7:1–10 Jesus reveals His authority over every threatening foe, even death, by healing a centurion’s servant. How often we try everything else before turning to the Lord when we find ourselves in similar desperate straits! Through regular worship, devotional time, and the reception of the Sacrament, God’s Spirit brings us into a deeper and livelier trust in Jesus. • “May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart; My zeal inspire! As Thou hast died for me, Oh, may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire!” Amen. (LSB 702:2)
7:1-10 耶稣通过医治百夫长的仆人,显明了祂的权柄可以战胜一切威胁,甚至死亡。当我们发现自己处于类似的绝望境地时,我们往往会在求助主之前尝试其他一切可能得方法!通过定期的敬拜、灵修时间和领受圣餐,上帝的圣灵会让我们对耶稣有更深、更活泼的信靠。-我心衰微,愿你丰盛的恩典赐给我力量,激励我的热情!正如你为我而死,哦,愿我对你的爱纯洁、温暖、永不改变,成为不熄灭的火!” 阿们 (路德宗崇拜书 702:2)
7:11–17 Out of compassion for a widow who lost her only son, Jesus raises the young man back to life. Tragedy knows no bounds, striking people of every nation, age, and station in life. Thank God for His great compassion, that Jesus is the Savior for all people. The Gospel shows He has conquered every foe for us, even death and the grave. • “For us He rose from death again; For us He went on high to reign; For us He sent His Spirit here To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer.” Amen. (LSB 544:6)
7:11-17 出于对失去独子的寡妇的怜悯,耶稣使这个年轻人起死回生。悲剧是无止境的,它袭击着每个国家、每个年龄段和每个人生阶段的人。感谢上帝的大慈大悲,耶稣是所有人的救世主。福音书显示,祂为我们战胜了一切敌人,甚至死亡和坟墓。- “祂为我们从死里复活;祂为我们升到高处掌权;祂为我们差遣圣灵在此引导、坚固和鼓舞”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 544:6)
7:18–35 In response to doubt and criticism, Jesus affirms that He is indeed the Messiah announced by John and that John, who heralded His advent, is Israel’s greatest prophet. Yet, many will accept neither John’s thunderous warnings nor Jesus’ proclamation of the Good News of the kingdom. Such skepticism continues today. Thank God, conversion is God’s work through His Word. God’s Spirit continues to enlighten, sanctify, and keep us in the true faith. • “Holy Spirit, light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine; Chase the shades of night away, Turn the darkness into day.” Amen. (LSB 496:1)
7:18-35 面对怀疑和批评,耶稣肯定自己确实是约翰所宣布的弥赛亚,预言他降临的约翰是以色列最伟大的先知。然而,许多人既不接受约翰如雷贯耳的警告,也不接受耶稣宣布的天国好消息。这种怀疑态度一直持续到今天。感谢上帝,归信基督是上帝通过祂的话语所做的工作。上帝的圣灵会继续启迪我们,使我们成圣,并使我们保持真正的信仰。- “圣灵,神圣之光,照亮我的心房;驱散黑夜的阴影,将黑暗变为白昼”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 496:1)
7:36–50 Jesus teaches that even notorious sinners can be forgiven and restored; indeed, they sometimes become all the more devoted to God for having received greater deliverance. His teaching challenges us to consider: Do we act like the begrudging Pharisee or the grateful penitent? Do we trust that God can truly change people’s lives? By God’s Spirit, we grow daily in our appreciation of the fact that “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Rm 5:20). • “Chief of sinners though I be, Jesus shed His blood for me, Died that I might live on high, Lives that I might never die. As the branch is to the vine, I am His, and He is mine.” Amen. (LSB 611:1)
7:36-50 耶稣教导我们,即使是臭名昭著的罪人也可以得到赦免和重新站起来;事实上,他们有时会因为得到了更大的释放而对上帝更加忠诚。祂的教导让我们思考: 我们的行为是像牢骚满腹的法利赛人,还是心存感激的忏悔者呢?我们是否相信上帝能够真正改变人的生命?靠着上帝的灵,我们对 “只是罪在哪里显多,恩典就更显多了”(罗马书5:20)这一事实的领悟与日俱增。- 我虽是罪魁,耶稣为我流血;我死了,叫我活在高天;我活着,叫我永不死亡。如同枝子与葡萄树的关系,我是祂的,祂也是我的”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书611:1)
8:1–3 Jesus breaks with rabbinic tradition and allows women to become disciples. The Church likewise calls all its members to various forms of service. The Lord has appropriate forms of service for every member of His Kingdom, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social standing. He serves one and all by taking away their sins and giving them His Holy Spirit. • Give Your Church wisdom, O Lord, that she may be a faithful steward of all people baptized in Your name. Give me zeal for my own vocation and service, as well as the grace to encourage others. Amen.
8:1-3 耶稣打破拉比传统,允许妇女成为门徒。同样,教会也呼召所有成员参加各种形式的服侍。主为祂国度中的每一个成员都安排了适当的服侍方式,无论性别、种族或社会地位如何。并且我们知道,祂服侍所有人,除去他们的罪,赐给他们圣灵。- 主啊,请赐予教会智慧,让她忠心地服侍所有奉你的名受洗的人。赐我对自己的使命和服侍应有的热忱,以及主动鼓励他人的恩典。阿们。
8:4–8 Jesus warns that not everyone hearing God’s Word will have an enduring faith. Tragically, some hear the life-giving Gospel of Jesus but fail to produce the fruit of a Christian life, eventually dying in unbelief. Genuine faith, however, so transforms our lives that we joyfully serve the Lord in this world and enjoy eternal life. • “On what has now been sown Thy blessing, Lord, bestow; The pow’r is Thine alone To make it sprout and grow. Do Thou in grace the harvest raise, And Thou alone shalt have the praise!” Amen. (LSB 921:1)
8:4-8 耶稣警告说,并不是每个听到上帝话语的人都会有持久的信心。可悲的是,有些人听到了耶稣赐予生命的福音,却未能结出基督徒生命的果实,最终在不信中死去。然而,真正的信仰会改变我们的生活,让我们在这个世界上喜乐地侍奉主,享受永生。- 主啊,请赐福于你所撒下的种子;唯有你有能力使它发芽生长。你在恩典中使庄稼丰收,唯有你配得赞美!” 阿们 (路德宗崇拜书 921:1)
8:9–15 Jesus uses an agricultural metaphor to explain how the Gospel ministry works and why it is sometimes thwarted. As our own experience bears out, the sinful nature, the world, and the devil all resist the Holy Spirit, who calls people to faith and would lead them into committed discipleship. By God’s grace, however, our faith not only withstands trial and temptation but even grows stronger. The Christian’s faithful endurance is a testimony to Christ’s constant love. • “To Thee our wants are known, From Thee are all our pow’rs; Accept what is Thine own And pardon what is ours. Our praises, Lord, and prayers receive, And to Thy Word a blessing give.” Amen. (LSB 921:2)
8:9-15 耶稣用一个农业比喻来解释福音事工的运作方式,以及它为什么有时会受阻。正如我们自己的经历所证明的那样,罪性、世界和魔鬼都在抵挡圣灵,圣灵呼召人信主,并带领他们成为虔诚的门徒。然而,因着上帝的恩典,我们的信仰不仅经受住了考验和试探,甚至变得更加坚定。基督徒忠实的忍耐是基督恒久之爱的见证。- “我们的需要你都知晓,我们的能力都来自你;请接受本属于你的我们,赦免属于我们的罪恶。主啊,接受我们的赞美和祈祷,赐福于你的话语” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 921:2)
8:16–18 Jesus calls His followers to be just as transparent in their attitudes and irreproachable in their behavior as He is. However, we often fare poorly under such a glaring light, where our failures seem magnified. Nevertheless, when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1Jn 1:9). • Draw us ever to Your light, O Lord. Although it makes clear our unworthiness to stand in Your presence, it also removes our darkness and, by Your forgiving grace, restores us to the glory for which You created us. Amen.
8:16-18 耶稣要求祂的跟随者像祂一样态度透明,行为无可指责。然而,在这样耀眼的光芒下,我们的失败似乎更加显明了,我们常常黯淡无光。然而,当我们承认自己的罪时,祂是信实的,是公义的,必会赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义(约一1:9)。- 主啊,求你永远照亮我们。虽然它让我们明白我们不配站在你的面前,但它也消除了我们的黑暗,并以你宽恕的恩典,使我们恢复你起初创造我们时所拥有的荣耀。阿们。
8:19–21 By faith, we inherit the kingdom of God. Yet, fewer and fewer people break away from earthly cares and make time for the Church and the eternal fellowship God bestows through it. Those attending the Lord’s Table, however, enjoy an eternal family fellowship and a foretaste of the feast that goes on forever in God’s presence. • Lord, show us the need for both our earthly and Church families. By Your Spirit, increase our commitment to both our temporal and eternal relations; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
8:19-21 凭着信心,我们可以继承神的国。然而,越来越少的人愿意从尘世的烦恼中抽身,找时间来教会,享受上帝通过教会赐予的永恒团契。然而,那些来到主餐桌旁的人真是享受那永恒的家庭团契,并预尝在上帝面前永恒的盛宴。- 主啊,请向我们显明地上家庭和教会家庭的需要。藉着你的灵,增加我们对世俗和永恒关系的忠诚委身;通过我们的主耶稣基督我们如此祈祷。阿们。
8:22–25 After calming a storm, Jesus challenges His disciples to consider the answer to their question, “Who then is this?” Though any Christian can answer this question correctly while sitting in an armchair, it is a different matter altogether when facing trouble. Yet, when we are similarly overwhelmed, the risen Christ comes to our aid. • “Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still.” Amen. (LSB 710:3)
8:22-25 在平息了一场风暴之后,耶稣让门徒们思考问题 “这到底是谁 “的答案。虽然任何端详未经历风浪的基督徒都能正确回答这个问题,但在面对困难时就完全不同了。然而,当我们同样被困难压倒时,复活的基督也会来帮助我们。- “是的,我虽然行在死亡的幽谷,也不怕遭害;因为你与我同在,你的杖、你的竿仍安慰我”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书710:3)
8:26–39 Luke’s lengthiest report of an exorcism is also his most dramatic: in the Gerasene region, Jesus frees a deranged and menacing demoniac. The magnitude of this man’s suffering leads some—especially the pious—to dread evil spirits and wonder what prevents any of us from being the object of their attacks. Though we do well to take note that demons exist, we may also trust in Jesus, whose resurrection has disarmed the forces of sin, death, and even Satan. • “The pow’rs of death have done their worst, But Christ their legions hath dispersed. Let shouts of holy joy outburst. Alleluia!” Amen. (LSB 464:2)
8:26-39 路加关于驱魔赶鬼的报告篇幅最长,也最富戏剧性:在格拉森地区,耶稣释放了一个精神错乱、来势汹汹的疯子。这个人所遭受的痛苦之大让一些人–尤其是虔诚的人–害怕邪灵,并想知道是什么保护我们避免成为邪灵攻击的对象。虽然我们应该注意到魔鬼的存在,但我们更应该信靠耶稣,因为祂的复活解除了罪恶、死亡甚至撒旦的权势。- “死亡的权势作恶多端,但基督已经驱散群魔。让圣洁的欢呼爆发吧。哈利路亚!” 阿们 (路德宗崇拜书 464: 2)
8:40–56 After displaying His mastery over nature and demons, Jesus shows His authority over incurable illness and even death. Just as the disciples despaired in the face of danger (v 25), we also sometimes despair as catastrophe looms. But Jesus can deal with any problem. His sacrificial death and victorious resurrection prove that He can overcome even the gravest threat. • “O Lord God, the just Judge, strong and patient, You know the frailty and wickedness of men. Be my strength, and all my trust, for my own conscience does not suffice for me. Although I know nothing by myself, yet I cannot hereby justify myself; for without Your mercy, in Your sight shall no man living be justified. Amen.” (Thom K, TLWA, p 231)
8:40-56 在展示了祂对自然和魔鬼的掌控之后,耶稣又展示了祂对不治之症甚至死亡的权柄。正如门徒们在危险面前绝望一样(第 25 节),我们有时也会在灾难迫近时绝望。但耶稣可以解决任何问题。祂牺牲的死亡和胜利的复活证明,即使是最严重的威胁,祂也能克服。- 耶和华神啊,公义的审判者,有能力又有忍耐恩慈,你知道人的软弱和邪恶。求祢成为我的力量,成为我一切的倚靠,因为我自己的良心不能安抚我。虽然我不觉得自己有错,但我不能因此使自己称义;因为没有你的怜悯,在你眼前,活着的人没有一个可以称义。阿们”。(汤姆.凯,TLWA主必应允,第231页)