
7:1–13 Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for being overly concerned with man-made observances while failing to fulfill God’s Commandments. Such hypocrisy still abounds, as most people worry more about human opinions than what God thinks. Given our own failures in this regard, it is a good thing that the Lord not only commands in His Word, but also graciously forgives and promises goodness. • Lord, cleanse us each day from our sins. We thank You that Jesus was made a fragrant, sacrificial offering for us. Amen.

7:1-13 耶稣批评法利赛人过分注重人为的规条,却不遵守上帝的诫命。这样的假冒伪善仍然比比皆是,因为大多数人更关心人的看法而不是上帝的想法。在这方面我们自己也很失败,但值得庆幸的是,主不仅用祂的道命令我们,而且还慈悲地赦免我们并应许善待我们。- 主啊,求你每天洁净我们的罪。我们感谢你,使耶稣成为我们的馨香祭物。阿们。

7:14–23 Jesus teaches that people are not defiled by food or other things entering the body from the outside, but rather by their own evil inclinations and sinful behaviors. This teaching exposes the uselessness of our own excuse-making and dismisses our claims that other people and things are to blame for our shortcomings and failures. However, Jesus does not merely condemn; He also sets free. Through His promises we are liberated from sin and reconciled to God. • Lord, renew us each day with clean hearts. By Your Spirit, give us joyous words, generous spirits, and behaviors that reflect Your glory. Amen.

7:14-23 耶稣教导我们,人的污秽不是由食物或其他从外面进入身体的东西造成的,而是由自己的邪恶倾向和罪恶行为造成的。这一教导说明了我们为自己找借口是无效的,也说明了我们将自己的缺点和失败归咎于他人和事物是不对的。然而,耶稣并不只是谴责,祂也使我们得以自由。通过祂的应许,我们从罪中解脱,与上帝和好。- 主啊,求你每天用洁净的心更新我们。藉着你的灵,赐给我们喜乐的言语,慷慨的心灵,以及反映你荣耀的行为。阿们。

7:24–30 In the regions of Tyre and Sidon, Jesus reveals that He has come to save the Gentiles along with the Jews. Unfortunately, the all-encompassing nature of His Gospel is viewed today as a threat by many Christian communities; outreach to other cultures might be ignored. But Jesus calls us to repent of such notions, and He reaches out to all people. No one lies beyond the scope of His love and grace. • Lord, help us to share the Gospel with all people, especially those who are different from us, that all may be edified in the faith. Amen.

7:24-30 在推罗和西顿,耶稣揭示,祂来是为了拯救外邦人和犹太人。不幸的是,祂福音的普世性,在今天被许多基督徒团体视为威胁;从而忽视了对其他文化的宣教工作。但是,耶稣呼召我们为这种观念认罪悔改,祂向所有人伸出援手。没有人在祂的爱和恩典的范围之外。- 主啊,求你帮助我们与所有人分享福音,特别是那些与我们不同的人,使所有人在信仰中得到建立。阿们。

7:31–37 Jesus heals another person in a Gentile region, further emphasizing His love for every race and kind of people. This serves as yet one more example of why we need to avoid the temptation to narrow the scope of the mission and to ignore opportunities to reach out to those who are different than ourselves. Jesus’ healing of this man, immediately after He restored the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman, underscores that He desires to love, cleanse, and heal all people. • Lord, You have done everything well. Help us also to see the depths of Your mercy and grace, that we understand them as gifts meant for all. Amen.

7:31-37 耶稣在外邦医治了另一个人,进一步强调了祂对各个种族和人群的爱。这又是一个例子,告诉我们要避免缩小使命范围的试探,忽视向那些与我们不同的人传福音的机会。耶稣治好了叙利亚腓尼基妇人的女儿, 紧接着治好了这个人,这强调了耶稣愿意爱所有的人,洁净所有的人,医治所有的人。- 主啊,你所行的一切都是美好的。求你帮助我们看到你长阔高深的怜悯和恩典,使我们明白这是你给所有人的礼物。阿们。

8:1–10 Jesus’ compassion moves Him to feed another hungry crowd by means of a second miraculous multiplication of bread. When Jesus confronts the disciples with feeding the crowds for a second time, they again fail to see that His power provides the way forward. How slowly we sometimes respond in faith! Yet how graciously Jesus continues to provide, both with His Word of forgiveness and with daily bread. He fully satisfies our bodies and souls. • Lord, deepen our hunger for Your Word, and so teach us to turn first to You in every need. Then feed us with Your multiple gifts. Amen.

8:1-10 耶稣的怜悯驱使祂第二次奇迹般地使饼变多来喂饱了另一个饥饿的人群。当耶稣再次让门徒们喂饱众人时,他们却又一次没有看到耶稣的大能可以为他们开道路。我们有时在信心上的反应是多么缓慢!然而,耶稣仍然仁慈地供应我们,既以祂的道赦免我们,又供给我们日用的饮食。他完全满足了我们的身体和灵魂的需要。主啊,求你加深我们对你的道的渴慕,教导我们在每一个需要中首先求告你。求你用你的丰富的恩赐滋养我们。阿们。

8:11–13 Even though the Pharisees have already rejected Jesus, they still try to demand that He prove His identity. Scoffers continue to do as much today, denying God but at the same time hurling demands for proof toward Him. Believers, however, know that God is real, and they see the depth of His love in Christ’s suffering and the glory of His promises in the resurrection. • Lord, when we hunger for a sign of Your presence and power, focus our eyes on Your empty tomb. Make this the lasting, satisfying sign that opens our eyes to You. Amen.

8:11-13 尽管法利赛人已经拒绝了耶稣,他们仍然试图要求耶稣证明祂的身份。今天,嘲笑者仍在这样做,他们否认上帝,但同时又要求信徒证明祂的存在。然而,信徒们知道上帝是真实的,他们在基督的受难中看到了上帝长阔高深的爱,在复活中看到了上帝应许的荣耀。主啊,当我们渴慕你的同在和大能的记号时,求你将我们的目光集中在你的空坟墓上。使这成为持久的、使我们满足的记号,这记号使我们看见你。阿们。

8:14–21 The disciples remember their lack of bread but forget about the One who is with them, the very Lord and Creator of all. At times, we are similarly hard-hearted and shortsighted, focusing so much on our need for daily bread that we forget to call upon Jesus, the very bread of life. Nevertheless, Jesus patiently teaches His disciples, showing over and over that He alone can satisfy our deepest needs. • Lord, open the eyes of our hearts, so that we see You as the very bread from heaven, the answer to all our wants and needs. Amen.

8:14-21 门徒只记得他们缺少饼,却忘记了与他们同在的主,也就是万有的创造者。有时,我们也同样心硬,目光短浅,过于关注我们对日用饮食的需要,而忘记了呼求耶稣–生命之粮。然而,耶稣耐心地教导祂的门徒,一次又一次地表明,惟有祂才能满足我们内心深处的需要。- 主啊,求你开启我们心灵的眼睛,使我们看见你是天上来的粮,是我们一切所求所需的答案。阿们。

8:22–26 Jesus heals a blind man as His disciples continue to struggle with the issue of who Jesus is and what He has come to do. Sin blinds all of us. Yet, Jesus’ gracious touch opens our eyes so that, despite our weaknesses, we recognize Him as the Christ and believe in Him unto life everlasting. • Lord, open our eyes to see You and Your ways. Help us to recognize and confess You clearly as our great physician. Amen.

8:22-26 耶稣医治了一个瞎眼的人,祂的门徒还在关于耶稣是谁和祂来的目的这些核心问题上挣扎。罪蒙蔽了我们所有人的眼睛。然而,耶稣仁慈的触摸打开了我们的眼睛,使我们尽管软弱,也能认出祂是基督,并相信祂直到永生。主啊,求你开启我们的眼睛,使我们看见你和你的道路。帮助我们清楚地认识你,并承认你是我们的良医。阿们。

8:27–30 For the first time in Mk, one of the Twelve recognizes Jesus as the Christ, God’s Anointed One. How slow we are and how dull is our understanding of Jesus’ divinity! We see and yet do not see. And so it is that Jesus graciously continues revealing Himself to us through Word and Sacrament. His Spirit works in us the faith that claims, “Jesus is the Christ.” • Lord Jesus, help us to see You as the true Son of the Father, the Christ anointed as our prophet, priest, and king. Rule us graciously for all eternity. Amen.

8:27-30 在马可福音中,十二使徒中的一位第一次承认耶稣是基督,是上帝的受膏者。我们是多么迟钝,对耶稣神性的理解是多么迟钝!我们看也看不见。就这样,耶稣恩慈地继续通过祂的圣道和圣礼向我们显明祂自己。祂的圣灵在我们里面做工,使我们相信 “耶稣是基督”。- 主耶稣,求你帮助我们看见你是天父真正的儿子,是受膏的基督,是我们的先知、祭司和君王。求你以恩慈的方式掌管我们,直到永远。阿们。

8:31–9:1 Jesus warns that He has come to suffer, die, and rise and that everyone who follows Him must carry the cross. Temptation to avoid the anguish of the cross is great. A safe life tempts us to deny Christ and His cross. Yet, Jesus suffered for our salvation and promised to overcome Satan and all our foes. Jesus is the only one sufficient to exchange His life for ours. • Lord, thank You for accepting the disgrace and pain of the cross. Strengthen us to follow You from Your cross to Your glory. Amen.

8:31-9:1 耶稣警告说,祂来是要受苦、受死、复活,每一个跟随祂的人都必须背负十字架。逃避十字架痛苦的诱惑是巨大的。安逸的生活诱惑我们否认基督和祂的十字架。然而,耶稣为救赎我们而受苦,并应许战胜撒旦和我们所有的仇敌。惟有耶稣足以用祂的生命换取我们的生命。- 主啊,感谢你接受十字架的羞辱和痛苦。求你坚固我们,使我们跟随你,从你的十字架走向你的荣耀。阿们。