
24:1–2 In response to His disciples’ admiring comments about the temple, Jesus predicts its destruction. The things of this world do not endure. All earthly splendor will be forgotten on the Last Day. Understanding the provisional nature of material things leads us to place our highest hopes in the Lord and what He has in store for us in the new heavens and new earth. • You alone are our life and hope, O Lord. Help us to set our hearts and affections on You, for in the end everything else will give way. Amen.
24:1-2 针对门徒对圣殿的赞美,耶稣预言它将被毁灭。这世界上的东西是暂时的。一切地上的荣耀在末日都会被遗忘。了解物质事物的暂时性,使我们把最高的希望寄托在主身上,以及祂在新天新地里为我们所预备的福分上面。- 主啊,只有你是我们的生命和盼望。求你帮助我们将我们的心思意念放在你身上,因为最终其他一切都会消逝。阿们。

24:1–14 Jesus prophesies about things leading up to the end of the world. Today, stories of military conflicts, political intrigues, and natural disasters continue to fill the news. All this should remind us of the nearness of the end of this age. In that we may rejoice! Though the world is indeed increasingly evil and hostile to God, Christians are ever nearer the great day of Christ’s return. • Keep us faithful in a world spinning out of control, Lord Jesus, that in the end, we may receive the salvation You are even now preparing for us. Amen.
24:1-14 耶稣预言了世界末日前的一系列征兆事件。今天,军事冲突、政治阴谋和自然灾害的报道继续充斥着新闻媒体。所有这些都应该提醒我们末日的临近。然而我们可以仍然在其中欢喜快乐! 虽然这个世界确实越来越邪恶,也越来越敌对上帝,但基督徒离基督再来的大日子也越来越近。- 主耶稣啊,求你使我们在这个失控的世界上保持忠诚,叫我们在最后可以得到你为我们预备的救恩。阿们。

24:15–28 While prophesying concerning Jerusalem’s destruction, Jesus again warns His disciples against being deceived by false messiahs. During crises, people instinctively seek spiritual aid. In such times, God’s people are tempted to join those fleeing to charlatans and the false hopes they offer. Christ’s return in glory will be unmistakable. In an instant, He will raise the dead, transform believers into His likeness, and so effect our final deliverance. • You have revealed to us the manner of Your return, O Lord. Therefore, keep us watchful for You so we do not follow those who seek to deceive us. Amen.
24:15-28 耶稣在预言耶路撒冷的毁灭时,再次警告祂的门徒不要被假弥赛亚欺骗。在危机中,人们本能地寻求灵性的帮助。在这种时候,上帝的子民会受到诱惑,追随那些骗子,相信他们所提供的虚假盼望。基督在荣耀中的再来将是明确无误的。在一瞬间,祂将使死人复活,使信徒变成祂的模样,并完成我们最终的救赎。- 主啊,你已经向我们显明了你再来的方式。因此,求你使我们警醒等候你,不要追随那些试图欺骗我们的人。阿们。

24:29–31 Jesus describes the manner (though not the exact time) of His second coming. He will come in glory on the clouds of heaven as your Savior. Rejoice! For all Christians will unfailingly be gathered to reunite with their fellow believers and enter the Lord’s presence. • “O Jesus Christ, do not delay, But hasten our salvation; . . . Come, mighty judge, and set us free From death and ev’ry evil.” Amen. (LSB 508:7)
24:29-31 耶稣描述了祂第二次来的方式(尽管没有精确的时间)。祂将在荣耀中乘着天上的云彩,作为你们的救主,降临。欢呼吧! 因为所有的基督徒都会不约而同地聚集起来,与其他的信徒团聚,来到主的面前。- “耶稣基督啊,求你不要迟延,快来救赎我们;……。来吧,大能的审判者,使我们脱离死亡和一切邪恶”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 508:7)

24:32–35 Jesus again reminds us that there will be constant and unmistakable signs that the end is near. For those who reject Jesus and the Gospel, the reminder that He is standing at the gate is a threat of judgment and condemnation. However, believers in Christ may be encouraged when reminded that Jesus is near, for they know that this means their salvation is drawing near. • “O Thou Long-expected, weary Waits my anxious soul for Thee. . . . O my Savior, O my Savior, When wilt Thou return to me?” Amen. (TLH 606:2)
24:32-35 耶稣再次提醒我们,将有持续的、明确无误的迹象表明末日即将来临。对于那些拒绝耶稣和福音的人来说,他站在门口的提醒是一种审判和定罪的威胁。然而,对于在基督里的信徒来说,提醒他们耶稣临近门会使他们受到鼓励,因为他们知道这意味着他们的救赎更加近了。- “哦,我焦急的心,长久期待,疲惫等候你. . 我的救主啊,我的救主啊,你何时回到我身边?” 阿们。(路德宗诗歌本 606:2)

24:36–51 The suddenness of Christ’s second coming, along with His promise that faithfulness will be richly rewarded, moves us to watch eagerly for Jesus. Sadly, many Christians today seem to have lost their expectation of Christ’s imminent return. Countless sins and vices follow. Christians who are found faithful when called home will be unbelievably privileged: they will share in Christ’s everlasting reign! • Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Come, save us from this dying world, and lead us into Your everlasting kingdom, where we shall reign with You. Amen.
24:36-51 基督再来的突然性,以及祂关于忠心将得到丰厚回报的承诺,促使我们热切地期待耶稣。可悲的是,今天许多基督徒似乎已经失去了对基督即将再来的期待。无数的罪孽和恶习随之而来。当被召唤回家时,那些被发现忠心耿耿的基督徒将获得令人难以置信的特权:他们将分享基督永恒的权柄! – 来吧,主耶稣,求你快来。来吧,救我们脱离这个即将灭亡的世界,领我们进入你永恒的国度,在那里我们将与你一同掌权。阿们。

25:1–13 Jesus warns that many invited to share in the eternal joy of His kingdom will miss out by failing to have a living faith at the end. Though some will be condemned for heinous crimes and gross sins, many more will fail to enter heaven because they neglected their faith. Even so, no matter how depleted our faith is, Jesus’ grace can fill us to overflowing with a single word. • Keep us ever filled to overflowing, O Lord, that we continually abound in faith, hope, and love for You. Amen.
25:1-13 耶稣警告说,许多被邀请分享祂国度永恒喜乐的人,最终会因为没有活在信心里而错过。虽然有些人将因令人发指的罪行和严重的罪恶而被定罪,但更多的人将因为忽视了他们的信仰而无法进入天堂。即便如此,无论我们的信心多么不足,耶稣的恩典可以用一句话充满我们的内心。- 主啊,求你使我们时刻被你充满以至满溢,叫我们对你的信心、盼望和爱丰丰富富永不断。阿们。

25:14–30 Our relationship to God and the world is one of stewardship. We are to use everything entrusted to us in such a way that it benefits God’s kingdom. Though modern people often have far more material and technological means than any previous generation, they often use these tools selfishly. An unfailing promise attaches to faithful stewardship: if we use the things entrusted to us for God and His purposes, we will be blessed here and in heaven. • “Give me a faithful heart, Likeness to Thee, That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness done, Some wand’rer sought and won, Something for Thee.” Amen. (TLH 403:3)
25:14-30 我们与神和世界的关系是一种管家的关系。我们要以有利于神的国度的方式使用托付给我们的一切。虽然现代人拥有的物质和技术手段往往比以往任何一代人都多,但他们往往自私地使用这些工具。忠实的管家有一个不变的承诺:如果我们为上帝和祂的目的使用托付给我们的东西,我们将在地上和天国得到祝福。- 求你赐给我一颗忠诚的心,与你相似,使我在每一天的结束,都能看到一些爱的工作开始,一些善行的完成,一些迷失的人被找回,这些都是为你而做的。阿们。(路德宗诗歌本 403:3)

25:31–46 On the Last Day, Jesus will separate true believers from hypocrites and those who reject Him. The faithful will be vindicated and welcomed into heaven, while unbelievers will be condemned. Having received forgiveness through faith in Christ, God’s flock eagerly await the day on which they shall be publicly vindicated and receive eternal life. • Grant us a faith that perseveres until the end, O Lord. Move us by Your Spirit, that our good works continually glorify You and benefit our neighbors. Amen.
25:31-46 在末日,耶稣将把真正的信徒与假冒伪善和拒绝他的人分开。信徒将被宣告无罪并被接入天堂,而不信者将被定罪。上帝的群羊通过相信基督,罪得赦免,他们急切地等待着这一天,因为在这一天,他们将被公开宣告无罪,并得永生。- 主啊,求你赐给我们坚持到底的信心。用你的灵感动我们,使我们的善行不断地荣耀你,使我们的邻居受益。阿们。