11:1–13 Jesus teaches that Christian prayers are unfailingly heard because God has promised to hear us, and He always keeps His promises. Were prayer to depend on us, we could never be sure of God’s response, because sin corrupts completely. We can depend on God to keep His promise to hear us and answer us because He never breaks His word. Prayer is a blessed opportunity granted by the Gospel. • “What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Ev’rything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit; Oh, what needless pain we bear—All because we do not carry Ev’rything to God in prayer!” Amen. (LSB 770:1)
11:1-13 耶稣教导我们说,基督徒的祷告一定会蒙垂听,因为神已经应许会垂听我们的祷告,而且祂总是信守自己的诺言。如果祷告需要靠我们自己,我们就永远无法确定上帝的回应,因为罪会败坏一切。我们可以依靠神信守祂的诺言,即祂必聆听我们,回应我们,因为祂从不食言。祷告是福音赐予我们的一个蒙福的机会。- “我们在耶稣里有一位多么好的朋友啊!我们所有的罪孽和忧伤都由祂来承担!在祷告中向上帝倾诉一切是何等的荣幸!哦,我们常常失去何等的平安;哦,我们承受何等无谓的痛苦–都是因为我们没有在祷告中把一切带到上帝面前!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书770:1)
11:14–23 Jesus responds to accusations that He performs exorcisms by Satan’s power. He points out just how self-defeating that would be. Sadly, however, people continue to misunderstand Jesus. They place themselves in an equally self-defeating position when they listen to and follow Satan. What good news, then, to hear that Jesus has overcome the devil and opened God’s kingdom to all who hear His Word and follow Him. • Lord, Your Son has overcome even sin, death, and the devil for us. Lead us to abide in Him steadfastly until the end. Amen.
11:14-23 耶稣回应了关于祂靠撒旦的力量驱魔的指责。祂说,这种情形若是真的,还是多么愚昧且自我摧毁。然而可悲的是,人们继续误解耶稣。当他们听从和追随撒旦时,他们将自己置于同样自取灭亡的境地。那么,耶稣战胜了魔鬼,为所有聆听祂的话语并跟随祂的人开启了上帝的国度,这是多么好的消息啊。- 主啊,你的儿子甚至为我们战胜了罪、死亡和魔鬼。引领我们坚定地住在祂里面,直到最后。阿们。
11:24–26 A person healed of demon possession could fall into such trouble again. Thus, it is a grave mistake to imagine that we can receive the Gospel, come to Jesus, and yet continue in destructive ways and return to our sins. Thankfully, God promises to fill those who repent with His own Spirit and bless us through His Word and Sacraments, that we may be whole. • “Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, And make our hearts Your place of rest; Come with Your grace and heav’nly aid, And fill the hearts which You have made.” Amen. (LSB 499:1)
11:24-26 被鬼附的人痊愈后,可能会再次陷入困境。因此,以为我们可以一边接受福音,归向耶稣,一边却继续走破坏性的道路,返回到我们的罪中,这是一个严重的错误。值得庆幸的是,上帝应许用祂自己的圣灵充满那些悔改的人,并通过祂的话语和圣礼祝福我们,使我们可以得医治,成为完整的人。- “来吧,圣灵,当称颂的造物主,让我们的心成为你的安息之地;带着你的恩典和属天祐助来吧,充满你所造的心”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书499:1)
11:27–28 Jesus teaches that hearing His Word and faithfully putting it into practice heaps praise on Him. He continually extends His Word and unfailingly delivers the blessings it promises. • Lord, help me not only to hear Your Word but also to keep it in a pure heart and thereby produce a fruitful life of service. Amen.
11:27-28 耶稣教导我们,聆听祂的话语并忠实地将其付诸实践,就会得到祂的赞美。祂不断地传扬祂的话语,不折不扣地兑现它所应许的祝福。- 主啊,求你帮助我,不仅聆听你的话语,而且将它铭记于纯洁的心中,从而在侍奉的生活中结出丰硕的果实。阿们。
11:29–32 Jesus contrasts the stubborn unbelief of His own people with Gentiles who believed God’s Word and turned to Him in repentance. Such unfavorable comparisons remind us that, though we enjoy the privilege of being called God’s people today, we can certainly lose our salvation by turning away from the Lord. Happily, the One who called us is faithful. He will lead us to repentance and see us through to life eternal. • “O blessed Jesus, by Your own blood You have purchased for Yourself a church here upon earth. Make me truly sensible of the honor You have done me, in making me a member of Your church, and admitting me by my Baptism into the participation of all those blessings You have bestowed upon it. Amen.” (Ger, TLWA, p 275)
11:29-32 耶稣将自己子民的顽固不化与相信神话语并悔改归向祂的外邦人作了对比。这种不好的对比提醒我们,虽然我们今天享有被称为上帝子民的特权,但我们肯定会因为背弃主而失去救赎。令人高兴的是,呼召我们的主是信实的。祂会引导我们悔改,看顾我们直到永生。- “哦,当称颂的耶稣,你用自己的宝血在地上为自己买了一个教会。让我真正感受到你给我的荣耀,让我成为你教会的一员,让我通过受洗参与你赐予教会的所有祝福。阿们”。(格尔,主必应允,第 275 页)
11:33–36 Jesus equates the Gospel with light and faith with a healthy eye. Some people remain in darkness because they reject the Gospel and will not allow the message of salvation to penetrate and dispel the darkness of their souls. The Lord moves us to appreciate that it is God Himself, through His Spirit, who illumines souls and preserves faith in hearts. • “Lord, who once came to bring, On Your redeeming wing, Healing and sight, Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the inly blind: Oh, now to humankind Let there be light!” Amen. (LSB Accompaniment for the Hymns 979:2)
11:33-36 耶稣把福音比作光,把信心比作健康的眼睛。有些人仍在黑暗中,因为他们拒绝福音,不允许救赎的信息穿透并驱散他们灵魂的黑暗。主让我们明白,是上帝自己通过祂的圣灵照亮了灵魂,保存了人心中的信仰。- “主啊,你曾展开救赎的翅膀,带来医治和光明,给心灵生病的人带来健康,给失明的人带来光明: 哦,让人类重获光明!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书伴奏版 979:2)
11:37–54 Jesus’ harshest criticisms are directed at those religious leaders and experts in Scripture who place their traditions above God’s Word and refuse God’s call to repentance. Measure all traditions against God’s Word, especially the standards of mercy Jesus emphasized. Give thanks to God for faithful traditions that agree with His Gospel, which alone grants us salvation in Christ. • “Not what I feel or do Can give me peace with God; Not all my prayers and sighs and tears Can bear my awful load. Thy work alone, O Christ, Can ease this weight of sin; Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God, Can give me peace within.” Amen. (LSB 567:2–3)
11:37-54 耶稣最严厉的批评是针对那些把自己的传统凌驾于上帝的话语之上、拒绝上帝呼召人悔改的宗教领袖和圣经专家们。你们要用上帝的话语,尤其是耶稣强调的仁慈标准来衡量所有传统。感谢上帝赐予我们符合真理的传统,因为这些传统与上帝的福音一致,唯有福音才能使我们在基督里得到救赎。- “我的感觉和行为不能使我与上帝和好;我所有的祷告、叹息和眼泪都不能承受我的重担。基督啊,唯有你的工作,才能减轻这罪恶的重担;上帝的羔羊啊,唯有你的宝血,才能给我内心的平安”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 567:2-3)
12:1–3 Jesus warns His disciples about the pitfalls of religious hypocrisy. Though justified by faith, Christians still have a sinful nature and so struggle daily with the challenge of living the faith sincerely. Because we are frequently tempted to hypocrisy and sometimes fail in the struggle, it is comforting to hear that God knows us as we truly are, yet remains committed to our repentance and our salvation. • Lord, You know me better than I know myself. Though aware of my many failures, You still love me and continue to forgive me. Receive my heartfelt thanks. Amen.
12:1-3 耶稣警告门徒要警惕宗教伪善的陷阱。基督徒虽然因信称义,但仍有罪性,因此每天都要面对真诚地活出信仰的挑战。我们经常受到虚伪的诱惑,有时还会在挣扎中失败,尽管上帝知道我们的真实面目,祂却仍然致力于我们的悔改和救赎,这是我们可以欣慰的。- 主啊,你比我更了解我自己。尽管你知道我有许多失败,但你仍然爱我,继续赦免我。请接受我衷心的感谢。阿们。
12:4–7 Jesus identifies fear as the root cause of hypocrisy. He assures us that His Father’s children have nothing to fear from others. Today, if we are honest about the things that trouble us most, we will have to admit that fear and worry are near the top of the list. This leads us to see all the more clearly the benefit of the Gospel, which assures us of God’s victory over everyone and everything threatening us. • “O little flock, fear not the foe Who madly seeks your overthrow; Dread not his rage and pow’r. And though your courage sometimes faints, His seeming triumph o’er God’s saints Lasts but a little hour.” Amen. (LSB 666:1)
12:4-7 耶稣指出恐惧是虚伪的根源。他向我们保证,天父的儿女无需惧怕他人。今天,如果我们诚实地说出最困扰我们的事情,我们就不得不承认,恐惧和忧虑几乎是我们的头等大事。这让我们更加清楚地看到福音的益处,它向我们保证,上帝会战胜所有威胁我们的人和事。- “小羊群啊,不要惧怕那位疯狂地想要推翻你们的敌人;不要害怕他的愤怒和权势。尽管你们的勇气有时会消退,但他看似对上帝圣徒的胜利,只能持续一小会儿” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 666:1)
12:8–12 Jesus teaches about the blessedness of confessing Him and the great dangers in denying Him and resisting His grace. In a culture increasingly hostile to traditional Christian belief, such warnings are timely, as the temptation to compromise our confession becomes more intense every day. Thank God for His Holy Spirit, who strives all the more for us and for the integrity of our faith. • Lord Jesus, give us a rich measure of Your Holy Spirit, that we boldly confess Your name before an increasingly faithless and hostile world. Turn the hearts of our enemies, that they receive Your salvation. Amen.
12:8-12 耶稣教导我们,承认祂的名是有福的,而否认祂和抗拒祂的恩典则是非常危险的。在一个日益敌视传统基督教信仰的文化中,这样的警告是及时的,因为妥协我们信仰告白的诱惑与日俱增。感谢主,感谢祂的圣灵,祂为我们和我们信仰的完整性更加努力。- 主耶稣,请赐给我们丰富的圣灵,让我们在这个越来越缺乏信仰、充满敌意的世界面前勇敢地承认你的名。让我们的敌人回心转意,接受你的救赎。阿们。
12:13–21 Jesus underlines the great danger of being rich in earthly things but poor toward God. In a consumer culture, the dangers of covetousness are often downplayed; in fact, some even try to make greed a virtue. In love for us, however, Jesus warns us against the self-destructive nature of covetousness and gives us new hearts, which He, the very source of life and goodness, fills with joyful satisfaction through the Gospel. • Heavenly Father, keep my eyes from becoming envious and my heart from self-destructive greed. Move me to find satisfaction in Your promises and to trust that You will more than provide for me and my loved ones. Amen.
12:13-21 耶稣强调了在属世的事物上富足但对上帝却吝啬的巨大危险。在这个消费文化中,贪婪的危险往往被淡化;事实上,有些人甚至试图把贪婪当作一种美德。然而,耶稣爱我们,警告我们要对付贪婪的自我毁灭本性,并赐给我们新的心,祂是生命和良善的源泉,通过福音用喜乐满足充满我们的心。- 天父啊,求你保守我的眼睛远离嫉妒,保守我的心远离自我毁灭的贪婪。求你感动我,让我在你的应许中找到满足,相信你会丰丰富富地供应给我和我所爱的人。阿们。
12:22–34 Jesus encourages His disciples to trust in God, their heavenly Father, since He will provide for all their needs. We need to take this exhortation to heart, because our fallen nature makes it difficult to look past ourselves and depend on another. But God’s faithfulness far exceeds our needs. He provides as He sees fit, giving us an abundance that we may share with others. • “Grant us hearts, dear Lord, to give You Gladly, freely of Your own. With the sunshine of Your goodness Melt our thankless hearts of stone Till our cold and selfish natures, Warmed by You, at length believe That more happy and more blessed ’Tis to give than to receive.” Amen. (LSB 851:2)
12:22-34 耶稣鼓励门徒信靠上帝,即他们的天父,因为祂会满足他们一切的需要。我们需要将这一劝告铭记于心,因为我们堕落的本性使我们难以转离自我中心的本性,进而靠赖除我以外的人。但上帝的信实远远超过我们的需要。祂会按自己的意愿供应,给我们丰盛的食物,让我们与他人分享。-“亲爱的主啊,请赐予我们一颗心,让我们欣然将从你而来的恩惠无偿地奉献在你面前。用你仁慈的阳光融化我们那颗不知感恩的石头心,直到我们冷漠自私的本性被你温暖,最终相信给予比接受更快乐、更有福”。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 851:2)
12:35–48 Jesus urges those in positions of leadership to faithfully discharge their duties. Following worldly examples, Christian leaders sometimes see their positions more in terms of privilege than responsibility. Jesus’ example of self-sacrifice, however, underscores the shallowness of such attitudes. We are moved to emulate His way of humble service because He was willing to endure all things for us, that we might share in His privileges. • “Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood.” Amen. (LSB 425:2)
12:35-48 耶稣敦促处于领导地位的人忠实地履行自己的职责。基督徒领袖有时会效仿世俗的榜样,认为他们的职位更多的是特权,而不是责任。然而,耶稣自我牺牲的榜样突出了这种态度的肤浅。我们被感动去效仿祂谦卑的侍奉方式,因为祂愿意为我们忍受一切,使我们可以分享祂的特权。- “主啊,求你不要让我夸口,若夸口,一定是指着基督我神的死亡;所有最能迷倒我的虚妄之事,我要焚烧献在祂的宝血面前。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 425:2)
12:49–53 Jesus expresses a deep desire to fulfill God’s plan of salvation once for all, even though it means going to the cross. The depth of His commitment naturally forces His followers to decide what is most important for them, as well. As you wrestle with so great a challenge, take comfort in the One who calls you. He is faithful. • Lord Jesus, when earthly relations cause me to make You and Your kingdom anything less than my first priority, strengthen me and lead me back into the way of life everlasting. Amen.
12:49-53 耶稣表达了要一劳永逸地实现上帝救赎计划的强烈愿望,即使这意味着要走上十字架。祂的承诺之深自然迫使祂的跟随者也决定什么对他们来说最重要。当你与如此巨大的挑战搏斗时,请在呼召你的那一位身上得到安慰。祂是信实的。- 主耶稣,当尘世的关系使我看你和你的国度不那么重要时,求你坚固我,引领我回到永生的道路上来。阿们。
12:54–56 Jesus condemns the unbelief of those beholding His miraculous signs who yet reject the obvious implications. Satan blinds the hearts of unbelievers even to this day. Only by God’s grace can we see clearly, as the Spirit opens our eyes through faith in Jesus Christ. • “Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see!” Amen. (LSB 744:1)
12:54-56 耶稣谴责那些看到祂的神迹却拒绝接受其明显含义的人。直到今天,撒旦仍在蒙蔽不信者的心。只有靠着上帝的恩典,圣灵通过我们对耶稣基督的信心打开我们的眼睛,我们才能看清楚。- “奇异的恩典–多么甜美的声音–拯救了像我这样的可怜虫!我曾迷失,如今被寻回;我曾瞎眼,如今能看见!” 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 744:1)
12:57–59 Jesus encourages His followers to repent and make peace quickly, lest a budding conflict escalate and spin out of control. His disciples are called not only to sacrifice possessions and relationships that hinder their way in the kingdom but also to avoid entangling disputes. Though hard feelings are often hard to let go, Jesus promises mercy and blessings for those who repent and receive His peace. • Lord, free me from any lingering resentment, ill will, or hatred toward another. Teach me to owe no one anything save the debt to love as You have loved us. Amen.
12:57-59 耶稣鼓励祂的门徒悔改,尽快讲和,以免冲突升级,失去控制。祂的门徒不仅要牺牲那些阻碍他们进入天国的财产和关系,还要避免纠缠不清的争端。虽然忧伤痛苦的感情往往难以释怀,但耶稣应许要怜悯那些悔改并接受祂的平安的人,并赐给他们祝福。- 主啊,求你释放我,使我不再对他人有任何怨恨、恶意或仇恨。教导我不欠任何人任何东西,只觉亏欠对他们的爱,因为你曾如此爱我们。阿们。