
14:1–6 Jesus exposes His enemies’ inconsistencies and cruelty. Today, we are also tempted to build our religion on human tradition (rather than on God’s Word) and then to condemn others on the basis of our traditions. Jesus holds the well-being of God’s children above all. Still, He reaches out to us in mercy, despite the indifference or rejection of others. • Jesus, look upon us in our need, heal us, and dismiss us with Your blessing. Amen.

14:1-6 耶稣揭露了祂敌人的前后矛盾和残忍。今天,我们也会受到诱惑,将我们的宗教建立在人类传统(而非上帝的话语)之上,然后根据我们的传统谴责他人。耶稣将上帝儿女的福祉看得高于一切。尽管他人漠不关心或拒绝接受,祂仍然向我们伸出怜悯之手。- 耶稣啊,求你看顾我们,供应我们所需,医治我们,用你的祝福驱散我们。阿们。

14:7–11 Jesus illustrates how pride leads to humiliation. Let others praise you or promote you rather than praise and promote yourself. No matter what others say or do, your greatest promotion is when the heavenly Father calls you His beloved child, through Christ. • Grant me a humble and steadfast heart, O Lord, to see myself as You see me. Amen.

14:7-11 耶稣说明了骄傲如何导致羞辱。让别人赞美你或提升你,而不是赞美和提升你自己。无论别人说什么或做什么,当天父通过基督称你为祂所爱的儿女时,才是对你最大的抬举。- 主啊,求你赐给我一颗谦卑坚定的心,像你看我一样看自己。阿们。

14:12–24 God’s invitations overcome people’s rejections. Too often God’s gifts are more important to us than He, the giver, is. But God is persistent. He reaches out again and again wherever His servants carry the Good News, so that all may receive His gracious invitation. • O Lord, by grace move us to treasure most the invitation to fill Your house and love those despised by the world. Amen.

14:12-24 上帝的邀请胜过人们的拒绝。对我们来说,上帝的恩赐往往比祂自己–就是我们施恩者–更重要。但上帝是坚持不懈的。无论祂的仆人在哪里传递好消息,祂都会一次又一次地伸出援手,让所有人都能接受祂的邀请。- 主啊,求你用恩典感动我们,让我们最为珍惜你的邀请为要你的家室充满,爱那些被世人鄙视的人。阿们。

14:25–33 Jesus illustrates the unconditional nature of discipleship. Consider well the radical demands of following Jesus, and be ready to meet them. Yet, count also the demands our salvation placed on the Son of God, who gave up all things for us. He is your tower and refuge of strength. • “Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee.” Amen. (LSB 783:6)

14:25-33 耶稣说明了作门徒的无条件性质。好好想想跟随耶稣的巨大要求,并准备好满足这些要求。然而,也要考虑到我们的救赎让上帝之子所做的,祂为我们放弃了一切。祂是你的高塔和力量的避难所。- “带着我,我将永远,全部只为你” 阿们 。(路德宗崇拜书 783:6)

14:34–35 Christ’s people are “the salt of the earth” (Mt 5:13), purifying and seasoning it, because Christ is within them. He makes us Christians through God’s Word. • Spare us, O Christ, from a weak and insipid faith, that the world may taste and see that You are good. Amen.

14:34-35 基督的子民是 “地上的盐”(太5:13),洁净并调和大地,因为基督就在他们中间。祂通过上帝的话语使我们成为基督徒。- 基督啊,求你饶恕我们软弱无力的信仰,让世人可以品尝并看见你的美善。阿们。

15:1–7 In the first of three similar parables, Jesus uses the devotion of a shepherd to illustrate God’s willingness to find the wayward sinner. God does not abandon us to our foolishness but seeks us out, calling us to repentance and to faith in the Gospel. • Bring us home, dear Lord, and let there be joy in heaven. Grant us daily repentance. Amen.

15:1-7 在三个类似寓言的第一个中,耶稣用牧羊人的专心来说明上帝愿意寻找迷途的罪人。上帝不会抛弃我们在愚昧当中灭亡,而是寻找我们,呼唤我们悔改,相信福音。- 带我们回家吧,亲爱的主,让天堂充满喜乐。赐予我们每日的悔改。阿们。

15:8–10 The unrepentant sinner is like a coin lost in the darkness. Once lost, we have no more ability to find the Lord than the coin has to find its owner. Yet, the good news of Christ gives “light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death” (1:79). • Thank You, merciful Lord, for seeking us when we had no power to seek You. Amen.

15:8-10 不悔改的罪人就像一枚在黑暗中丢失的硬币。一旦迷失,我们就没有能力找到主,就像硬币找不到它的主人一样。然而,基督的好消息给了 “坐在黑暗中死荫里的人”那大光(1:79)。- 感谢你,仁慈的主,感谢你在我们没有能力寻找你的时候寻找我们。阿们。

15:11–32 God found us when we were far from Him. We are in no position to begrudge His grace similarly given to others, no matter how unworthy they appear to us. How meagerly we celebrate Baptism and public declarations of faith! God calls us to a joyful celebration, not only of our own salvation, but also for the salvation of our brothers and sisters. • Father, as You welcome me, grant me joy in welcoming others. Amen.

15:11-32 当我们远离神的时候,神找到了我们。我们没有资格因为祂同样赐给他人的恩典而发牢骚,无论他们在我们看来多么不配。我们对洗礼和公开宣告信仰的庆祝是多么暗淡!上帝呼召我们欢庆,不仅是为了我们自己的得救,也是为了我们兄弟姐妹的得救。- 天父,当你欢迎我的时候,请赐予我欢迎他人的喜乐。阿们。

16:1–13 Guard against becoming enslaved to the pursuit of wealth. Instead, use money for godly and eternal purposes. God offers us lasting treasure in Christ, and so a true perspective on money and goods. • Deliver us, Father, from the love of money, but increase our love for You and for one another. Amen.

16:1-13 谨防成为追求财富的奴隶。相反,要将金钱用于敬虔和永恒的目的。上帝在基督里赐给我们永恒的财富,因此我们要对金钱和物质有真正的认识。- 天父,求你救我们脱离对金钱的爱,让我们对你和对彼此的爱更多一些。阿们。

16:14–17 It is tempting to lay aside the inconvenient portions of God’s Law. Yet, every Word of God is precious and for our edification. Praise God, we do not need to justify ourselves. The good news of His kingdom releases us from sin and gives new life. • Lord, teach us to treasure the Law and the Gospel as Your good gifts, fulfilled for us in Christ Jesus. Amen.

16:14-17 把上帝律法中不方便的部分搁置一边是很诱人的。然而,上帝的每一句话都是宝贵的,都是为了造就我们。赞美上帝,我们不需要为自己辩解。神国度的好消息将我们从罪恶中释放出来,并赐予我们新的生命。- 主啊,求你教导我们珍惜律法和福音,它们是你的恩赐,在基督耶稣里为我们成就。阿们。

16:18 Marital fidelity is to be preserved, for marriage is the blessing of a lifelong partnership. Pray for your spouse in the love of the heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus. His faithfulness avails for our forgiveness and salvation. • Sanctify our marriages, O blessed Savior. Amen.

16:18 要保持婚姻的忠诚,因为婚姻是终身伴侣的祝福。在天上新郎耶稣的爱中为你的配偶祷告。祂的信实会使我们得到宽恕和救赎。- 当称颂的救赎主啊,求你圣化我们的婚姻。阿们。

16:19–31 Jesus challenges the belief that earthly blessings are a sign of God’s eternal favor. He teaches us to heed the Word of God now while faithful mercy can be shown, for this is God’s good and gracious will. • Lord, teach me to read and trust in Your gift of Moses, the Prophets, and all faithful witnesses to the Gospel. May my tongue speak now of Your grace for all who have ears to hear. Amen.

16:19-31 耶稣向 “尘世的祝福是上帝永恒恩宠的标志 “这一观点提出了挑战。祂教导我们,在信实的怜悯仍然可见的时候,我们要听从上帝的话语,因为这是上帝美好而仁慈的旨意。- 主啊,教导我阅读并相信你赐予我们的摩西五经、先知书和所有忠实的福音见证。愿我的舌头为所有聆听者诉说你的恩典。阿们。

17:1–4 Disciples need to guard the faith of others with forgiveness and a helping hand. Exercise special care for the young and the young in faith. How ready God is to forgive, as He demonstrates in the love of Christ. • Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Amen.

17:1-4 门徒需要以宽恕和帮助之手守护他人的信仰。对年轻人和初信者给予特别的关怀。上帝是多么愿意饶恕人,正如祂在基督的爱中所表明的那样。- 免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。阿们。

17:5–6 The tiniest faith accomplishes remarkable things. Like the apostles, we may feel a weakness in our faith. Today, pray for the Lord’s strength. His gift of faith is anything but weak, and He will grant you strength to accomplish the impossible. • I believe; help my unbelief, O Lord. Increase my faith in You. Amen.

17:5-6 最微小的信心也能成就非凡的事。就像使徒们一样,我们可能会感到信心的软弱。今天,祈求主的力量。祂所赐的信心并不软弱,祂会赐给你力量去完成不可能的事。- 主啊,我相信;请帮助我的不信。增加我对你的信心。阿们。

17:7–10 We owe God our full service and truly can do Him no favors. God does not owe us thanks for our obedience. In Christ, He does not forever punish us for our disobedience but forgives us graciously. When He returns, we will eat and drink in His kingdom as He has served us. • Grant me a willing heart and able hands, O Lord, to render thanks to You and care to my neighbors. Amen.

17:7-10 我们欠上帝的是我们的全部服务,我们确实不能帮祂任何忙。上帝不会因为我们的顺服而感谢我们。在基督里,祂不会永远惩罚我们的不顺服,而是仁慈地宽恕我们。当祂再来时,我们将在祂的国度里吃喝,就像祂服侍我们一样。- 主啊,求你赐给我一颗乐意的心和一双能干的手,让我向你献上感谢,向我的邻舍献上关怀。阿们。

17:11–19 Jesus commends the faith of a Samaritan leper who alone gives thanks for his healing. Daily God’s mercy extends to the unworthy—including you. Give praise to Him, who bore no grudge toward you but came to save you. • Thanks be to You, O God, as we go our way, made whole by Jesus. Amen.
17:11-19 耶稣赞扬了一个撒玛利亚麻风病人的信心,只有他一个人为自己的痊愈感恩。每天,上帝的怜悯都会延伸到不配的人身上–包括你。赞美那不怨恨你、却来拯救你的主。- 神啊,感谢你,因着耶稣我们得痊愈并且继续前行。阿们。

17:20–37 The kingdom of God will come unexpectedly, but surely, to all. Live in daily repentance rather than put off repentance or take confidence that you can discern the day of Christ’s return. Take comfort that we can trust in the Son of Man, who suffered and was rejected for us, so that His Father would not reject us. • Come, Lord Jesus. Take Your people home. Amen.

17:20-37 神的国将不期而至,但肯定会临到所有人。活在每日的悔改中,而不是推迟悔改,也不要自信你能辨别基督再来的日子。安慰自己,我们可以信靠人子,祂为我们受苦并被弃绝,这样祂的父就不会弃绝我们。- 来吧,主耶稣。带你的子民回家。阿们。

18:1–8 If even an unworthy judge responds to persistence, God certainly hears His people’s faithful prayers. Pray without ceasing (1Th 5:17). God will answer speedily as He has promised in Christ. • Lord, grant me enduring faith and persistence in the face of every trouble. Amen.

18:1-8 如果连一个不配的法官都会回应坚持不懈的恳求,那么神肯定会垂听祂子民忠心的祷告。要不住地祷告(帖前 5:17)。神会按照祂在基督里所应许的迅速回应。- 主啊,求你赐给我恒久的信心和坚持,让我面对每一个困难。阿们。

18:9–14 The Pharisee excludes himself from God’s gift of righteousness, while the penitent tax collector embraces it. Today, beware of the complacency of measuring your goodness against others. Measure yourself against God’s standards—then repent. God is ready to justify the worst of sinners by His generous grace in Christ. • God, be merciful to me, a sinner. Amen.

18:9-14 法利赛人把自己排除在上帝所赐的义之外,而悔改的税吏却拥抱了神的义。今天,要谨防拿别人的坏来衬托自己的好­,这种自满情绪。要用上帝的标准衡量自己,然后悔改。上帝已准备好用祂在基督里的慷慨恩典为最坏的罪人开脱。- 上帝,请怜悯我这个罪人。阿们。

18:15–17 Jesus includes children in His kingdom and teaches that we must be like them to enter the kingdom. No one has a greater claim to the kingdom than a newly baptized infant, whom Jesus welcomes with loving arms—that is grace. • Give us grace to receive Your kingdom, O Lord, as babies welcome and trust their parents’ loving arms. Amen.

18:15-17 耶稣将儿童纳入祂的国度,并教导我们必须像儿童一样才能进入祂的国度。没有人比刚受洗的婴儿更有资格进入祂的国度,耶稣用爱的臂膀欢迎他们,这就是恩典。- 主啊,请赐给我们恩典,让我们接受你的国度,就像婴儿欢迎和信任父母的爱的臂膀一样。阿们。

18:18–30 Wealth, works, and personal sacrifice cannot save. However, any sacrifice made for God’s kingdom is amply compensated in this life and in the life to come. Heaven is our inheritance by our loving Father’s grace alone. Yet, in generosity, He will also reward us as we care for one another here. • The blessings You give, generous Father, are impossibly out of our reach. Lift us up by the grace of Your Son, our Savior, that we may receive all You have prepared for us. Amen.

18:18-30 财富、工作和个人牺牲都不能拯救人。然而,为上帝的国度所做的任何牺牲都会在今生和来世得到充分的补偿。天堂是我们的遗产,这唯独是出于我们慈爱天父的恩典。然而,当我们在这里彼此关怀时,祂也会慷慨地奖赏我们。- 慷慨的天父,你所赐予的祝福是我们无法企及的。请以你儿子–我们的救主–的恩典抬举我们,使我们可以接受你为我们预备的一切。阿们。

18:31–34 As in ch 9, Jesus explains the culmination of His ministry in suffering, death, and resurrection. Today, do not settle for a glorious vision of Jesus that does not include the cross. God has fulfilled His glorious promises of prophecy in His Son. Jesus retains His scars (24:40) as pledges of His love for you. • Let not sin shield our eyes, O Father, from the truth of Jesus, who bore the cross to be our Savior. Amen.

18:31-34 如同第 9 章,耶稣解释了祂的事工高峰是祂的受苦、受死和复活。今天,不要满足于没有十字架的耶稣荣耀的异象。上帝在祂儿子身上实现了祂预言中的荣耀应许。耶稣保留了自己的伤疤(24:40),作为祂爱你们的保证。- 天父啊,不要让罪遮蔽我们的眼睛,让我们看不见耶稣的真理,祂背负十字架成为我们的救主。阿们。

18:35–43 A blind beggar overcomes the crowd and cries for sight. Today, persist in prayer and in faith. Jesus, great David’s greater Son, brings health and salvation to all who believe. • Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Let me see You clearly and confess You truly. Amen.

18:35-43 一个瞎眼的乞丐在真人群中挣扎着要见主,呼求看见。今天,要坚持祷告和信心。耶稣,伟大大卫的更伟大子孙,为所有相信的人带来医治和救赎。- 耶稣,大卫的子孙,求你怜悯我!让我清楚地看见你,真实地承认你。阿们。

19:1–10 Jesus saves Zacchaeus by visiting him with mercy. Followers of Jesus dare never begrudge the mercy others have received. The Gospel can save one sinner who repents just as well as another. The saving love of Jesus seeks and reaches out to all people. • Lord, in Your name, we welcome all who repent and share in the forgiveness we have received. Grant us willing hearts to share the Gospel freely. Amen.

19:1-10 耶稣怜悯撒该,拜访他的家,拯救了他。耶稣的追随者永远不应该抱怨别人得到的怜悯。福音可以拯救一个悔改的罪人,也可以拯救另一个悔改的罪人。耶稣的救赎之爱会寻找并向所有人伸出援手。- 主啊,奉你的名,我们欢迎所有悔改的人,分享我们所得到的赦免。请赐予我们一颗愿意自由分享福音的心。阿们。

19:11–27 Our returning King will abolish all opposition to His kingdom and will honor those who faithfully served Him. Never take God’s Word for granted, hoarding the gifts you have received. Christ calls you to share His Word faithfully, and He is ever generous and merciful toward you. His gifts work effectively in your life, and, through you, in the lives of others. • Grant, O generous Lord, that we may always remain faithful in our stewardship of Your gifts. Amen.

19:11-27 我们将要再来的王将废除一切反对祂国度的势力,并将荣耀加给那些忠心侍奉祂的人。永远不要把上帝的话语视为理所当然,囤积你所得到的礼物。基督呼召你忠实地分享祂的话语,祂对你永远慷慨仁慈。祂的恩赐会在你的生命中有效地发挥作用,并通过你在他人的生命中发挥作用。- 慷慨的主啊,求你让我们在管理你的礼物时始终保持忠诚。阿们。

19:28–40 Jesus fulfills OT prophecy and is acclaimed the messianic King. Take joy in the reign of your Savior, who answers prayers with wonder and grants abiding peace. • “O Lord, how shall I meet You, How welcome You aright? Your people long to greet You, My hope, my heart’s delight!” Amen. (LSB 334:1)

19:28-40 耶稣实现了《罗马书》的预言,被尊为弥赛亚王。在救世主的统治中喜乐吧,祂奇妙地回应祷告,赐予永恒的平安。- 主啊,我该如何迎接你?你的子民渴望迎接你,我的希望,我心中的喜悦!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 334:1)

19:41–44 Jesus weeps over Jerusalem’s present blindness and future fate. His heart still breaks for those who have not yet received His Word. Pray for your family, friends, and neighbors, that they would receive Jesus, who came in compassion to seek and save the lost. • “Ride on, ride on in majesty! In lowly pomp ride on to die. Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain, Then take, O God, Thy pow’r and reign.” Amen. (LSB 441:5)

19:41-44 耶稣为耶路撒冷现在的盲目和未来的命运而哭泣。祂仍然为那些尚未接受祂话语的人心碎。要为你的家人、朋友和邻居祷告,好让他们接受耶稣,祂满怀怜悯地来寻找和拯救失丧的人。- 骑着马,威严地骑着马!以卑微的姿态去赴死。”低下你温顺的头颅,接受死亡的痛苦” “上帝啊,你要显大能并且要掌权” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 441: 5)

19:45–48 Jesus goes directly to the temple to cleanse it for proper services: the hearing of God’s Word. Today, beware of worldly distractions from the Lord’s Word. Hang on to it, for Jesus cleanses our hearts by faith in His Holy Word. • Cleanse us, O Savior, from everything that would separate us from Your Holy Word and Your gracious reign. Amen.

19:45-48 耶稣直接前往圣殿,洁净圣殿,以便开展适当的礼拜:聆听上帝的话语。今天,要谨防世俗的干扰,因为它要我们远离主的话语。紧紧抓住主的话语,因为耶稣通过我们对祂圣言的信靠洁净了我们的心灵。- 救世主啊,洁净我们,使我们远离一切使我们与你的圣言和你的仁慈统治分离的事物。阿们。

20:1–8 Jesus would not allow detractors to take away His right to teach in the temple. His teaching still commands authority and priority today over all other teaching. Subject all things to His reign and the wisdom of His Word. Pray for bold faith that rightly honors Christ and His prophets. He claims you as His holy temple, that He may rule your heart in forgiveness, peace, and love. • “ ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ That ancient song we sing; For Christ is our Redeemer, The Lord of heav’n our King. Oh, may we ever praise Him With heart and life and voice And in His blissful presence Eternally rejoice!” Amen. (LSB 443:3)

20:1-8 耶稣不允许诋毁者剥夺祂在圣殿中教导的权利。今天,祂的教导仍然具有权威性,优先于所有其他教导。让一切都服从祂的统治和祂话语的智慧。为自己拥有勇敢的信心祷告,使其正确地尊崇基督和祂的先知。祂称你为祂的圣殿,让祂在宽恕、平安和爱中掌管你的心。- “‘和散那在至高之处!’ 我们唱着这首古老的歌;因为基督是我们的救赎主,是天上的主,是我们的王。哦,愿我们永远用心、用生命、用歌声赞美祂,在祂幸福的同在中永远欢欣!” 阿们。 (路德宗崇拜书443:3)

20:9–18 By parable and psalm, Jesus warns against rejecting the Messiah. God’s mission in Christ will succeed; we reject it at our great peril. Despite all opposition, God will build His Church on the crucified and resurrected Jesus. • O God, grant that we may always build our heavenly hope on the one sure cornerstone You have provided, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

20:9-18 耶稣通过比喻和诗歌警告我们不要拒绝弥赛亚。上帝在基督里的使命必将成功;我们拒绝它,后果将不堪设想。尽管有种种反对,上帝仍把祂的教会建立在被钉十字架并复活的耶稣身上。- 上帝啊,求你赐福我们,让我们永远把属天的盼望建立在你所提供的一块稳固的基石上,我们的主耶稣基督。阿们。

20:19–26 Jesus outwits His opponents and teaches the proper relationship between earthly authority and God. Not even the legitimate claims of government usurp our loyalty to God. Jesus’ perfect allegiance to His Father brought the state’s condemnation, that He might forgive our divided allegiance. • Lord, grant that we may serve You faithfully as citizens in this world. Amen.

20:19-26 耶稣智胜对手,教导世俗权威与上帝之间的正确关系。即使是政府的合法要求也不能篡夺我们对上帝的忠诚。耶稣对天父的完美效忠受到政权的谴责,好让祂可以宽恕我们对祂的不忠。- 主啊,请赐予我们恩典,使我们作为这个世界的公民忠心地侍奉你。阿们。

20:27–40 Jesus demonstrates that the Lord is the God of the living. The patriarchs, though dead from an earthly perspective, are still alive with God. Our human reason dare not come between us and God’s sure promises. Jesus’ certain resurrection shows that He is our living God and hope of life. • I praise You, Lord of life, for the resurrection promised in Your Word. Grant me faithfulness unto the Last Day. Amen.

20:27-40 耶稣表明,主是活人的神。从尘世的角度来看,先祖们虽然死了,但他们在上帝那里仍然活着。我们人类的理性万不可抵挡上帝确实的应许。耶稣毫无质疑的复活事件表明,祂是我们永生的上帝和生命的希望。- 我赞美你,生命之主,因你话语中应许的复活。请赐我忠心,直到末日。阿们。

20:41–44 Only the incarnation can answer Jesus’ question. He is both man, David’s son, and God, David’s Lord. Reason dare not reduce the truths of Scripture. David’s son has become our Lord through His death and resurrection, and the Father has exalted Jesus to His right hand. • “Hail him, ye heirs of David’s line, Whom David Lord did call, The God incarnate, man divine, And crown Him Lord of all.” Amen. (LSB 549:4)

20:41-44 只有道成肉身这一历史事件才能回答耶稣的问题。他既是人,大卫的儿子,又是神,大卫的主。理性万不可贬低圣经的真理。大卫的儿子通过祂的死和复活成为了我们的主,天父将耶稣升到了祂的右手边。- “大卫的后裔们,向祂欢呼吧,他是大卫的主,是上帝成为人,是神人,为祂加冕,祂是万有之主” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书549:4)

20:45–47 Jesus warns His disciples not to be impressed by the scribes’ display. Do not practice the faith simply to impress others. In contrast, for your salvation, Jesus “made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant. . . . He humbled Himself” (Php 2:7–8). • Lord, grant me the humility and mind of Christ. Amen.

20:45-47 耶稣警告门徒不要被文士的光鲜外表所迷惑。不要仅仅为了给别人留下好印象而实践信仰。相反,为了拯救你们,耶稣 “虚己,取了奴仆的形象. . .自己卑微”(腓2:7-8)。- 主啊,请赐予我基督的谦卑和心胸。阿们。