Jesus has to tell His disciples repeatedly that He is going to suffer, die, and rise. Love prompts our Lord to repeat those things the disciples need to hear. Christians hear these same events proclaimed again and again. We annually observe the Lenten season and relive Christ’s suffering and death. Each year, we celebrate His glorious resurrection. We never grow weary of hearing this story of God’s love and our salvation. • Dear Jesus, lead me to ponder and love those truths that declare my salvation. Amen.

17:22–23 耶稣不得不一再告诉门徒,祂将要受苦、死亡和复活。爱促使我们的主重复那些门徒需要听到的事情。基督徒一再听到这些事件的宣告。我们每年都遵守预苦期,并重新体验基督的受苦和死亡。我们每年也庆祝祂荣耀的复活。我们永远不会厌倦听到这个关于上帝的爱和我们的救赎的故事。 • 亲爱的耶稣,请引导我思考和喜爱那些宣告我得救的真理。阿们。

17:24–27 Jesus submits to paying the temple tax so as not to cause offense. He who calmed the stormy sea and fed the multitudes with scant provisions humbled Himself to the requirements of the Law. Likewise, He humbled Himself to death on the cross (Php 2:6–8) to pay the penalty for our sins of pride and tax evasion and all the rest. His righteousness sets us free. • Lord Jesus Christ, keep me humble in my words and actions, ever walking in Your ways. Amen.

17:24–27 耶稣顺从纳圣殿税的规定,以免引起冒犯。那位平静风浪,以少量食物喂饱成千上万人的主,甘愿谦卑自己,顺服律法的要求。同样,祂谦卑自己,为我们的骄傲、逃税以及其他一切罪孽在十字架上甘愿受死(腓立比书2:6–8),为我们支付了罪的代价。祂的公义使我们得以自由。 • 主耶稣基督啊,求你保守我在言语和行动上谦卑,时刻走在你的道路上。阿们。