
9:2–13 Jesus is transfigured to display His divine glory and to prepare His disciples for His death and resurrection. We cannot imagine the glory of God, especially in Christ, who is fully human. Jesus loses none of His divine majesty in the incarnation, but His glory shines through His human nature. His glory reminds us that He freely chose death and resurrection for our sakes. • Lord, bring us to that mountain where we can see Your glory shine. Let us follow You to the glory of Your cross to celebrate Your power and to marvel at Your life given for us. Amen.

9:2-13为预备祂的门徒面对祂的死和复活, 耶稣变了形象,显示祂神圣的荣耀。我们无法想象上帝的荣耀本身是什么样子的,更无法明白这荣耀也在基督里,而基督是完全的人。耶稣道成肉身,丝毫没有失去他神圣的威严,而是通过祂的人性彰显祂的荣耀。祂的荣耀提醒我们,为了我们,祂自由选择了死亡和复活。- 主啊,带我们到那座山,在那里我们可以看到你的荣耀闪烁。让我们跟随你到你十字架的荣耀中去,颂赞你的大能,赞叹你为我们献上的生命。阿们。

9:14–29 Jesus descends from the transfiguration and meets a defiant demon, an anxious father, an astonished crowd, and despairing disciples. Despair threatens to overwhelm our faith too by pointing out how we fail to change or improve, suggesting that God neither cares for us nor has power to help. However, Jesus does not linger in the glory of the transfiguration, but graciously descends to a world of despair and doubt so that He might deliver us. • Lord, thank You for Your compassion, which brings You to our world of pain and dismay. Give us faith to overcome our doubts, and help us believe that all things are possible with You. Amen.

9:14-29 耶稣从变象山上下来,遇到了胆大包天的魔鬼、焦虑的父亲、惊讶的人群和绝望的门徒。绝望也有可能压倒我们的信心,指明我们在改变和进步方面的失败,暗示上帝既不关心我们,也没有能力帮助我们。然而,耶稣没有停留在变象的荣耀中,而是恩慈地降临到充满绝望和怀疑的世界中,来拯救我们。主啊,感谢你的怜悯,使你来到我们痛苦和沮丧的世界中。求你赐给我们战胜疑惑的信心,帮助我们相信,在你凡事都能。阿们。

9:30–32 Jesus repeats the prophecy of His Passion and resurrection while the disciples listen in frightened silence. Death is frightening and confusing when we cannot see the promised resurrection. Yet, Jesus bears our fears as well as our sins on the cross in order to deliver us. • Lord, break our fear of death by reminding us that You have died, never to die again. Today, open our frightened hearts with the resurrection’s promise; one day, open our closed eyes with the resurrection’s power. Amen.

9:30-32 耶稣重复了祂受难和复活的预言,门徒们惊恐地默默倾听。当我们看不到所应许的复活时,死亡是令人恐惧和困惑的。然而,耶稣为了拯救我们,在十字架上承受了我们的恐惧和罪孽。- 主啊,求你打破我们对死亡的恐惧,提醒我们你已经死了,告诉我们你永不再死的事实。今天,请用复活的应许打开我们恐惧的心;将来有一天,用复活的大能打开我们紧闭的双眼。阿们。

9:33–37 Confused by Jesus’ prediction of His death, the disciples return to a subject they know well, their own greatness. Jesus shows them that true status is found in serving those whom God values. When we are tempted to debate who is the greatest, we should instead look to where the Master hangs on the cross. He represents us before the Father in order to redeem us, and He leads us by the cross into a new life. • Lord, forgive us for our battles over greatness. Remind us that You alone are great, for You have served the least among us. Amen.

9:33-37 门徒对耶稣预言祂的死感到困惑,于是回到他们所熟悉的话题上,即他们自己的伟大。耶稣告诉他们,真正的地位在于侍奉上帝所珍重的人。当我们被引诱去争论谁为大的时候,我们应该看向主被挂在十字架上的地方。祂代表我们站在天父面前,以救赎我们,并通过十字架引领我们进入新的生命。- 主啊,饶恕我们因着谁为大而争论。提醒我们惟有你是伟大的,因为你服侍了我们中间最小的。阿们。

9:38–41 Jesus opens the disciples’ eyes to see those who do God’s work in dramatic or simple ways. The work of God goes far beyond us. He shows His power and kindness through great life-changing miracles and simple cups of water. • Lord, thank You for Your work through the lives of others. Lead me to welcome those miracles and mercies that You show through every one of Your people. Amen.

9:38-41 耶稣打开门徒的眼睛,让他们看到那些以引人注目或简单的方式做上帝工作的人。上帝的工作远远超越在我们中间所做的。祂通过改变生命的大神迹和简单的几杯水彰显他的大能和仁慈。- 主啊,感谢你通过他人的生命来做工。求你带领我拥抱你的奇迹和怜悯, 这些奇迹和怜悯是透过你的每一个子民显现的。阿们。

9:42–50 Nothing is more important than retaining the faith unto eternal life. Let nothing come between you and the Savior. Though He tests us with fire, He does not consume His own people. Rejoice, for God graciously gives us the faith in which He preserves us to eternity. • Lord, give us the lasting faith that can persevere through every trial. Empty our hands of anything that competes with You, and let us hold firmly to You eternally. Amen.

9:42-50 没有什么比坚守信仰直到永生更重要的了。不要让任何事物介入你与救主之间。祂虽用火试炼我们,却不会烧灭祂自己的子民。喜乐吧,因为上帝恩赐我们信心,并保守我们在信心中直到永生。- 主啊,求你赐给我们持久的信心,使我们能够在每一次试炼中站立得住。求你把我们手中使我们远离你的东西拿走,让我们永远紧紧依靠你。阿们。

10:1–12 Jesus teaches that God wants a man and a woman in marriage to be exclusively committed to each other for life. Attempts to alter or get around God’s good intentions bring condemnation, not greater liberty. Thoughtfully and prayerfully embrace God’s ways. What He establishes is for our good and stems from His love and grace. • “O Spirit of the Father, Breathe on them from above, So searching in Your pureness, So tender in Your love That, guarded by Your presence And kept from strife and sin, Their hearts may heed Your guidance And know You dwell within.” Amen. (LSB 858:3)

10:1-12 耶稣教导我们,上帝希望婚姻中的一男一女终身相守。试图改变或绕过上帝的好意会被定罪,而不是更大的自由。以深思熟虑和祷告的方式接受上帝的道路。他所设立的都是源自祂的爱和恩典, 为了我们的益处。- “哦,天父的圣灵啊,求你从上头向他们吹气,你以纯洁的爱寻找他们,这爱如此温柔,使他们在你的同在中得到守护,远离纷争和罪恶,使他们的心听从你的指引,知道你就住在他们里面”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 858:3)

10:13–16 This story is the key to the chapter, showing us that salvation is a gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We trust the Lord as a child trusts a parent. We do not earn God’s love and favor by keeping the Law, especially when we look for loopholes to excuse our sinful behavior (cf 10:1–12). All people, like helpless children, receive Jesus’ blessing and enter the Kingdom through faith in Him. • “You have promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be; You have mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow’r to free. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Early let us turn to You. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Early let us turn to You.” Amen. (LSB 711:3)

10:13-16 这个故事是本章的关键,告诉我们救恩是因信耶稣基督而得的恩典。我们信靠主,就像孩子信靠父母一样。我们不能靠遵守律法来赢得上帝的爱和恩惠,我们更不能寻找律法的漏洞为自己的犯罪行为开脱(参10:1-12)。所有人都像无助的孩童一样,通过对耶稣的信心接受祂的祝福,进入祂的国度。-虽然我们贫穷而且有罪 ,你应许接纳我们;你有怜悯拯救我们,你有恩典洁净我们,你有能力释放我们。当称颂的耶稣,当称颂的耶稣,让我们早日归向你。当称颂的耶稣,当称颂的耶稣,让我们早日归向你”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 711:3)

10:17–31 Jesus teaches His disciples that not even people with the greatest worldly means (e.g., a rich man) can enter the kingdom of God on their own merit. We cannot justify ourselves; we receive salvation (“inherit eternal life”) solely by grace through faith in Jesus, just like a little child (10:13–16). • “My heart’s delight, My crown most bright, O Christ, my joy forever. Not wealth nor pride Nor fortune’s tide Our bonds of love shall sever.” Amen. (LSB 557:4)

10:17-31 耶稣教导祂的门徒,即使是世俗上最富有的人也不能凭自己的功劳进入神的国。我们不能使自己称义;我们得救(”承受永生”)完全是靠恩典,因信耶稣,就像小孩子一样(10:13-16)。- 基督啊,你是我心中的亮光,你是我最明亮的冠冕,你是我永远的喜乐。财富、骄傲、和命运的波涛,都不能切断你与我爱的纽带”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 557:4)

10:32–34 Jesus predicts His trial, execution, and resurrection for the third time in Mk (cf 8:31–32; 9:30–32) while walking boldly to His death. Jesus goes to die the sinner’s death, accepting the Law’s penalty in our place. Faith looks to Christ crucified and risen and says “for me.” Luth: “Who is this ‘me’? It is I, an accursed and damned sinner, who was so beloved by the Son of God that He gave Himself for me” (AE 26:176). • “Your grace alone, dear Lord, I plead, Your death is now my life indeed, For You have paid my ransom.” Amen. (LSB 555:6)

10:32-34 耶稣在马可福音中第三次预言了祂的受审、被杀和复活(参8:31-32;9:30-32),勇敢地继续走向死亡。耶稣以罪人当受的死亡受死,代替我们接受律法的惩罚。我们要用信心仰望被钉十字架又复活的基督,对自己说这是 “为我”。路德告诉我们:”这个’我’是谁?是我,一个被咒诅、被定罪的罪人,上帝的儿子如此爱我,为我舍己”(路德文集美国版 26:176)。- 亲爱的主啊,我只恳求你的恩典,你的死亡如今确实成了我的生命,因为你已经支付了我的赎价。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 555:6)

10:35–45 Jesus puts our welfare and needs ahead of His own as He conducts His ministry, showing us what real leadership is. Jesus shows that those who lead in the kingdom of God serve others in humility. He leads by laying down His life as the sacrifice for our sins and calls us to similar sacrifice. • Dear Father, You have sent Christ to serve us, although He had the right to demand our service. Forgive us, Father. Lead us to give ourselves for the sake of others, that we, being last, might truly be first with Jesus in His kingdom. Amen.

10:35-45 耶稣在传道时把我们的福祉和需要放在祂自己的需要前面,祂向我们展示了什么是真正的领袖。耶稣告诉我们,在神的国度里领导他人的要谦卑地服侍他人。祂通过舍命为我们的罪献祭来引领我们,并呼召我们作出同样的牺牲。- 亲爱的天父,你差遣基督来侍奉我们,尽管他有权要求我们侍奉。求你赦免我们,天父。引导我们为他人舍己,好让我们这些居后的能够在耶稣的国度里与祂同列,成为真正靠前的。阿们。

10:46–52 Though Jesus is intent on going to the cross, He pauses to have mercy on Bartimaeus, who can do nothing to solve his problem except cry out to the Lord, “Have mercy!” Like Bartimaeus, learn to call on the Lord and trust in His power to deliver you. Jesus will hear and respond compassionately. • “Lord, Your mercy will not leave me; Ever will Your truth abide. Then in You I will confide.” Amen. (LSB 559:4)

10:46-52 虽然耶稣是要去上十字架,但祂停下来怜悯巴底买,巴底买除了呼求主 “可怜我 “外,什么也做不了。我们要像巴底买一样,学会呼求主,相信祂有能力拯救你。耶稣会聆听并怜悯地回应你。- 主啊,你的怜悯不会离开我,你的真理永存。我要依靠你”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 559:4)