
26:1–5 Both Jesus and His enemies long for His impending death. They plot to kill Him, but He longs to offer up His life for them and for the whole world. Pray for those who oppose the Gospel. Despite such opposition, the Lord is at work for the good of His people. • How great is Your love, O Jesus! Grant me courage in the face of all trouble. Amen.
26:1-5 耶稣和祂的仇敌都等待着祂即将到来的死亡。他们谋算要杀害祂,但祂渴望为他们和整个世界献出自己的生命。我们要为那些反对福音的人祈祷。尽管有这样的反对,主仍在为祂的子民的益处而作工。- 主耶稣啊,你的爱是何等伟大!!求你赐予我面对一切困难的勇气。阿门。

26:6–13 A woman anoints Jesus, which greatly offends His disciples. They take offense where no offense should be taken. Jesus, however, commends the woman, because her action points to His death for the world, which in turn points to His love for you. • Strengthen our faith, dear God, to focus on Christ’s death and resurrection for us and not on distractions. Amen.
26:6-13 一个女人用油膏抹耶稣,这使祂的门徒大为不满。虽然这事不应该冒犯到他们,他们却感到被冒犯了。然而,耶稣称赞了这个妇人,因为她的行为指向了耶稣为世人所受的死亡,而这又指向了祂对你的爱。- 亲爱的上帝,求你坚固我们的信心,使我们专注于基督为我们的死及复活,而不是专注于令我们分心的事。阿们。

26:14–16 Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. How often we, too, have betrayed Christ and sent Him to the cross for a lot less than 30 pieces of silver. Christ, however, still loves us. He died for Judas’s sin and for ours. Repent of all insincerity, doubt, and fear to bear witness. The Lord is ever ready to hear your prayer and forgive your sin. So great is His mercy! • Hear my cry, O Lord, and answer when I call. Grant me a sincere faith. Amen.
26:14-16 犹大同意为三十块钱出卖耶稣。我们也常常为了比三十块钱少得多的东西背叛基督,把祂送上十字架。然而,基督仍然爱我们。他为犹大的罪和我们的罪而死。为所有假冒伪善、心怀二意和害怕为主作见证的行为忏悔吧。主随时准备听你的祷告,饶恕你的罪。祂的怜悯是何等大! – 主啊,求你听我的呼求,应允我的声音。求你赐给我真诚的信心。阿们。

26:17–25 Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples, even as He warns Judas against betraying Him. In the same way, God warns us daily not to yield to sin and thus betray Him. He also invites us to partake of fellowship with Him, as Christ did with His disciples at the Passover, freely offering His forgiveness. • Lord Jesus, forgive my betrayal, and strengthen me to follow You. Amen.
26:17-25 即使耶稣警告犹大不要背叛祂, 祂仍与祂的门徒一起庆祝逾越节,。同样,上帝每天都在警告我们不要屈服于罪,从而背叛祂。他还是邀请我们与祂交通,就像基督在逾越节与祂的门徒一样,无条件地提供祂的宽恕。- 主耶稣啊,求你原谅我的背叛,并坚固我跟随你的心。阿们。

26:26–29 Christ institutes His Supper. He continues to offer His body and His blood for us Christians to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins whenever we come to His Table. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for His righteousness! • “Lord, may Thy body and Thy blood Be for my soul the highest good!” Amen. (LSB 618)
26:26-29 基督设立了圣餐。每当我们来到祂的餐桌前,他就继续为我们基督徒提供祂的身体和宝血,让我们吃喝,以获得罪的赦免。那些饥渴慕义的人有福了! – “主啊,愿你的身体和你的宝血作我灵魂的最大祝福!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 618)

26:30–35 The disciples, especially Peter, do not perceive the danger. They think they are strong enough to face anything without denying Christ. How often we foolishly copy Peter and substitute recklessness for humble faith. Fortunately, Jesus knows our weaknesses and is ready to restore us, even as He restored Peter. • Grant us grace to trust Your strength, O Lord, and not our own. Amen.
26:30-35 门徒们,特别是彼得,没有意识到危险。他们认为自己足够强大,可以面对任何事情而绝不会不认基督。我们常常愚蠢地效仿彼得,用鲁莽来代替谦卑的信心。幸运的是,耶稣知道我们的软弱,并愿意重新坚固我们,就像祂再次兴起彼得一样。- 主啊,求你赐给我们恩典,信靠你的力量,而不是靠我们自己的力量。阿们。

26:36–46 Jesus prays three times in Gethsemane, while His disciples give themselves over to sleep rather than to prayer. How often we get ourselves into trouble because we do not bother to pray! Pour out your heart to the Lord in sincere prayer again and again. Christ’s prayer and obedience to the Father open the portals of heaven to your prayers. • Let us hasten to bring our petitions before God’s throne of grace! Amen.
26:36-46 耶稣在客西马尼祷告了三次,而祂的门徒们却沉溺于睡觉而不是警醒祷告。我们常常因为不花时间祷告而使自己陷入困境!你应该在真诚的祷告中一次又一次地向主倾吐你的心声。基督的祷告和对天父的顺从为你的祷告打开了天国的大门。- 让我们赶紧把我们的祈求带到上帝的施恩宝座前吧! 阿们。

26:47–56 Judas betrays Jesus, but Jesus refuses to allow His disciples to use violence to defend Him. Evil permeates the scene: there is treachery, cowardice, and false bravado. But the sinless Son of God stands in the midst of these evils and allows these things to take place so He can redeem us. • Dear Savior, thank You for redeeming me, a sinner. Grant me wisdom and courage in the hour of temptation. Amen.
26:47-56 犹大背叛了耶稣,但耶稣拒绝让祂的门徒使用暴力来保护祂。邪恶弥漫在这一幕中:有背叛,有懦弱,有虚假的勇气。但是,无罪的上帝之子站在这些邪恶的中间,允许这些事情发生,以便祂能救赎我们。- 亲爱的救主啊,感谢你救赎了我这个罪人。求你赐予我在受试探时所需的智慧和胆量。阿们。

26:57–68 Jesus stands trial before the Council. Christ notes that He will come again to judge them and all who have sinned. He makes this confession so He can go to the cross and die for all who have perverted justice. Today, deal fairly with others, and pray for your persecutors. The death of Jesus atones for your sins and avails for them too. • Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Amen.
26:57-68 耶稣在公会面前受审。基督指出,祂将再次来审判他们和所有的罪人。他做了这样的宣告,是为了能够上十字架,为所有歪曲正义的人而死。今天,你们要公正地对待他人,并为迫害你们的人祈祷。耶稣的死为你赎罪,也为他们赎罪。- 上帝的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的主,求你怜悯我们。阿们。

26:69–75 Peter denies Jesus three times. His failure teaches us that mere bravado cannot keep us from sinning. But Jesus will restore Peter, even as He forgives us when we fall into sin. • Thank You, Lord, for Your constant forgiveness. Keep our hearts even when we fail to mind our tongues. Amen.
26:69-75 彼得三次不认耶稣。他的失败告诉我们,单纯的勇气不能使我们不犯罪。但耶稣使彼得重新站起来,就像祂在我们犯罪时赦免我们一样。- 主啊,感谢你不断的赦罪。求你保守我们的心,即使我们没有谨守我们的口舌。阿们。

27:1–2 Christ is handed over to Pilate. When others betray you or falsely speak evil against you, take counsel with Jesus. He knows your sorrows and has borne your sins. He will sustain you in the hour of trial. • Lord Jesus Christ, let us die to sin and live to You. Lift up our hearts. Amen.
27:1-2 基督被移交给彼拉多。当别人背叛你或编造谎言中伤你时,要寻求耶稣的帮助。祂知道你的忧伤,也已经承担了你的罪孽。祂会在你经历试炼的时候扶持你。- 主耶稣基督啊,让我们向罪死,向你而活。求你坚固我们的心。阿们。

27:3–10 Peter’s denial is followed closely by Judas’s suicide. The two commit similar sins in betraying Christ, but things turn out differently for each. Both are sorry for their misdeeds—perhaps Judas is even sorrier in that he tries to undo the damage. But Judas ends his life in despair, while Peter ultimately trusts in Christ, who alone can save us from guilt and despair. • Oh, let us ever flee to You, Christ, when overwhelmed by our sin! Let us not despair but know the depth of Your mercy. Amen.
27:3-10 彼得不认主,紧接着就是犹大自杀。这两个人在背叛基督时犯了类似的罪,但事情的结果是不同的。两人都对自己的错误行为感到懊悔–也许犹大更懊悔,因为他试图弥补错误。但犹大在绝望中结束了自己的生命,而彼得最终信靠基督,因为只有祂能把我们从罪恶和绝望中拯救出来。- 哦,当我们无力抵挡我们的罪时,让我们永远逃向你,基督!求你让我们不要绝望,而是知道你大有怜悯。阿们。

27:11–14 Jesus silently listens to His accusers. His silence leads to His condemnation, but also to our forgiveness. When foes accuse you, curb your tongue. Loose your tongue in prayer to the One who takes away your sin. • Thank You, dearest Jesus, for Your silence before Your accusers and Your sacrifice for us. Amen.
27:11-14 耶稣默默地听着控告祂的人说话。祂的沉默导致了众人对祂的定罪,但也带来我们的赦免。当仇敌指责你的时候,约束你的舌头。在祈祷中松开你的舌头,向那除去你罪孽的主祈祷。- 感谢你,最亲爱的耶稣,感谢你在控告你的人面前沉默无语,感谢你为我们所作的牺牲。阿们。

27:15–23 The crowd chooses to release Barabbas instead of Jesus. They prefer the sinful ways of Barabbas and seek to crucify their true Lord. Just as the Lord’s ways disturbed and threatened the people of Jerusalem, His ways disrupt our self-security. The silent Lamb of God would lead us away from the ways of the world to walk in His ways. He was condemned to death, that we might go freely into His kingdom. • Thank You, Lord, that You did not choose freedom for Yourself but life for me. Amen.
27:15-23 众人选择释放巴拉巴而不是耶稣。他们更喜欢巴拉巴的罪恶道路,并试图将他们真正的主钉死在十字架上。正如主的道路扰乱和威胁了耶路撒冷的人民一样,祂的道路也打破了我们的自我安全感。无声的神的羔羊要引导我们离开世界的道路,去走祂的路。祂被定罪而死,使我们可以自由地进入祂的国度。- 主啊,感谢你,你没有为自己选择自由的出路,而是为我的益处选择了赐生命的道路。阿们。

27:24–26 Pilate condemns Jesus to death while he seeks to absolve himself of responsibility for it. No matter how a sinner tries to evade responsibility for sin, he cannot wash himself of it. Thanks be to God that Christ took responsibility for the sins of the whole world and let Himself be crucified for our sakes. • I am guilty, Lord; grant me Your forgiveness and a new heart. Amen.
27:24-26 彼拉多将耶稣判处死刑,而他却试图摆脱自己的责任。无论罪人如何试图逃避罪的责任,他都无法洗清自己的罪。感谢上帝,基督为整个世界的罪承担责任,为了我们的缘故甘愿自己被钉在十字架上。- 主啊,我是有罪的;求主宽恕和赐我一颗新的心。阿们。

27:27–31 Jesus is mocked as a false king by the Roman soldiers. They despise His weakness, but it is the way that He would win His kingdom—He will redeem the world and win His subjects on the cross. How different are the Lord’s ways by which He rescues us! • Hail, O true King of the Jews and of all the world. I confess You as my King. Amen.
27:27-31 耶稣被罗马士兵嘲弄为假的王。他们渺视祂的软弱,但正是通过这种软弱的方式,祂赢得祂的国度–祂要在十字架上救赎世界,赢得祂的子民。主拯救我们的方式是何等不同啊! – 欢呼,犹太人和全世界的真正的君王啊。我承认你是我的君王。阿们。

27:32–44 Jesus is crucified and reviled on every hand. Here we see the full depth of our sin: the pain of the cross and the reviling of the whole world is what we deserve. But we also see the full depth of God’s mercy in that He willingly submitted Himself to this torture for our sakes. • Grant, O God, that I boast in nothing but in the cross of Your Son. Amen.
27:32-44 耶稣被钉死在十字架上,并受到各方的讥讽。在这里我们看到了我们罪恶的深度:十字架的痛苦和整个世界的讥讽本是我们应得的。但我们也看到了神长阔高深的怜悯,因为祂为了我们的缘故甘愿让自己接受这种折磨。- 上帝啊,我断不以别的东西,只靠着你儿子的十字架夸耀。阿们。

27:45–56 After Jesus cries in agony at His abandonment, He dies. His death is followed by supernatural signs. His cry shows the abandonment that we should have experienced. But by His death, He destroyed the power of death and removed the barrier that separated us from God. • We praise You, O Christ, and we bless You. By Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. Amen.
27:45-56 耶稣因被遗弃而痛苦地呼求,之后祂就死了。超自然的神迹伴随着祂的死亡发生。祂的呼求显示了我们本该经历的被遗弃。但通过祂的死,祂摧毁了死的权势,消除了使我们与上帝隔离的障碍。- 基督啊,我们赞美你,我们祝福你。藉着你神圣的十字架,你已经救赎了世界。阿们。

27:57–61 Jesus is buried. By sharing our human grave, He sanctifies our tombs and makes them places where our bodies can rest, confident in the resurrection. Honor the faithfully departed by remembering their graves and by praying for their families. As Christ burst from His tomb, so shall He raise all the dead on the Last Day. • Thank You, Lord, for the life and sacrifice of others and for the certain hope of the resurrection. Amen.
27:57-61 耶稣被埋葬了。通过分享我们人类的坟墓,祂使我们的坟墓成为圣洁之地,使我们的身体能够在其中安息,并对复活充满信心。我们通过记念已经离世的忠心信徒的坟墓和为他们活着的家人祈祷,向他们表示敬意。如同基督从祂的坟墓中复活一样,祂也将在末日使所有的死人复活。- 主啊,为着其他人的生命和他们所做的牺牲感谢你,也为复活的确实盼望感谢你。阿们。

27:62–66 The chief priests and their allies secure Jesus’ tomb to prevent a faked resurrection. Their act, done out of unbelief, will ironically give them compelling evidence for the resurrection. Christ permits this to happen so His disciples could be confident that His resurrection was no hoax, but fact. • Living Lord, You triumphed over all Your enemies. Be with us always and deliver us. Amen.
27:62-66 祭司长和他们的同党看守耶稣的坟墓,以防止虚假的复活。他们的行为是出于不信的缘故,但讽刺的是,他们将为复活提供有力的证据。基督允许这种情况发生,好让祂的门徒可以确信祂的复活不是骗局而是事实。- 永活的主啊,你战胜了你所有的仇敌。求你永远与我们同在,并拯救我们。阿们。