He was a missionary to China, 1916-1927, a coworker of Eduard Louis Arndt; a professor @Concordia Seminary, Hankow, China, 1930-1937; Concordia Seminary, Wanhsieh, China, 1939-1941. He taught @ the seminary in Chia Yi, Tawain, 1956-1963; he was the editor of the Chinese “Lutheran Witness:, 1936-1937. He translated J. J. Mueller’s “Christian Dogmatics” into Chinese as well as T.G. Tappert’s “Book of Concord”.
李天德牧师,1916年到1927年间,他在中国做宣教士,与Edward Louis Arndt同工;1930-1937年在中国汉口的协同神学院做教授;1939-1941年在中国武汉的协同神学院服侍。1956-1963年在中国台湾嘉义的神学院教书;他在1936-1937年间做中文《路德宗见证》杂志的编辑。他翻译过穆勒的 《基督教教义》和Tappert版的 《协同书》。
Frieda was his second wife. I believe Carmelia Sophia Katherine Becher was his first wife. They had the following children: Dorothea, Paul, John, Marie, Gerhard, Joseph, Theodore and Herbert.
Carmelia是第一任妻子(1948年去世);第二任妻子叫Frieda (1984年去世); 李牧师有八位子女:Dorothea, Paul, John, Marie, Gerhard, Joseph, Theodore and Herbert.